* If necessary, scrolls the list to show the currently focused row and creates new row views to
* wrap the elements that are currently visible.
public void refresh() {
BScreen screen = getScreen();
Resource anim = animate ? getResource(ANIM) : null;
animate = false;
int size = size();
try {
// 1. update top so that focused is still visible
// 0 <= top <= size - nVisibleRows
top = Math.max(Math.min(top, size - nVisibleRows), 0);
int max = Math.min(top + nVisibleRows, size) - 1;
if (focused < top) {
top = Math.max(0, focused);
} else if (focused > max) {
int end = Math.min(focused + 1, size);
top = Math.max(end - nVisibleRows, 0);
// 2. determine which rows to update by combining dirty and top.
// popMin <==> popMax will be populated
int popMin = Math.max(top - nVisibleRows, 0);
int popMax = Math.min(top + 2 * nVisibleRows, size());
// fixMin <==> fixMax will be "fixed" by either being populated
// or removed
int fixMin, fixMax;
if (dirty < top) {
fixMin = Math.max(dirty - nVisibleRows, 0);
fixMax = popMax;
} else {
fixMin = popMin;
fixMax = Math.min(dirty + 2 * nVisibleRows, size());
dirty = top;
// 3. fix rows
for (int index = fixMin; index < fixMax; ++index) {
if (index < popMin || index >= popMax) {
BView v = (BView) rows.elementAt(index);
if (v != null) {
rows.setElementAt(null, index);
} else {
getUpDownButton(focused, anim);
// 4. move to the new top.
// Note : it is very important to translate the list before updating
// the highlights, because otherwise the highlights will appear in
// the wrong location.
setTranslation(0, -top * rowHeight, anim);
if (mutable) {
if (moveMode) {
getRowHighlights().setTransparency(TRANSPARENCY, null);
getUpDownHighlights().setTransparency(0, null);
} else {
getRowHighlights().setTransparency(0, null);
getUpDownHighlights().setTransparency(TRANSPARENCY, null);
// 5. refresh pageup/pagedown highlights
BHighlights h = getHighlights();
BHighlight pageup = h.get(H_PAGEUP);
BHighlight pagedown = h.get(H_PAGEDOWN);
if (pageup != null && pagedown != null) {
pageup.setVisible((top > 0) ? H_VIS_TRUE : H_VIS_FALSE);
pagedown.setVisible((top + nVisibleRows < rows.size()) ? H_VIS_TRUE : H_VIS_FALSE);
// 6. refresh row highlights if we still have focus
if (focused != -1) {
h = getRowHighlights();
BHighlight up = h.get(H_UP);
BHighlight down = h.get(H_DOWN);
if (up != null && down != null) {
up.setVisible((focused > 0) ? H_VIS_FOCUS : H_VIS_FALSE);
down.setVisible((focused < size - 1) ? H_VIS_FOCUS : H_VIS_FALSE);
if (mutable) {
h = getUpDownHighlights();
up = h.get(H_UP);
down = h.get(H_DOWN);
if (up != null && down != null) {
up.setVisible((focused > 0) ? H_VIS_FOCUS : H_VIS_FALSE);
down.setVisible((focused < size - 1) ? H_VIS_FOCUS : H_VIS_FALSE);
} else if (isAncestorOf(screen.getFocus())) {
// 7. make sure that focus hasn't been removed
if (size > 0) {
setFocus(0, false);
} else {
} finally {