commandsFactory.initializeReplicableCommand(cmd, true);
if (cmd instanceof TotalOrderPrepareCommand) {
final TotalOrderRemoteTransactionState state = ((TotalOrderPrepareCommand) cmd).getOrCreateState();
final TotalOrderManager totalOrderManager = cr.getTotalOrderManager();
totalOrderManager.ensureOrder(state, ((PrepareCommand) cmd).getAffectedKeysToLock(false));
totalOrderExecutorService.execute(new BlockingRunnable() {
public boolean isReady() {
for (TotalOrderLatch block : state.getConflictingTransactionBlocks()) {
if (block.isBlocked()) {
return false;
return true;
public void run() {
Response resp;
try {
resp = handleInternal(cmd, cr);
} catch (RetryPrepareException retry) {
log.debugf(retry, "Prepare [%s] conflicted with state transfer", cmd);
resp = new ExceptionResponse(retry);
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
log.exceptionHandlingCommand(cmd, throwable);
resp = new ExceptionResponse(new CacheException("Problems invoking command.", throwable));
//the ResponseGenerated is null in this case because the return value is a Response
reply(response, resp);
if (resp instanceof ExceptionResponse) {
afterResponseSent(cmd, resp);
} else {
final StateTransferLock stateTransferLock = cr.getStateTransferLock();
// Command topology id -1 means the command is not topology-aware
final int commandTopologyId = extractCommandTopologyId(cmd);
// Always wait for the first topology (i.e. for the join to finish)
final int waitTopologyId = Math.max(commandTopologyId, 0);
if (!preserveOrder && cmd.canBlock()) {
remoteCommandsExecutor.execute(new BlockingRunnable() {
public boolean isReady() {
return stateTransferLock.transactionDataReceived(waitTopologyId);