Examples of BpelEngineException

Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

                        _bpelProcess._engine._contexts.scheduler.scheduleVolatileJob(true, we.getDetail());
                        _bpelProcess._engine._contexts.scheduler.schedulePersistedJob(we.getDetail(), new Date());
                } catch (ContextException e) {
                    __log.error("Failed to schedule resume task.", e);
                    throw new BpelEngineException(e);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

        MessageExchangeDAO dao = _dao.getConnection().getMessageExchange(mexId);
        if (dao == null) {
            // this should not happen....
            String msg = "Engine requested non-existent message exchange: " + mexId;
            throw new BpelEngineException(msg);

        if (dao.getDirection() != MessageExchangeDAO.DIR_PARTNER_INVOKES_MYROLE) {
            // this should not happen....
            String msg = "Engine requested my-role request for a partner-role mex: " + mexId;
            throw new BpelEngineException(msg);

        MessageExchange.Status status = MessageExchange.Status.valueOf(dao.getStatus());
        switch (status) {
            case ASYNC:
            case REQUEST:
                MessageDAO request = dao.getRequest();
                if (request == null) {
                    // this also should not happen
                    String msg = "Engine requested request for message exchange that did not have one: " + mexId;
                    throw new BpelEngineException(msg);

                return request.getData();

                // We should not be in any other state when requesting this.
                String msg = "Engine requested response while the message exchange " + mexId + " was in the state "
                        + status;
                throw new BpelEngineException(msg);

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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

        MessageExchangeDAO dao = _dao.getConnection().getMessageExchange(mexId);
        if (dao == null) {
            // this should not happen....
            String msg = "Engine requested non-existent message exchange: " + mexId;
            throw new BpelEngineException(msg);
        if (dao.getDirection() != MessageExchangeDAO.DIR_BPEL_INVOKES_PARTNERROLE) {
            // this should not happen....
            String msg = "Engine requested partner response for a my-role mex: " + mexId;
            throw new BpelEngineException(msg);

        MessageDAO response;
        MessageExchange.Status status = MessageExchange.Status.valueOf(dao.getStatus());
        switch (status) {
            case FAULT:
            case RESPONSE:
                response = dao.getResponse();
                if (response == null) {
                    // this also should not happen
                    String msg = "Engine requested response for message exchange that did not have one: " + mexId;
                    throw new BpelEngineException(msg);
                // We should not be in any other state when requesting this.
                String msg = "Engine requested response while the message exchange " + mexId + " was in the state "
                        + status;
                throw new BpelEngineException(msg);
        return response;
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

            OPartnerLink plink = oprocess.getPartnerLink(provide.getKey());
            if (plink == null) {
                String errmsg = "Error in deployment descriptor for process " + _pid + "; reference to unknown partner link "
                        + provide.getKey();
                throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg);
            myRoleEndpoints.put(plink, provide.getValue());

        // Create partnerRole initial value mapping
        for (Map.Entry<String, Endpoint> invoke : _pconf.getInvokeEndpoints().entrySet()) {
            OPartnerLink plink = oprocess.getPartnerLink(invoke.getKey());
            if (plink == null) {
                String errmsg = "Error in deployment descriptor for process " + _pid + "; reference to unknown partner link "
                        + invoke.getKey();
                throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg);
            __log.debug("Processing <invoke> element for process " + _pid + ": partnerlink " + invoke.getKey() + " --> "
                    + invoke.getValue());
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

        } catch (BpelEngineException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception dce) {
            __log.error("DbError", dce);
            throw new BpelEngineException("DbError", dce);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

            try {
                _oprocess = deserializeCompiledProcess(_pconf.getCBPInputStream());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errmsg = "Error reloading compiled process " + _pid + "; the file appears to be corrupted.";
                throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg, e);

            _replacementMap = new ReplacementMapImpl(_oprocess);

            // Create an expression language registry for this process
            ExpressionLanguageRuntimeRegistry elangRegistry = new ExpressionLanguageRuntimeRegistry();
            for (OExpressionLanguage elang : _oprocess.expressionLanguages) {
                try {
                } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                    String msg = __msgs.msgExpLangRegistrationError(elang.expressionLanguageUri, elang.properties);
                    __log.error(msg, e);
                    throw new BpelEngineException(msg, e);
            _expLangRuntimeRegistry = elangRegistry;

            if (!_hydratedOnce) {
                for (PartnerLinkPartnerRoleImpl prole : _partnerRoles.values()) {
                    // Null for initializePartnerRole = false
                    if (prole._initialPartner != null) {
                        PartnerRoleChannel channel = _engine._contexts.bindingContext.createPartnerRoleChannel(_pid,
                                prole._plinkDef.partnerRolePortType, prole._initialPartner);
                        prole._channel = channel;
                        _partnerChannels.put(prole._initialPartner, prole._channel);
                        EndpointReference epr = channel.getInitialEndpointReference();
                        if (epr != null) {
                            prole._initialEPR = epr;
                            _partnerEprs.put(prole._initialPartner, epr);
                        __log.debug("Activated " + _pid + " partnerrole " + prole.getPartnerLinkName() + ": EPR is "
                                + prole._initialEPR);
                _hydratedOnce = true;

            for (PartnerLinkMyRoleImpl myrole : _myRoles.values()) {
                myrole._initialEPR = _myEprs.get(myrole._endpoint);

            for (PartnerLinkPartnerRoleImpl prole : _partnerRoles.values()) {
                prole._channel = _partnerChannels.get(prole._initialPartner);
                if (_partnerEprs.get(prole._initialPartner) != null) {
                    prole._initialEPR = _partnerEprs.get(prole._initialPartner);

            if (isInMemory()) {
                bounceProcessDAO(_engine._contexts.inMemDao.getConnection(), _pid, _pconf.getVersion(), _oprocess);
            } else if (_engine._contexts.scheduler.isTransacted()) {
                // If we have a transaction, we do this in the current transaction.
                bounceProcessDAO(_engine._contexts.dao.getConnection(), _pid, _pconf.getVersion(), _oprocess);
            } else {
                // If we do not have a transaction we need to create one.
                try {
                    _engine._contexts.scheduler.execIsolatedTransaction(new Callable<Object>() {
                        public Object call() throws Exception {
                            bounceProcessDAO(_engine._contexts.dao.getConnection(), _pid, _pconf.getVersion(), _oprocess);
                            return null;
                    }).get(); // needs to be synchronous
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    String errmsg = "DbError";
                    __log.error(errmsg, ex);
                    throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg, ex);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

        // lock.
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            __log.debug("register(...) interrupted.", ie);
            throw new BpelEngineException(__msgs.msgOperationInterrupted());

        try {
            // If the process is already active, do nothing.
            if (_engine.isProcessRegistered(conf.getProcessId())) {
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            __log.debug("unregister() interrupted.", ie);
            throw new BpelEngineException(__msgs.msgOperationInterrupted());

        try {
            BpelProcess p = null;
            if (_engine != null) {
                p = _engine.unregisterProcess(pid);
                if (p != null)
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            __log.error(__msgs.msgProcessUnregisterFailed(pid), ex);
            throw new BpelEngineException(ex);
        } finally {
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String errmsg = "DbError";
            __log.error(errmsg, ex);
            throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg, ex);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.BpelEngineException

            if (process == null) {
                String errmsg = __msgs.msgProcessNotActive(pdao.getProcessId());
                // TODO: Perhaps we should define a checked exception for this
                // condition.
                throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg);
                OPartnerLink plink = (OPartnerLink) process.getOProcess().getChild(mexdao.getPartnerLinkModelId());
                PortType ptype = plink.partnerRolePortType;
                Operation op = plink.getPartnerRoleOperation(mexdao.getOperation());
                // TODO: recover Partner's EPR
                mex = new PartnerRoleMessageExchangeImpl(this, mexdao, ptype, op, null, plink.hasMyRole() ? process
                        .getInitialMyRoleEPR(plink) : null, process.getPartnerRoleChannel(plink));
        case MessageExchangeDAO.DIR_PARTNER_INVOKES_MYROLE:
            mex = new MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl(this, mexdao);
            if (process != null) {
                OPartnerLink plink = (OPartnerLink) process.getOProcess().getChild(mexdao.getPartnerLinkModelId());
                PortType ptype = plink.myRolePortType;
                Operation op = plink.getMyRoleOperation(mexdao.getOperation());
                mex.setPortOp(ptype, op);
            String errmsg = "BpelEngineImpl: internal error, invalid MexDAO direction: " + mexId;
            throw new BpelEngineException(errmsg);

        return mex;
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