/* Send message to set of users, checking access rights and creating information/error messages */
private ActionForward sendToUsersWithMsisdn(SmsSourceAddress fromAddress, Set<User> users, ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, Date sendAt) {
SmsSendForm msgForm = (SmsSendForm) form;
for (User user : users) {
if (!req.isUserInRole(UserManagerBase.ADMINISTRATOR) && user.getGroup() != webUser.getGroup()){
throw new BugException("user selected as SMS destination, who must not be accessed: " + user.getId());
SortedSet<SmsDestinationAddress> receivers = SmsDestinationAddress.smsDestinationAddresses(users);
if (receivers.size() == 0) {
String noUsersWithMsisdnsString = getResources(req).getMessage(locale,"smssvc.noUsersWithMsisdns");