Examples of BucketedAggregationElement

Examples of com.odiago.flumebase.exec.BucketedAggregationElement

      Schema outSchema = (Schema) projNode.getAttr(PlanNode.OUTPUT_SCHEMA_ATTR);
      newElem = new ProjectionElement(newContext, outSchema, projNode.getInputFields(),
    } else if (node instanceof AggregateNode) {
      AggregateNode aggNode = (AggregateNode) node;
      newElem = new BucketedAggregationElement(newContext, aggNode);
    } else if (node instanceof EvaluateExprsNode) {
      EvaluateExprsNode evalNode = (EvaluateExprsNode) node;
      Schema outSchema = (Schema) evalNode.getAttr(PlanNode.OUTPUT_SCHEMA_ATTR);
      newElem = new EvaluationElement(newContext, evalNode.getExprs(),
          evalNode.getPropagateFields(), outSchema);
    } else if (node instanceof HashJoinNode) {
      HashJoinNode joinNode = (HashJoinNode) node;
      newElem = new HashJoinElement(newContext, joinNode);
    } else {
      throw new DAGOperatorException("Cannot create FlowElement for PlanNode of type: "
          + node.getClass().getName());

    if (null != newElem) {
      // Wrap the FlowElement in a DAGNode.
      FlowElementNode elemHolder = new FlowElementNode(newElem);
      mapChildren(node, elemHolder);

      // Bind the FlowElementNode to the PlanNode.
      node.setAttr(LOCAL_FLOW_ELEM_KEY, elemHolder);
      if (node.isRoot()) {
        // Roots of the plan node => this is a root node in the flow.

      // If we created a BucketedAggregationElement, create its timeout coprocessor.
      if (newElem instanceof BucketedAggregationElement) {
        BucketedAggregationElement bucketElem = (BucketedAggregationElement) newElem;

        FlowElement downstream = getNodeElements(node.getChildren()).get(0).getFlowElement();

        FlowElementContext timeoutContext = new DirectCoupledFlowElemContext(downstream);
        BucketedAggregationElement.TimeoutEvictionElement timeoutElem =
        // The timeout element is now upstream to the primary downstream element of the
        // BucketedAggregationElement.
        timeoutElem.registerUpstream(); // BucketedAggEl't is upstream of the timeout elem.
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