// The resource unilaterally rolled back here. We have to throw an exception to indicate this but
// The signature of this method is inherited from javax.transaction.Transaction. Thereof, we have choice
// between creating a sub-exception of SystemException or using a RuntimeException. Is that the best way
// forward as this 'hidden' exception can be left throw out at unexpected locations where SystemException
// should be rethrown but the exception thrown here should be catched & handled... ?
throw new BitronixRollbackSystemException("resource " + resourceHolderState + " unilaterally rolled back, error=" +
Decoder.decodeXAExceptionErrorCode(ex) + (extraErrorDetails == null ? "" : ", extra error=" + extraErrorDetails), ex);
throw new BitronixSystemException("cannot delist " + resourceHolderState + ", error=" + Decoder.decodeXAExceptionErrorCode(ex) +
(extraErrorDetails == null ? "" : ", extra error=" + extraErrorDetails), ex);