. null
, ���׳���Ĭ��ֵ��ConvertFailedException
. BigInteger
��, ֱ�ӷ���. BigDecimal
, ֱ��ת����BigInteger
. Number
����, ������BigInteger
ֵ. ConvertFailedException
. BigInteger
. ������ɹ�, ���׳�ConvertFailedException
. Converter
����. BigInteger
. Conversion rules: null
value is returned as null
Standard {@link Converter} implementation that converts an incomingString into a java.math.BigInteger
object, optionally using a default value or throwing a {@link ConversionException} if a conversionerror occurs.
This implementation can be configured to handle conversion either by using BigInteger's default String conversion, or by using a Locale's pattern or by specifying a format pattern. See the {@link NumberConverter}documentation for further details.
Can be configured to either return a default value or throw a ConversionException
if a conversion error occurs.
@author Craig R. McClanahan
@version $Revision: 690380 $ $Date: 2008-08-29 21:04:38 +0100 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008) $
@since 1.3