final String fileName = getFilename();
log.debug(label + " " + fileName);
SampleResult res = new SampleResult();
InputStream is = null;
BSFEngine bsfEngine = null;
// There's little point saving the manager between invocations
// as we need to reset most of the beans anyway
BSFManager mgr = new BSFManager();
// TODO: find out how to retrieve these from the script
// At present the script has to use SampleResult methods to set them.
res.setResponseCode("200"); // $NON-NLS-1$
res.setResponseMessage("OK"); // $NON-NLS-1$
res.setDataType(SampleResult.TEXT); // Default (can be overridden by the script)
try {
mgr.declareBean("SampleResult", res, res.getClass()); // $NON-NLS-1$
// These are not useful yet, as have not found how to get updated values back
//mgr.declareBean("ResponseCode", "200", String.class); // $NON-NLS-1$
//mgr.declareBean("ResponseMessage", "OK", String.class); // $NON-NLS-1$
//mgr.declareBean("IsSuccess", Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.class); // $NON-NLS-1$
// N.B. some engines (e.g. Javascript) cannot handle certain declareBean() calls
// after the engine has been initialised, so create the engine last
bsfEngine = mgr.loadScriptingEngine(getScriptLanguage());
Object bsfOut = null;
if (fileName.length()>0) {
res.setSamplerData("File: "+fileName);
is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName));
bsfOut = bsfEngine.eval(fileName, 0, 0, IOUtils.toString(is));
} else {
bsfOut = bsfEngine.eval("script", 0, 0, request);
if (bsfOut != null) {
res.setResponseData(bsfOut.toString(), null);