To register a custom {@link Builder} from a plugin,put {@link Extension} on your descriptor. @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
This class is responsible for creating XOM Document
objects from a URL, file, string, or input stream by reading an XML document. A SAX parser is used to read the document and report any well-formedness errors.
Font bold14ptSansSerifFont = new FontBuilder(Font.SANS_SERIF).bold() .size(14.0f) .build();
@param < T> the type of object that the builder will construct or compute.
@author Michael Wooten
@since 3.0
@version $Id: 967237 2010-07-23 20:08:57Z mbenson $
The abstract document node converter handles building meta components, {@link org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean}, for a parsed html document fragment. The {@link org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser} loads theHTML document into a tree structure of {@link org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node}. Each node in the parsed document tree is mapped to a Builder
by a a subclass of {@link org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.BuilderRuleContext}.
types from model objects.
@version $Rev: 441893 $ $Date: 2006-09-09 20:41:09 -0700 (Sat, 09 Sep 2006) $
@see org.drools.rule.RuleSet
@author bob mcwhirter TODO Make joinForCondition actually be intelligent enough to build optimal joins. Currently using forgy's original description of 2-input nodes, which I feel (but don't know for sure, is sub-optimal.
Methods in this class must be called by an external caller (see example below). A caller can get a reference to the {@link IBackingRepositoryLifecycleManager} using{@code PentahoSystem}. Methods should be able to be called more than once with the same arguments with no adverse effects.
Example: When a servlet-based application starts up, a {@code ServletContextListener} calls {@link #startup()}. When a user logs in, {@link #newTenant(String)} and {@link #onNewUser(String)} are called. Finally, the{@code ServletContextListener} calls {@link #shutdown()}.
This class is necessary since some implementations cannot observe logins. Example: JCR cannot observe logins--only node and property events.