Element theElement, Definition def, ExtensionRegistry extReg)
throws WSDLException {
// Check that this elementType really is a partnerLinkType element
if( !elementType.getLocalPart().equals(localName) ) return null;
BPELPartnerLinkTypeExt theExtension = new BPELPartnerLinkTypeExt();
theExtension.setName( theElement.getAttribute("name") );
// Fetch the child "role" elements
NodeList theRoles = theElement.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", roleName);
for ( int i=0; i < theRoles.getLength(); i++ ) {
if( i > 1 ) break;
Element roleNode = (Element)theRoles.item(i);
String roleName = roleNode.getAttribute("name");
String portType = roleNode.getAttribute("portType");
if (portType == null || portType.length() == 0) {
// Fetch the child "portType" element
NodeList portTypesNodes = roleNode.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "portType");
for (int p = 0; p < portTypesNodes.getLength(); p++) {
Element portTypeNode = (Element)portTypesNodes.item(p);
portType = portTypeNode.getAttribute("name");
// The PortType attribute is a QName in prefix:localName format - convert to a QName
QName rolePortType = getQNameValue( def, portType );
theExtension.setRole( i, roleName, rolePortType );
} // end for
return theExtension;
} // end unmarshall