Examples of BetaConstraints

Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            boolean tupleMemoryEnabled = true;

            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();
            FastIterator it = notNode.getRightIterator( rtm );

            for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getInsertFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
                LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
                PropagationContext context = leftTuple.getPropagationContext();

                boolean useLeftMemory = true;
                if ( !tupleMemoryEnabled ) {
                    // This is a hack, to not add closed DroolsQuery objects
                    Object object = leftTuple.get( 0 ).getObject();
                    if ( !(object instanceof DroolsQuery) || !((DroolsQuery) object).isOpen() ) {
                        useLeftMemory = false;

                constraints.updateFromTuple( contextEntry,
                                             leftTuple );

                for ( RightTuple rightTuple = notNode.getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple, rtm, context, it ); rightTuple != null; rightTuple = (RightTuple) it.next( rightTuple ) ) {
                    if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                          rightTuple.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                        leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );

                        if ( useLeftMemory ) {
                            rightTuple.addBlocked( leftTuple );


                if ( leftTuple.getBlocker() == null ) {
                    // tuple is not blocked, so add to memory so other fact handles can attempt to match
                    if ( useLeftMemory ) {
                        ltm.add( leftTuple );

                    trgLeftTuples.addInsert( sink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                                                                   tupleMemory ) );
                leftTuple = next;
            constraints.resetTuple( contextEntry );
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            boolean tupleMemoryEnabled = true;

            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();
            FastIterator it = notNode.getLeftIterator( ltm );

            StagedLeftTuples stagedLeftTuples = null;
            if ( !bm.getSegmentMemory().isEmpty() ) {
                stagedLeftTuples = bm.getSegmentMemory().getFirst().getStagedLeftTuples();

            if ( bm.getSegmentMemory().isSegmentLinked() && !notNode.isRightInputIsRiaNode() && notNode.isEmptyBetaConstraints() ) {
                    // this must be processed here, rather than initial insert, as we need to link the blocker
                    // @TODO this could be more efficient, as it means the entire StagedLeftTuples for all previous nodes where evaluated, needlessly.
                    bm.unlinkNode( wm );
            for ( RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getInsertFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
                RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();
                rtm.add( rightTuple );
                PropagationContext context = rightTuple.getPropagationContext();

                constraints.updateFromFactHandle( contextEntry,
                                                  rightTuple.getFactHandle() );
                for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = notNode.getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, ltm, context, it ); leftTuple != null; ) {
                    // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
                    LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple) it.next( leftTuple );

                    // we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are  still in the memory
                    if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedRight( contextEntry,
                                                           leftTuple ) ) {
                        leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                        rightTuple.addBlocked( leftTuple );

                        // this is now blocked so remove from memory
                        ltm.remove( leftTuple );

                        // subclasses like ForallNotNode might override this propagation
                        // ** @TODO (mdp) need to not break forall
                        deleteLeftChild( trgLeftTuples, leftTuple, stagedLeftTuples );

                    leftTuple = temp;
                rightTuple = next;
            constraints.resetFactHandle( contextEntry );
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            boolean tupleMemoryEnabled = true;

            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();
            FastIterator rightIt = notNode.getRightIterator( rtm );

            for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = srcLeftTuples.getUpdateFirst(); leftTuple != null; ) {
                LeftTuple next = leftTuple.getStagedNext();
                PropagationContext context = leftTuple.getPropagationContext();
                RightTuple firstRightTuple = notNode.getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple, rtm, context, rightIt );

                // If in memory, remove it, because we'll need to add it anyway if it's not blocked, to ensure iteration order
                RightTuple blocker = leftTuple.getBlocker();
                if ( blocker == null ) {
                    ltm.remove( leftTuple );
                } else {
                    // check if we changed bucket
                    if ( rtm.isIndexed() && !rightIt.isFullIterator() ) {
                        // if newRightTuple is null, we assume there was a bucket change and that bucket is empty               
                        if ( firstRightTuple == null || firstRightTuple.getMemory() != blocker.getMemory() ) {
                            removeBlocker( leftTuple, blocker );
                            blocker = null;

                constraints.updateFromTuple( contextEntry,
                                             leftTuple );

                // if we where not blocked before (or changed buckets), or the previous blocker no longer blocks, then find the next blocker
                if ( blocker == null || !constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                                          blocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                    if ( blocker != null ) {
                        // remove previous blocker if it exists, as we know it doesn't block any more
                        removeBlocker( leftTuple, blocker );

                    // find first blocker, because it's a modify, we need to start from the beginning again       
                    for ( RightTuple newBlocker = firstRightTuple; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) rightIt.next( newBlocker ) ) {
                        if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                              newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                            leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                            newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );


                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = leftTuple.getFirstChild();

                    if ( leftTuple.getBlocker() != null ) {
                        // blocked
                        if ( leftTuple.getFirstChild() != null ) {
                            // blocked, with previous children, so must have not been previously blocked, so retract
                            // no need to remove, as we removed at the start
                            // to be matched against, as it's now blocked
                            deleteRightChild( childLeftTuple, trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples );
                        } // else: it's blocked now and no children so blocked before, thus do nothing            
                    } else if ( childLeftTuple == null ) {
                        // not blocked, with no children, must have been previously blocked so assert
                        ltm.add( leftTuple ); // add to memory so other fact handles can attempt to match
                        trgLeftTuples.addInsert( sink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                                                                       tupleMemory ) );
                    } else {
                        switch ( childLeftTuple.getStagedType() ) {
                        // handle clash with already staged entries
                            case LeftTuple.INSERT :
                                stagedLeftTuples.removeInsert( childLeftTuple );
                            case LeftTuple.UPDATE :
                                stagedLeftTuples.removeUpdate( childLeftTuple );
                        // not blocked, with children, so wasn't previous blocked and still isn't so modify               
                        ltm.add( leftTuple ); // add to memory so other fact handles can attempt to match               
                        trgLeftTuples.addUpdate( childLeftTuple );
                leftTuple = next;
            constraints.resetTuple( contextEntry );
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            boolean tupleMemoryEnabled = true;

            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();

            FastIterator leftIt = notNode.getLeftIterator( ltm );
            FastIterator rightIt = notNode.getRightIterator( rtm );

            for ( RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getUpdateFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
                RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();
                if ( bm.getLeftTupleMemory() == null || (bm.getLeftTupleMemory().size() == 0 && rightTuple.getBlocked() == null) ) {
                    // do nothing here, as we know there are no left tuples

                    //normally do this at the end, but as we are exiting early, make sure the buckets are still correct.
                    bm.getRightTupleMemory().removeAdd( rightTuple );
                    rightTuple = next;                   

                PropagationContext context = rightTuple.getPropagationContext();

                constraints.updateFromFactHandle( contextEntry,
                                                  rightTuple.getFactHandle() );

                LeftTuple firstLeftTuple = notNode.getFirstLeftTuple( rightTuple, ltm, context, leftIt );

                LeftTuple firstBlocked = rightTuple.getBlocked();
                // we now have  reference to the first Blocked, so null it in the rightTuple itself, so we can rebuild

                // first process non-blocked tuples, as we know only those ones are in the left memory.
                for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = firstLeftTuple; leftTuple != null; ) {
                    // preserve next now, in case we remove this leftTuple
                    LeftTuple temp = (LeftTuple) leftIt.next( leftTuple );

                    // we know that only unblocked LeftTuples are  still in the memory
                    if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedRight( contextEntry,
                                                           leftTuple ) ) {
                        leftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                        rightTuple.addBlocked( leftTuple );

                        // this is now blocked so remove from memory
                        ltm.remove( leftTuple );

                        // subclasses like ForallNotNode might override this propagation
                        if ( leftTuple.getFirstChild() != null ) {
                            deleteRightChild( leftTuple.getFirstChild(), trgLeftTuples, stagedLeftTuples );

                    leftTuple = temp;

                if ( firstBlocked != null ) {
                    // now process existing blocks, we only process existing and not new from above loop
                    boolean useComparisonIndex = rtm.getIndexType().isComparison();
                    RightTuple rootBlocker = useComparisonIndex ? null : (RightTuple) rightIt.next( rightTuple );

                    RightTupleList list = rightTuple.getMemory();

                    // we must do this after we have the next in memory
                    // We add to the end to give an opportunity to re-match if in same bucket
                    rtm.removeAdd( rightTuple );

                    if ( !useComparisonIndex && rootBlocker == null && list == rightTuple.getMemory() ) {
                        // we are at the end of the list, so set to self, to give self a chance to rematch
                        rootBlocker = rightTuple;

                    // iterate all the existing previous blocked LeftTuples
                    for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = firstBlocked; leftTuple != null; ) {
                        LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();


                        constraints.updateFromTuple( contextEntry,
                                                     leftTuple );

                        if ( useComparisonIndex ) {
                            rootBlocker = notNode.getFirstRightTuple( leftTuple, rtm, context, rightIt );

                        // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
                        for ( RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) rightIt.next( newBlocker ) ) {
                            if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                                  newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                                leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                                newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );


                        if ( leftTuple.getBlocker() == null ) {
                            // was previous blocked and not in memory, so add
                            ltm.add( leftTuple );

                            // subclasses like ForallNotNode might override this propagation
                            trgLeftTuples.addInsert( sink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                                                                           tupleMemory ) );

                        leftTuple = temp;
                } else {
                    // we had to do this at the end, rather than beginning as this 'if' block needs the next memory tuple
                    rtm.removeAdd( rightTuple );
                rightTuple = next;

            constraints.resetFactHandle( contextEntry );
            constraints.resetTuple( contextEntry );
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            boolean tupleMemoryEnabled = true;

            LeftTupleMemory ltm = bm.getLeftTupleMemory();
            RightTupleMemory rtm = bm.getRightTupleMemory();
            ContextEntry[] contextEntry = bm.getContext();
            BetaConstraints constraints = notNode.getRawConstraints();
            FastIterator it = notNode.getRightIterator( rtm );

            for ( RightTuple rightTuple = srcRightTuples.getDeleteFirst(); rightTuple != null; ) {
                RightTuple next = rightTuple.getStagedNext();
                // assign now, so we can remove from memory before doing any possible propagations
                final RightTuple rootBlocker = (RightTuple) it.next( rightTuple );

                rtm.remove( rightTuple );

                if ( rightTuple.getBlocked() != null ) {
                    PropagationContext context = rightTuple.getPropagationContext();
                    for ( LeftTuple leftTuple = rightTuple.getBlocked(); leftTuple != null; ) {
                        LeftTuple temp = leftTuple.getBlockedNext();
                        constraints.updateFromTuple( contextEntry,
                                                     leftTuple );
                        // we know that older tuples have been checked so continue next
                        for ( RightTuple newBlocker = rootBlocker; newBlocker != null; newBlocker = (RightTuple) it.next( newBlocker ) ) {
                            if ( constraints.isAllowedCachedLeft( contextEntry,
                                                                  newBlocker.getFactHandle() ) ) {
                                leftTuple.setBlocker( newBlocker );
                                newBlocker.addBlocked( leftTuple );
                        if ( leftTuple.getBlocker() == null ) {
                            // was previous blocked and not in memory, so add
                            ltm.add( leftTuple );
                            trgLeftTuples.addInsert( sink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                                                                           tupleMemory ) );
                        leftTuple = temp;

                rightTuple = next;

            constraints.resetTuple( contextEntry );
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            betaConstraints.add( constraint );
            context.setBetaconstraints( betaConstraints );
            existSubNetwort = true;

        BetaConstraints binder = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                 false );
        // indexing for the results should be always disabled
        BetaConstraints resultBinder = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                       true );

        CollectAccumulator accumulator = new CollectAccumulator( collect,
                                                                 existSubNetwort );
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

        if ( !context.isTupleMemoryEnabled() && existSubNetwort ) {
            // If there is a RIANode, so need to handle. This only happens with queries, so need to worry about sharing
            context.setTupleSource( (LeftTupleSource) utils.attachNode( context, new QueryRiaFixerNode( context.getNextId(), context.getTupleSource(), context ) ) );  
        final BetaConstraints resultsBinder = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                              true );
        final BetaConstraints sourceBinder = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                             false );
        context.setTupleSource( (LeftTupleSource) utils.attachNode( context,
                                                                    new AccumulateNode( context.getNextId(),
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

                      final BuildUtils utils,
                      final RuleConditionElement rce) {
        final From from = (From) rce;
        context.pushRuleComponent( from );

        BetaConstraints betaConstraints = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context, (List<BetaNodeFieldConstraint>) context.getBetaconstraints(), true );
        context.setTupleSource( (LeftTupleSource) utils.attachNode( context,
                context.getComponentFactory().getNodeFactoryService().buildFromNode( context.getNextId(),
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints


                // if there was a previous tuple source, then a join node is needed
                if (context.getObjectSource() != null && context.getTupleSource() != null) {
                    // so, create the tuple source and clean up the constraints and object source
                    final BetaConstraints betaConstraints = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                                            false );

                    context.setTupleSource( (LeftTupleSource) utils.attachNode( context,
                                                                                context.getComponentFactory().getNodeFactoryService().buildJoinNode( context.getNextId(),
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Examples of org.drools.common.BetaConstraints

            if ( !context.isTupleMemoryEnabled() && existSubNetwort ) {
                // If there is a RIANode, so need to handle. This only happens with queries, so need to worry about sharing
                context.setTupleSource( (LeftTupleSource) utils.attachNode( context, new QueryRiaFixerNode( context.getNextId(), context.getTupleSource(), context ) ) );  

            final BetaConstraints betaConstraints = utils.createBetaNodeConstraint( context,
                                                                                    false );
            // then attach the NOT node. It will work both as a simple not node
            // or as subnetwork join node as the context was set appropriatelly
            // in each case
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