Examples of BundleCapability

Examples of org.apache.ivy.osgi.core.BundleCapability

            ExportPackage exportPackage = getExportPackage(bundleInfo, capability);
        } else if (BundleInfo.BUNDLE_TYPE.equals(name)) {
            // nothing to do, already handled at the resource tag level
        } else if (BundleInfo.SERVICE_TYPE.equals(name)) {
            BundleCapability service = getOSGiService(bundleInfo, capability);
        } else {
            Message.warn("Unsupported capability '" + name + "' on the bundle '"
                    + bundleInfo.getSymbolicName() + "'");
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Examples of org.apache.ivy.osgi.core.BundleCapability


        if (name == null) {
            throw new ParseException("No service name for the capability", 0);
        BundleCapability service = new BundleCapability(BundleInfo.SERVICE_TYPE, name, version);
        return service;
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Examples of org.apache.ivy.osgi.core.BundleCapability

                                Message.debug("Unsupported provided capability " + child.namespace
                                        + " " + child.name + " " + child.version);
                        BundleCapability capability;
                        if (type == BundleInfo.PACKAGE_TYPE) {
                            capability = new ExportPackage(child.name, child.version);
                        } else {
                            capability = new BundleCapability(type, child.name, child.version);
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Examples of org.apache.ivy.osgi.core.BundleCapability

                    Version version = ((ProvidedHandler) child).version;
                    String type = namespace2Type(((ProvidedHandler) child).namespace);
                    if (type == null) {
                    BundleCapability capability;
                    if (type == BundleInfo.PACKAGE_TYPE) {
                        capability = new ExportPackage(name, version);
                    } else {
                        capability = new BundleCapability(type, name, version);
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability

        // Get candidates hosts and keep any that have been populated.
        List<BundleCapability> hosts = rc.findProviders(hostReq, false);
        for (Iterator<BundleCapability> it = hosts.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            BundleCapability host = it.next();
            if (!isPopulated(host.getRevision()))
        // If there aren't any populated hosts, then we can just
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability

        ResolveException rethrow = null;
        Set<BundleCapability> fragmentCands = null;
        for (Iterator<BundleCapability> itCandCap = candidates.iterator();
            itCandCap.hasNext(); )
            BundleCapability candCap = itCandCap.next();

            boolean isFragment = Util.isFragment(candCap.getRevision());

            // If the capability is from a fragment, then record it
            // because we have to insert associated host capabilities
            // if the fragment is already attached to any hosts.
            if (isFragment)
                if (fragmentCands == null)
                    fragmentCands = new HashSet<BundleCapability>();

            // If the candidate revision is a fragment, then always attempt
            // to populate candidates for its dependency, since it must be
            // attached to a host to be used. Otherwise, if the candidate
            // revision is not already resolved and is not the current version
            // we are trying to populate, then populate the candidates for
            // its dependencies as well.
            // NOTE: Technically, we don't have to check to see if the
            // candidate revision is equal to the current revision, but this
            // saves us from recursing and also simplifies exceptions messages
            // since we effectively chain exception messages for each level
            // of recursion; thus, any avoided recursion results in fewer
            // exceptions to chain when an error does occur.
            if ((isFragment || (candCap.getRevision().getWiring() == null))
                && !candCap.getRevision().equals(revision))
                    populateRevision(rc, candCap.getRevision());
                catch (ResolveException ex)
                    if (rethrow == null)
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability

        List<BundleRevision> unselectedFragments = new ArrayList<BundleRevision>();
        for (Entry<BundleCapability, Map<String, Map<Version, List<BundleRequirement>>>>
            hostEntry : hostFragments.entrySet())
            // Step 1
            BundleCapability hostCap = hostEntry.getKey();
            Map<String, Map<Version, List<BundleRequirement>>> fragments
                = hostEntry.getValue();
            List<BundleRevision> selectedFragments = new ArrayList<BundleRevision>();
            for (Entry<String, Map<Version, List<BundleRequirement>>> fragEntry
                : fragments.entrySet())
                boolean isFirst = true;
                for (Entry<Version, List<BundleRequirement>> versionEntry
                    : fragEntry.getValue().entrySet())
                    for (BundleRequirement hostReq : versionEntry.getValue())
                        // Selecting the first fragment in each entry, which
                        // is equivalent to selecting the highest version of
                        // each fragment with a given symbolic name.
                        if (isFirst)
                            isFirst = false;
                        // For any fragment that wasn't selected, remove the
                        // current host as a potential host for it and remove it
                        // as a dependent on the host. If there are no more
                        // potential hosts for the fragment, then mark it as
                        // unselected for later removal.
                            List<BundleCapability> hosts = m_candidateMap.get(hostReq);
                            if (hosts.isEmpty())

            // Step 2
            WrappedRevision wrappedHost =
                new WrappedRevision(hostCap.getRevision(), selectedFragments);
            m_allWrappedHosts.put(hostCap.getRevision(), wrappedHost);

        // Step 3
        for (BundleRevision br : unselectedFragments)
                new ResolveException(
                    "Fragment was not selected for attachment.", br, null));

        // Step 4
        for (WrappedRevision hostRevision : hostRevisions)
            // Replaces capabilities from fragments with the capabilities
            // from the merged host.
            for (BundleCapability c : hostRevision.getDeclaredCapabilities(null))
                // Don't replace the host capability, since the fragment will
                // really be attached to the original host, not the wrapper.
                if (!c.getNamespace().equals(BundleRevision.HOST_NAMESPACE))
                    BundleCapability origCap = ((HostedCapability) c).getDeclaredCapability();
                    // Note that you might think we could remove the original cap
                    // from the dependent map, but you can't since it may come from
                    // a fragment that is attached to multiple hosts, so each host
                    // will need to make their own copy.
                    Set<BundleRequirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.get(origCap);
                    if (dependents != null)
                        dependents = new HashSet<BundleRequirement>(dependents);
                        m_dependentMap.put(c, dependents);
                        for (BundleRequirement r : dependents)
                            // We have synthesized hosted capabilities for all
                            // fragments that have been attached to hosts by
                            // wrapping the host bundle and their attached
                            // fragments. We need to use the ResolveContext to
                            // determine the proper priority order for hosted
                            // capabilities since the order may depend on the
                            // declaring host/fragment combination. However,
                            // internally we completely wrap the host revision
                            // and make all capabilities/requirements point back
                            // to the wrapped host not the declaring host. The
                            // ResolveContext expects HostedCapabilities to point
                            // to the declaring revision, so we need two separate
                            // candidate lists: one for the ResolveContext with
                            // HostedCapabilities pointing back to the declaring
                            // host and one for the resolver with HostedCapabilities
                            // pointing back to the wrapped host. We ask the
                            // ResolveContext to insert its appropriate HostedCapability
                            // into its list, then we mirror the insert into a
                            // shadow list with the resolver's HostedCapability.
                            // We only need to ask the ResolveContext to find
                            // the insert position for fragment caps since these
                            // were synthesized and we don't know their priority.
                            // However, in the resolver's candidate list we need
                            // to replace all caps with the wrapped caps, no
                            // matter if they come from the host or fragment,
                            // since we are completing replacing the declaring
                            // host and fragments with the wrapped host.
                            List<BundleCapability> cands = m_candidateMap.get(r);
                            if (!(cands instanceof ShadowList))
                                ShadowList<BundleCapability> shadow =
                                    new ShadowList<BundleCapability>(cands);
                                m_candidateMap.put(r, shadow);
                                cands = shadow;

                            // If the original capability is from a fragment, then
                            // ask the ResolveContext to insert it and update the
                            // shadow copy of the list accordingly.
                            if (!origCap.getRevision().equals(hostRevision.getHost()))
                                List<BundleCapability> original = ((ShadowList) cands).getOriginal();
                                int removeIdx = original.indexOf(origCap);
                                int insertIdx = rc.insertHostedCapability(
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability

            for (Iterator<BundleCapability> itCand = candidates.iterator();
                (dynReq == null) && itCand.hasNext(); )
                BundleCapability cap = itCand.next();
                if (CapabilitySet.matches(
                    (BundleCapabilityImpl) cap,
                    ((BundleRequirementImpl) dynamics.get(dynIdx)).getFilter()))
                    dynReq = (BundleRequirementImpl) dynamics.get(dynIdx);

        // If we found a matching dynamic requirement, then filter out
        // any candidates that do not match it.
        if (dynReq != null)
            for (Iterator<BundleCapability> itCand = candidates.iterator();
                itCand.hasNext(); )
                BundleCapability cap = itCand.next();
                if (!CapabilitySet.matches(
                    (BundleCapabilityImpl) cap, dynReq.getFilter()))
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability

                        (BundleRequirementImpl) r);
                // Wrap the capability as a hosted capability if it comes
                // from a fragment, since we will need to know the host.
                BundleCapability c = wire.getCapability();
                if (!c.getRevision().equals(wire.getProviderWiring().getRevision()))
                    c = new WrappedCapability(
                        (BundleCapabilityImpl) c);

            // Since the revision is resolved, it could be dynamically importing,
            // so check to see if there are candidates for any of its dynamic
            // imports.
            for (BundleRequirement req
                : Util.getDynamicRequirements(revision.getWiring().getRequirements(null)))
                // Get the candidates for the current requirement.
                List<BundleCapability> candCaps = allCandidates.getCandidates(req);
                // Optional requirements may not have any candidates.
                if (candCaps == null)

                // Grab first (i.e., highest priority) candidate.
                BundleCapability cap = candCaps.get(0);
                isDynamicImporting = true;
                // Can only dynamically import one at a time, so break
                // out of the loop after the first.
            for (BundleRequirement req : revision.getDeclaredRequirements(null))
                String resolution = req.getDirectives().get(Constants.RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE);
                if ((resolution == null)
                    || !resolution.equals(FelixConstants.RESOLUTION_DYNAMIC))
                    // Get the candidates for the current requirement.
                    List<BundleCapability> candCaps = allCandidates.getCandidates(req);
                    // Optional requirements may not have any candidates.
                    if (candCaps == null)

                    // Grab first (i.e., highest priority) candidate.
                    BundleCapability cap = candCaps.get(0);

        // First, add all exported packages to the target revision's package space.
        calculateExportedPackages(revision, allCandidates, revisionPkgMap);
        revisionPkgs = revisionPkgMap.get(revision);

        // Second, add all imported packages to the target revision's package space.
        for (int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++)
            BundleRequirement req = reqs.get(i);
            BundleCapability cap = caps.get(i);
            calculateExportedPackages(cap.getRevision(), allCandidates, revisionPkgMap);
                revision, req, cap, revisionPkgMap, allCandidates,
                new HashMap<BundleRevision, List<BundleCapability>>());

        // Third, have all candidates to calculate their package spaces.
        for (int i = 0; i < caps.size(); i++)
                caps.get(i).getRevision(), allCandidates, revisionPkgMap,
                usesCycleMap, cycle);

        // Fourth, if the target revision is unresolved or is dynamically importing,
        // then add all the uses constraints implied by its imported and required
        // packages to its package space.
        // NOTE: We do not need to do this for resolved revisions because their
        // package space is consistent by definition and these uses constraints
        // are only needed to verify the consistency of a resolving revision. The
        // only exception is if a resolved revision is dynamically importing, then
        // we need to calculate its uses constraints again to make sure the new
        // import is consistent with the existing package space.
        if ((revision.getWiring() == null) || isDynamicImporting)
            // Merge uses constraints from required capabilities.
            for (int i = 0; i < reqs.size(); i++)
                BundleRequirement req = reqs.get(i);
                BundleCapability cap = caps.get(i);
                // Ignore bundle/package requirements, since they are
                // considered below.
                if (!req.getNamespace().equals(BundleRevision.BUNDLE_NAMESPACE)
                    && !req.getNamespace().equals(BundleRevision.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
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Examples of org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleCapability

            for (BundleRequirement req : revision.getDeclaredRequirements(null))
                List<BundleCapability> cands = allCandidates.getCandidates(req);
                if ((cands != null) && (cands.size() > 0))
                    BundleCapability cand = cands.get(0);
                    // Ignore revisions that import themselves.
                    if (!revision.equals(cand.getRevision()))
                        if (cand.getRevision().getWiring() == null)
                                revisionPkgMap, wireMap, allCandidates);
                        Packages candPkgs = revisionPkgMap.get(cand.getRevision());
                        ResolverWire wire = new ResolverWireImpl(
                        if (req.getNamespace().equals(BundleRevision.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE))
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