Examples of BuilderException

Examples of org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException

    try {
      Object value = Ognl.getValue(expression, parameterObject);
      if (value == null) throw new SqlMapperException("The expression '" +expression+ "' evaluated to a null value.");
      if (value instanceof Iterable) return (Iterable) value;
      if (value.getClass().isArray()) return Arrays.asList((Object[])value);
      throw new BuilderException("Error evaluating expression '"+expression+"'.  Return value ("+value+") was not iterable.");
    } catch (OgnlException e) {
      throw new BuilderException("Error evaluating expression '"+expression+"'. Cause: " + e, e);
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.core.builder.BuilderException

        } else if (externalService.getConfiguredService().getPort().getServiceContract().getInterface() != null) {
            // autowire
            Class<Object> claz = externalService.getConfiguredService().getPort().getServiceContract().getInterface();
            if (claz == null) {
                BuilderException e = new BuilderConfigException("Interface type not specified");
                throw e;
            SystemExternalServiceContextFactory config = new SystemExternalServiceContextFactory(externalService
                    .getName(), new AutowireObjectFactory<Object>(claz));
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.core.builder.BuilderException

        for (Service service : services) {
            // calculate and validate the scope of the component; ensure that all service scopes are the same unless stateless
            Scope current = service.getServiceContract().getScope();
            if (previous != null && current != null && current != previous
                    && (current != Scope.INSTANCE && previous != Scope.INSTANCE)) {
                BuilderException e = new BuilderConfigException("Incompatible scopes specified for services on component");
                throw e;
            if (scope != null && current != Scope.INSTANCE) {
                scope = current;
        ContextFactory contextFactory;
        try {
            contextFactory = createContextFactory(component.getName(), component.getImplementation(), scope);
            // create target-side wire invocation chains for each service offered by the implementation
            for (ConfiguredService configuredService : component.getConfiguredServices()) {
                Service service = configuredService.getPort();
                TargetWireFactory wireFactory = wireFactoryService.createTargetFactory(configuredService);
                contextFactory.addTargetWireFactory(service.getName(), wireFactory);
            // handle properties
            List<ConfiguredProperty> configuredProperties = component.getConfiguredProperties();
            if (configuredProperties != null) {
                for (ConfiguredProperty property : configuredProperties) {
                    contextFactory.addProperty(property.getName(), property.getValue());
            // handle references and source side reference chains
            List<ConfiguredReference> configuredReferences = component.getConfiguredReferences();
            if (configuredReferences != null) {
                for (ConfiguredReference reference : configuredReferences) {
                    if (reference.getPort().getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ZERO_N || reference.getPort().getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ZERO_ONE){
                        if (reference.getTargetConfiguredServices().size() < 1 && reference.getTargets().size() <1 ){
                            continue; // not required, not configured fix TUSCANY-299
                    List<SourceWireFactory> wireFactories = wireFactoryService.createSourceFactory(reference);
                    String refName = reference.getPort().getName();
                    Class refClass = reference.getPort().getServiceContract().getInterface();
                    boolean multiplicity = reference.getPort().getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ONE_N
                            || reference.getPort().getMultiplicity() == Multiplicity.ZERO_N;
                    contextFactory.addSourceWireFactories(refName, refClass, wireFactories, multiplicity);
        } catch (BuilderException e) {
            throw e;
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Examples of org.apache.tuscany.core.builder.BuilderException

                // calculate and validate the scope of the component; ensure that all service scopes are the same unless
                // a scope is stateless
                Scope current = service.getServiceContract().getScope();
                if (previous != null && current != null && current != previous
                        && (current != Scope.INSTANCE && previous != Scope.INSTANCE)) {
                    BuilderException e = new BuilderConfigException("Incompatible scopes specified for services on component");
                    throw e;
                if (current != null && current != Scope.MODULE) {
                    scope = current;

        } else if (componentImplementation instanceof Composite) {
            implClass = ((Composite) componentImplementation).getImplementationClass();
            if (implClass == null) {
                // FIXME this is a hack
                if (((Module) componentImplementation).getName().startsWith("org.apache.tuscany.core.system"))
                    // The component is a system module component, fix the implementation class to our implementation
                    // of system module component context
                    implClass = SystemCompositeContextImpl.class;
                } else if (componentImplementation instanceof SystemModule) {
                    implClass = SystemCompositeContextImpl.class;
                } else {
                    // The component is an app module component, fix the implementation class to our implementation
                    // of app module component context
                    //FIXME this should be extensible, i.e. the model should specify the impl class of the module
                    implClass = CompositeContextImpl.class;
                //END hack
            scope = Scope.AGGREGATE;
        } else {
        Set<Field> fields;
        Set<Method> methods;
        SystemContextFactory contextFactory;
        try {
            fields = JavaIntrospectionHelper.getAllFields(implClass);
            methods = JavaIntrospectionHelper.getAllUniqueMethods(implClass);
            String name = component.getName();
            if (componentImplementation instanceof Module) {
                Module module = (Module) componentImplementation;
                contextFactory = new SystemContextFactory(name, module, JavaIntrospectionHelper.getDefaultConstructor(implClass), scope);

            } else {
                contextFactory = new SystemContextFactory(name, JavaIntrospectionHelper.getDefaultConstructor(implClass), scope);

            //ContextObjectFactory contextObjectFactory = new ContextObjectFactory(contextFactory);

            List<Injector> injectors = new ArrayList<Injector>();

            // handle properties
            List<ConfiguredProperty> configuredProperties = component.getConfiguredProperties();
            if (configuredProperties != null) {
                for (ConfiguredProperty property : configuredProperties) {
                    Injector injector = createPropertyInjector(property, fields, methods);

            // FIXME do not inject references on an application module yet
            if (implClass != CompositeContextImpl.class) {
                // handle references
                List<ConfiguredReference> configuredReferences = component.getConfiguredReferences();
                if (configuredReferences != null) {
                    for (ConfiguredReference reference : configuredReferences) {
                        Injector injector = createReferenceInjector(reference, fields, methods, contextFactory);
            List<Object> elements = componentImplementation.getComponentType().getExtensibilityElements();
            for (Object element : elements) {
                if (element instanceof InitInvokerExtensibilityElement) {
                    InitInvokerExtensibilityElement invokerElement = (InitInvokerExtensibilityElement) element;
                    EventInvoker<Object> initInvoker = invokerElement.getEventInvoker();
                    boolean eagerInit = invokerElement.isEager();
                } else if (element instanceof DestroyInvokerExtensibilityElement) {
                    DestroyInvokerExtensibilityElement invokerElement = (DestroyInvokerExtensibilityElement) element;
                    EventInvoker<Object> destroyInvoker = invokerElement.getEventInvoker();
                } else if (element instanceof ComponentNameExtensibilityElement) {
                    ComponentNameExtensibilityElement nameElement = (ComponentNameExtensibilityElement) element;
                } else if (element instanceof ContextExtensibilityElement) {
                    ContextExtensibilityElement contextElement = (ContextExtensibilityElement) element;
                } else if (element instanceof InjectorExtensibilityElement) {
                    InjectorExtensibilityElement injectorElement = (InjectorExtensibilityElement) element;
                } else if (element instanceof SystemInjectorExtensibilityElement) {
                    SystemInjectorExtensibilityElement injectorElement = (SystemInjectorExtensibilityElement) element;
                } else if (element instanceof MonitorExtensibilityElement) {
                    MonitorExtensibilityElement monitorElement = (MonitorExtensibilityElement) element;
            // decorate the logical model
        } catch (BuilderConfigException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            BuilderConfigException ce = new BuilderConfigException("Class does not have a no-arg constructor", e);
            throw ce;
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Examples of org.chromattic.api.BuilderException

      Class<?> instrumentorClass = classLoader.loadClass(s);
      if (expectedClass.isAssignableFrom(instrumentorClass)) {
        Class<? extends T> ic2 = instrumentorClass.asSubclass(expectedClass);
        return ic2.newInstance();
      } else {
        throw new BuilderException("Class " + s + " does not implement the " +
          expectedClass.getName() + " interface");
    catch (InstantiationException e) {
      throw new BuilderException("Could not instanciate " + option.getShortName() + " " + s, e);
    catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw new BuilderException("Could not instanciate " + option.getShortName(), e);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      throw new BuilderException("Could not load " + option.getShortName() + " class " + s, e);
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Examples of org.wso2.carbon.event.broker.builders.exceptions.BuilderException

     * @throws InvalidMessageException
    public Subscription toSubscription(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws InvalidMessageException {
        if (envelope == null) {
            log.error("No SOAP envelope was provided.");
            throw new BuilderException("No SOAP envelope was provided.");
        Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
        OMElement elem = null;
        if (envelope.getHeader() != null) {
            elem = envelope.getHeader().getFirstChildWithName(IDENTIFIER);
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Examples of org.wso2.carbon.event.ws.internal.builders.exceptions.BuilderException

     * @throws InvalidMessageException
    public Subscription toSubscription(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws InvalidMessageException {
        if (envelope == null) {
            log.error("No SOAP envelope was provided.");
            throw new BuilderException("No SOAP envelope was provided.");
        Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
        OMElement elem = null;
        if (envelope.getHeader() != null) {
            elem = envelope.getHeader().getFirstChildWithName(IDENTIFIER);
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Examples of org.wso2.carbon.eventing.broker.builders.exceptions.BuilderException

     * @return The endpoint
    public static String getEndpointFromWSAAddress(OMElement address) {
        if (address == null || address.getText() == null) {
            log.error("Invalid WSA Address");
            throw new BuilderException("Invalid WSA Address");
        return address.getText().trim();
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