Special exception that can be used to throw a BPMN Error from {@link JavaDelegate}s and expressions. This should only be used for business faults, which shall be handled by a Boundary Error Event or Error Event Sub-Process modeled in the process definition. Technical errors should be represented by other exception types. This class represents an actual instance of a BPMN Error, whereas {@link Error} represents an Error definition.
@author Falko Menge
Special exception that can be used to throw a BPMN Error from {@link JavaDelegate}s and expressions. This should only be used for business faults, which shall be handled by a Boundary Error Event or Error Event Sub-Process modeled in the process definition. Technical errors should be represented by other exception types. This class represents an actual instance of a BPMN Error, whereas {@link Error} represents an Error definition.
@author Falko Menge
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