Examples of BundleWire

Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire


                        // Dynamically add new wire to importing revision.
                        if (dynamicWire != null)
                            BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire

                    new HashMap<String, BundleRevision>();
                Map<String, List<BundleRevision>> requiredPkgs =
                    new HashMap<String, List<BundleRevision>>();
                for (ResolverWire rw : resolverWires)
                    BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire


        BundleRevisionImpl bri = (BundleRevisionImpl) bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
        List<BundleRequirement> reqs = bri.getDeclaredRequirements(BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE);
        List<BundleCapability> caps = getCapabilities(BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE);
        BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(bri, reqs.get(0), m_systemBundleRevision, caps.get(0));
            new BundleWiringImpl(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire

            // Get the package.
            String pkgName =
            // Get package wiring from service requester.
            BundleRevision requesterRevision = requester.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
            BundleWire requesterWire = Util.getWire(requesterRevision, pkgName);
            BundleCapability requesterCap = Util.getPackageCapability(requesterRevision, pkgName);
            // Get package wiring from service provider.
            BundleRevision providerRevision = m_bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
            BundleWire providerWire = Util.getWire(providerRevision, pkgName);
            BundleCapability providerCap = Util.getPackageCapability(providerRevision, pkgName);

            // There are four situations that may occur here:
            //   1. Neither the requester, nor provider have wires for the package.
            //   2. The requester does not have a wire for the package.
            //   3. The provider does not have a wire for the package.
            //   4. Both the requester and provider have a wire for the package.
            // For case 1, if the requester does not have access to the class at
            // all, we assume it is using reflection and do not filter. If the
            // requester does have access to the class, then we make sure it is
            // the same class as the service. For case 2, we do not filter if the
            // requester is the exporter of the package to which the provider of
            // the service is wired. Otherwise, as in case 1, if the requester
            // does not have access to the class at all, we do not filter, but if
            // it does have access we check if it is the same class accessible to
            // the providing revision. For case 3, the provider will not have a wire
            // if it is exporting the package, so we determine if the requester
            // is wired to it or somehow using the same class. For case 4, we
            // simply compare the exporting revisions from the package wiring to
            // determine if we need to filter the service reference.

            // Case 1: Both requester and provider have no wire.
            if ((requesterWire == null) && (providerWire == null))
                // If requester has no access then true, otherwise service
                // registration must have same class as requester.
                    Class requestClass =
                        ((BundleWiringImpl) requesterRevision.getWiring())
                    allow = getRegistration().isClassAccessible(requestClass);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Requester has no access to the class, so allow it, since
                    // we assume the requester is using reflection.
                    allow = true;
            // Case 2: Requester has no wire, but provider does.
            else if ((requesterWire == null) && (providerWire != null))
                // If the requester exports the package, then the provider must
                // be wired to it.
                if (requesterCap != null)
                    allow = providerWire.getProviderWiring().getRevision().equals(requesterRevision);
                // Otherwise, check if the requester has access to the class and,
                // if so, if it is the same class as the provider.
                        // Try to load class from requester.
                        Class requestClass =((BundleWiringImpl)
                            // If requester has access to the class, verify it is the
                            // same class as the provider.
                            allow = (((BundleWiringImpl)
                                    .getClassByDelegation(className) == requestClass);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            allow = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Requester has no access to the class, so allow it, since
                        // we assume the requester is using reflection.
                        allow = true;
            // Case 3: Requester has a wire, but provider does not.
            else if ((requesterWire != null) && (providerWire == null))
                // If the provider exports the package, then the requester must
                // be wired to it.
                if (providerCap != null)
                    allow = requesterWire.getProviderWiring().getRevision().equals(providerRevision);
                // If the provider is not the exporter of the requester's package,
                // then try to use the service registration to see if the requester's
                // class is accessible.
                        // Load the class from the requesting bundle.
                        Class requestClass = ((BundleWiringImpl)
                        // Get the service registration and ask it to check
                        // if the service object is assignable to the requesting
                        // bundle's class.
                        allow = getRegistration().isClassAccessible(requestClass);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Filter to be safe.
                        allow = false;
            // Case 4: Both requester and provider have a wire.
                // Include service reference if the wires have the
                // same source revision.
                allow = providerWire.getProviderWiring().getRevision()

            return allow;
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire


                        // Dynamically add new wire to importing revision.
                        if (dynamicWire != null)
                            BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire

                    new HashMap<String, BundleRevision>();
                Map<String, List<BundleRevision>> requiredPkgs =
                    new HashMap<String, List<BundleRevision>>();
                for (ResolverWire rw : resolverWires)
                    BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire

            // Get the package.
            String pkgName =
            // Get package wiring from service requester.
            BundleRevision requesterRevision = requester.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
            BundleWire requesterWire = Util.getWire(requesterRevision, pkgName);
            BundleCapability requesterCap = Util.getPackageCapability(requesterRevision, pkgName);
            // Get package wiring from service provider.
            BundleRevision providerRevision = m_bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
            BundleWire providerWire = Util.getWire(providerRevision, pkgName);
            BundleCapability providerCap = Util.getPackageCapability(providerRevision, pkgName);

            // There are four situations that may occur here:
            //   1. Neither the requester, nor provider have wires for the package.
            //   2. The requester does not have a wire for the package.
            //   3. The provider does not have a wire for the package.
            //   4. Both the requester and provider have a wire for the package.
            // For case 1, if the requester does not have access to the class at
            // all, we assume it is using reflection and do not filter. If the
            // requester does have access to the class, then we make sure it is
            // the same class as the service. For case 2, we do not filter if the
            // requester is the exporter of the package to which the provider of
            // the service is wired. Otherwise, as in case 1, if the requester
            // does not have access to the class at all, we do not filter, but if
            // it does have access we check if it is the same class accessible to
            // the providing revision. For case 3, the provider will not have a wire
            // if it is exporting the package, so we determine if the requester
            // is wired to it or somehow using the same class. For case 4, we
            // simply compare the exporting revisions from the package wiring to
            // determine if we need to filter the service reference.

            // Case 1: Both requester and provider have no wire.
            if ((requesterWire == null) && (providerWire == null))
                // If requester has no access then true, otherwise service
                // registration must have same class as requester.
                    Class requestClass =
                        ((BundleWiringImpl) requesterRevision.getWiring())
                    allow = getRegistration().isClassAccessible(requestClass);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Requester has no access to the class, so allow it, since
                    // we assume the requester is using reflection.
                    allow = true;
            // Case 2: Requester has no wire, but provider does.
            else if ((requesterWire == null) && (providerWire != null))
                // If the requester exports the package, then the provider must
                // be wired to it.
                if (requesterCap != null)
                    allow = providerWire.getProviderWiring().getRevision().equals(requesterRevision);
                // Otherwise, check if the requester has access to the class and,
                // if so, if it is the same class as the provider.
                        // Try to load class from requester.
                        Class requestClass =((BundleWiringImpl)
                            // If requester has access to the class, verify it is the
                            // same class as the provider.
                            allow = (((BundleWiringImpl)
                                    .getClassByDelegation(className) == requestClass);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            allow = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Requester has no access to the class, so allow it, since
                        // we assume the requester is using reflection.
                        allow = true;
            // Case 3: Requester has a wire, but provider does not.
            else if ((requesterWire != null) && (providerWire == null))
                // If the provider exports the package, then the requester must
                // be wired to it.
                if (providerCap != null)
                    allow = requesterWire.getProviderWiring().getRevision().equals(providerRevision);
                // If the provider is not the exporter of the requester's package,
                // then try to use the service registration to see if the requester's
                // class is accessible.
                        // Load the class from the requesting bundle.
                        Class requestClass = ((BundleWiringImpl)
                        // Get the service registration and ask it to check
                        // if the service object is assignable to the requesting
                        // bundle's class.
                        allow = getRegistration().isClassAccessible(requestClass);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Filter to be safe.
                        allow = false;
            // Case 4: Both requester and provider have a wire.
                // Include service reference if the wires have the
                // same source revision.
                allow = providerWire.getProviderWiring().getRevision()

            return allow;
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire


        BundleRevisionImpl bri = (BundleRevisionImpl) bundle.adapt(BundleRevision.class);
        List<BundleRequirement> reqs = bri.getDeclaredRequirements(BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE);
        List<BundleCapability> caps = getCapabilities(BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE);
        BundleWire bw = new BundleWireImpl(bri, reqs.get(0), m_systemBundleRevision, caps.get(0));
            new BundleWiringImpl(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire

        for (BundleRequirement req : revision.getDeclaredRequirements(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE)) {
            if (PackageNamespace.RESOLUTION_OPTIONAL.equals(req.getDirectives().get(PackageNamespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE))) {

                // Find the wire for this optional package import
                BundleWiring wiring = bundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class);
                BundleWire reqwire = null;
                if (wiring != null) {
                    for (BundleWire wire : wiring.getRequiredWires(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE)) {
                        if (req.equals(wire.getRequirement())) {
                            BundleCapability cap = wire.getCapability();
                            BundleRevision provider = wire.getProvider();
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire


    private CompositeData[] getWiresCompositeData(List<BundleWire> wires) throws OpenDataException {
        CompositeData[] reqWiresData = new CompositeData[wires.size()];
        for (int i=0; i < wires.size(); i++) {
            BundleWire requiredWire = wires.get(i);
            Map<String, Object> wireItems = new HashMap<String, Object>();

            BundleCapability capability = requiredWire.getCapability();
            wireItems.put(BundleWiringStateMBean.PROVIDER_BUNDLE_ID, capability.getRevision().getBundle().getBundleId());
            wireItems.put(BundleWiringStateMBean.PROVIDER_BUNDLE_REVISION_ID, revisionIDMap.get(capability.getRevision()));
                    capability.getNamespace(), capability.getAttributes().entrySet(), capability.getDirectives().entrySet()));

            BundleRequirement requirement = requiredWire.getRequirement();
            wireItems.put(BundleWiringStateMBean.REQUIRER_BUNDLE_ID, requirement.getRevision().getBundle().getBundleId());
            wireItems.put(BundleWiringStateMBean.REQUIRER_BUNDLE_REVISION_ID, revisionIDMap.get(requirement.getRevision()));

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