statusString = new BeefGuiLabel(this, "", leftX+1, topY);
topY += statusString.getHeight() + 4;
powerBar = new BeefGuiPowerBar(this, guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 22, this.reactor);
coreHeatBar = new BeefGuiHeatBar(this, guiLeft + 130, guiTop + 22, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Core Heat", new String[] { "Heat of the reactor's fuel.", "High heat raises fuel usage.", "", "Core heat is transferred to", "the casing. Transfer rate", "is based on the design of", "the reactor's interior."});
caseHeatBar = new BeefGuiHeatBar(this, guiLeft + 108, guiTop + 22, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Casing Heat", new String[] { "Heat of the reactor's casing.", "High heat raises energy output", "and coolant conversion."});
fuelMixBar = new BeefGuiFuelMixBar(this, guiLeft + 86, guiTop + 22, this.reactor);
coolantIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 132, guiTop + 91, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("coolantIn"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Coolant Fluid Tank", "", "Casing heat will superheat", "coolant in this tank." });
coolantBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 131, guiTop + 108, this.reactor, MultiblockReactor.FLUID_COOLANT);