boolean isValidTransform(String input) {
// XXX: As convertDbTablesField, this implementation will not work in the general case.
// It works for the particular customer that requested this feature.
BeginEndQuote oldQuotes = transform.getOldQuotes();
String[] tables = input.split(DbTables.TABLE_SEPARATOR);
for (String table : tables) {
int indexOfSchemaSeparator = table.indexOf('.');
if (indexOfSchemaSeparator == -1) {
if (oldQuotes.equals(BeginEndQuote.ORACLE)) {
// The transform assumes we are transforming FROM oracle, but the table
// does not include the schema name --> we are in fact not transforming from oracle.
return false;
} else {
// The schema name is included --> the table will be in the form of
// *schema*.*table*, where * stands for begin/end quote. Make sure the
// inputted begin/end quote match what the transform says.
BeginEndQuote actualBeginEndQuote = deriveBeginEndQuoteFromTableString(table);
if (!oldQuotes.equals(actualBeginEndQuote)) {
return false;