Examples of BinaryFile

Examples of org.andromda.cartridges.jsf.component.BinaryFile

    public void encodeBegin(
        FacesContext context,
        UIComponent component)
        throws IOException
        final BinaryFile fileComponent = (BinaryFile)component;
        if (fileComponent.isRendered())
            final HttpServletResponse response = this.getResponse(context);
            final OutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream();

            // - reset the reponse to clear out any any headers (i.e. so
            //   the user doesn't get "unable to open..." when using IE.)
            final String fileName = fileComponent.getFileName();
            if (fileComponent.isPrompt() && fileName != null && fileName.trim().length() > 0)
                    "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + '"');

            Object value = fileComponent.getValue();
            final String contentType = fileComponent.getContentType();
            // - for IE we need to set the content type, content length and buffer size and
            //   then the flush the response right away because it seems as if there is any lag time
            //   IE just displays a blank page. With mozilla based clients reports display correctly regardless.
            if (contentType != null && contentType.length() > 0)
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Examples of org.andromda.cartridges.jsf.component.BinaryFile

    public void encodeEnd(
        final FacesContext context,
        final UIComponent component)
        throws IOException
        final BinaryFile fileComponent = (BinaryFile)component;
        if (fileComponent.isRendered())
            final HttpServletResponse response = this.getResponse(context);
            final OutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream();
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