/* send request to the proxy */
new Sender(proxyOut).copyBlock(block, blockToken);
// receive the response from the proxy
BlockOpResponseProto copyResponse = BlockOpResponseProto.parseFrom(
if (copyResponse.getStatus() != SUCCESS) {
if (copyResponse.getStatus() == ERROR_ACCESS_TOKEN) {
throw new IOException("Copy block " + block + " from "
+ proxySock.getRemoteSocketAddress()
+ " failed due to access token error");
throw new IOException("Copy block " + block + " from "
+ proxySock.getRemoteSocketAddress() + " failed");
// get checksum info about the block we're copying
ReadOpChecksumInfoProto checksumInfo = copyResponse.getReadOpChecksumInfo();
DataChecksum remoteChecksum = DataTransferProtoUtil.fromProto(
// open a block receiver and check if the block does not exist
blockReceiver = new BlockReceiver(
block, proxyReply, proxySock.getRemoteSocketAddress().toString(),