Package barsuift.simLife.j3d

Examples of barsuift.simLife.j3d.Tuple3dState

     * Test with 3 leaves, one of which has 0 for area
    public void testGetRandomLeafToIncrease4() {
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState1 = new TreeLeaf3DState();
        leaf3DState1.setEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(0, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState1.setEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 0, 0));
        // this is to ensure the leaf is not considered to have reached its maximum size
        leaf3DState1.setInitialEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(0.2, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState1.setInitialEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 0.2, 0));
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState2 = new TreeLeaf3DState();
        leaf3DState2.setEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(2, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState2.setEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 4, 0));
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState3 = new TreeLeaf3DState();
        leaf3DState3.setEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(3, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState3.setEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 4, 0));
        TreeLeafState leafState1 = new TreeLeafState();
        TreeLeafState leafState2 = new TreeLeafState();
        TreeLeafState leafState3 = new TreeLeafState();
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     * Test with 2 leaves, one of which has 0 for area
    public void testGetRandomLeafToIncrease5() {
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState1 = new TreeLeaf3DState();
        leaf3DState1.setEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(0, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState1.setEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 0, 0));
        // this is to ensure the leaf is not considered to have reached its maximum size
        leaf3DState1.setInitialEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(0.2, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState1.setInitialEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 0.2, 0));
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState2 = new TreeLeaf3DState();
        leaf3DState2.setEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(2, 0, 0));
        leaf3DState2.setEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(0, 4, 0));
        TreeLeafState leafState1 = new TreeLeafState();
        TreeLeafState leafState2 = new TreeLeafState();
        List<TreeLeafState> leaveStates = new ArrayList<TreeLeafState>(2);
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    public void testFall() {
        double oldRotation = Randomizer.randomRotation();
        Tuple3dState oldLeafAttachPoint = new Tuple3dState(1, 2, 3);
        BasicTreeLeaf3D leaf3D = new BasicTreeLeaf3D(mockUniverse3D, leaf3DState, mockLeaf);

        // add the leaf into a graph with translation and rotation
        Transform3D transform3D = new Transform3D();
        Vector3d graphTranslation = new Vector3d(oldLeafAttachPoint.getX(), oldLeafAttachPoint.getY(),
        Transform3D rotation = new Transform3D();
        TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup(transform3D);
        BranchGroup branchGroup = new BranchGroup();

        // call to the fall() method
        leaf3D.update(null, LeafUpdateMask.FALL_MASK);

        Tuple3dState newLeafAttachPoint = leaf3D.getState().getLeafAttachPoint();
        double newRotation = leaf3D.getState().getRotation();

        Point3d expectedAttachPoint = new Point3d(oldLeafAttachPoint.getX(), 0, oldLeafAttachPoint.getZ());
        assertEquals(expectedAttachPoint, newLeafAttachPoint.toPointValue());
        assertEquals(oldRotation, newRotation, 0.000001);
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    public void testIsMaxSizeReached() {
        leaf3DState = DisplayDataCreatorForTests.createSpecificTreeLeaf3DState();
        BasicTreeLeaf3D leaf3D = new BasicTreeLeaf3D(mockUniverse3D, leaf3DState, mockLeaf);

        Tuple3dState initialEndPoint1 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint1();
        leaf3DState.setEndPoint1(new Tuple3dState(10 * initialEndPoint1.getX(), 10 * initialEndPoint1.getY(),
                10 * initialEndPoint1.getZ()));
        Tuple3dState initialEndPoint2 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint2();
        leaf3DState.setEndPoint2(new Tuple3dState(10 * initialEndPoint2.getX(), 10 * initialEndPoint2.getY(),
                10 * initialEndPoint2.getZ()));
        leaf3D = new BasicTreeLeaf3D(mockUniverse3D, leaf3DState, mockLeaf);
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    public void testIncreaseSize() {
        leaf3DState = DisplayDataCreatorForTests.createSpecificTreeLeaf3DState();
        Tuple3dState initialEndPoint1 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint1();
        Tuple3dState initialEndPoint2 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint2();
        BasicTreeLeaf3D leaf3D = new BasicTreeLeaf3D(mockUniverse3D, leaf3DState, mockLeaf);
        Shape3D leafShape = (Shape3D) leaf3D.getNode();
        Point3d geomEndPoint1 = new Point3d();
        Point3d geomEndPoint2 = new Point3d();



        // test state
        Point3d endPoint1 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue();
        Point3d expectedEndPoint1 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint1.getX() * 2, initialEndPoint1.getY() * 2,
                initialEndPoint1.getZ() * 2);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint1, endPoint1);
        Point3d endPoint2 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint2().toPointValue();
        Point3d expectedEndPoint2 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint2.getX() * 2, initialEndPoint2.getY() * 2,
                initialEndPoint2.getZ() * 2);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint2, endPoint2);
        // test geometry
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint1);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint1);
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint2);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint2);


        // test state
        endPoint1 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue();
        expectedEndPoint1 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint1.getX() * 3, initialEndPoint1.getY() * 3,
                initialEndPoint1.getZ() * 3);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint1, endPoint1);
        endPoint2 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint2().toPointValue();
        expectedEndPoint2 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint2.getX() * 3, initialEndPoint2.getY() * 3,
                initialEndPoint2.getZ() * 3);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint2, endPoint2);
        // test geometry
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint1);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint1);
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint2);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint2);

        // increase up to the max size

        // test state
        endPoint1 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue();
        expectedEndPoint1 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint1.getX() * 10, initialEndPoint1.getY() * 10,
                initialEndPoint1.getZ() * 10);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint1, endPoint1);
        endPoint2 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint2().toPointValue();
        expectedEndPoint2 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint2.getX() * 10, initialEndPoint2.getY() * 10,
                initialEndPoint2.getZ() * 10);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint2, endPoint2);
        // test geometry
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint1);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint1);
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint2);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint2);

        // nothing changes if we increase the leaf again

        // test state
        endPoint1 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue();
        expectedEndPoint1 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint1.getX() * 10, initialEndPoint1.getY() * 10,
                initialEndPoint1.getZ() * 10);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint1, endPoint1);
        endPoint2 = leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint2().toPointValue();
        expectedEndPoint2 = new Point3d(initialEndPoint2.getX() * 10, initialEndPoint2.getY() * 10,
                initialEndPoint2.getZ() * 10);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(expectedEndPoint2, endPoint2);
        // test geometry
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint1);
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leaf3D.getState().getEndPoint1().toPointValue(), geomEndPoint1);
        ((TriangleArray) leafShape.getGeometry()).getCoordinate(1, geomEndPoint2);
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        mockTree = new MockTree();
        nbBranches = 5;
        for (int index = 0; index < nbBranches; index++) {
            MockTreeBranch mockBranch = new MockTreeBranch();
            Tuple3dState translationVector = DisplayDataCreatorForTests.createRandomTupleState();
            MockTreeBranch3D mockBranch3D = (MockTreeBranch3D) mockBranch.getBranch3D();
        mockUniverse3D = new MockUniverse3D();
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    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        mockBranch = new MockTreeBranch();
        nbParts = 5;
        previousPartEndPoints = new ArrayList<Tuple3dState>();
        Tuple3dState partEndPoint = new Tuple3dState();
        for (int index = 0; index < nbParts; index++) {
            MockTreeBranchPart mockBranchPart = new MockTreeBranchPart();
            partEndPoint = DisplayDataCreatorForTests.createRandomTupleState();
            MockTreeBranchPart3D mockBranchPart3D = (MockTreeBranchPart3D) mockBranchPart.getBranchPart3D();
        mockUniverse3D = new MockUniverse3D();
        branch3DState = DisplayDataCreatorForTests.createRandomTreeBranch3DState();
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    public void testCreateRandomTreeLeaf3DState() {
        TreeLeaf3DStateFactory factory = new TreeLeaf3DStateFactory();
        Point3d leafAttachPoint = new Point3d(0.32, 0.33, 0.34);
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState = factory.createRandomTreeLeaf3DState(leafAttachPoint);

        Tuple3dState actualStartPoint = leaf3DState.getLeafAttachPoint();
        Tuple3dState actualInitialEndPoint1 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint1();
        Tuple3dState actualInitialEndPoint2 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint2();
        Tuple3dState actualEndPoint1 = leaf3DState.getEndPoint1();
        Tuple3dState actualEndPoint2 = leaf3DState.getEndPoint2();

        // test point 1 position
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leafAttachPoint, actualStartPoint.toPointValue());

        // test initial point 2 position
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getX() > 0 - 0.02 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getX() < 0 - 0.02 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getY() > 0 - 0.04 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getY() < 0 - 0.04 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getZ() > 0 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getZ() < 0 + 0.01);
        // test initial point 3 position
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getX() > 0 + 0.02 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getX() < 0 + 0.02 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getY() > 0 - 0.04 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getY() < 0 - 0.04 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getZ() > 0 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getZ() < 0 + 0.01);

        // test point 2 position
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 1.", actualEndPoint1.getX() > 0 - 0.2 - 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 1.", actualEndPoint1.getX() < 0 - 0.2 + 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 1.", actualEndPoint1.getY() > 0 - 0.4 - 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 1.", actualEndPoint1.getY() < 0 - 0.4 + 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 1.", actualEndPoint1.getZ() > 0 - 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 1.", actualEndPoint1.getZ() < 0 + 0.1);
        // test point 3 position
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 2.", actualEndPoint2.getX() > 0 + 0.2 - 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 2.", actualEndPoint2.getX() < 0 + 0.2 + 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 2.", actualEndPoint2.getY() > 0 - 0.4 - 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 2.", actualEndPoint2.getY() < 0 - 0.4 + 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 2.", actualEndPoint2.getZ() > 0 - 0.1);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 2.", actualEndPoint2.getZ() < 0 + 0.1);

        assertTrue("Leaf rotation should be positive.", leaf3DState.getRotation() > 0);
        assertTrue("Leaf rotation should be less than 2 Pi.", leaf3DState.getRotation() < Math.PI * 2);
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    public void testCreateNewTreeLeaf3DState() {
        TreeLeaf3DStateFactory factory = new TreeLeaf3DStateFactory();
        Point3d leafAttachPoint = new Point3d(0.32, 0.33, 0.34);
        TreeLeaf3DState leaf3DState = factory.createNewTreeLeaf3DState(leafAttachPoint);

        Tuple3dState actualStartPoint = leaf3DState.getLeafAttachPoint();
        Tuple3dState actualInitialEndPoint1 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint1();
        Tuple3dState actualInitialEndPoint2 = leaf3DState.getInitialEndPoint2();
        Tuple3dState actualEndPoint1 = leaf3DState.getEndPoint1();
        Tuple3dState actualEndPoint2 = leaf3DState.getEndPoint2();

        // test point 1 position
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(leafAttachPoint, actualStartPoint.toPointValue());

        // test initial point 2 position
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getX() > 0 - 0.02 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getX() < 0 - 0.02 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getY() > 0 - 0.04 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getY() < 0 - 0.04 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getZ() > 0 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 1.", actualInitialEndPoint1.getZ() < 0 + 0.01);
        // test initial point 3 position
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getX() > 0 + 0.02 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong X position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getX() < 0 + 0.02 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getY() > 0 - 0.04 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Y position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getY() < 0 - 0.04 + 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getZ() > 0 - 0.01);
        assertTrue("Wrong Z position for end point 2.", actualInitialEndPoint2.getZ() < 0 + 0.01);

        // test point 2 position
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(actualInitialEndPoint1.toPointValue(), actualEndPoint1.toPointValue());
        // test point 3 position
        PointTestHelper.assertPointEquals(actualInitialEndPoint2.toPointValue(), actualEndPoint2.toPointValue());

        assertTrue("Leaf rotation should be positive.", leaf3DState.getRotation() > 0);
        assertTrue("Leaf rotation should be less than 2 Pi.", leaf3DState.getRotation() < Math.PI * 2);
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        return state;

    public void synchronize() {
        state.setTranslationVector(new Tuple3dState(translationVector));
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Related Classes of barsuift.simLife.j3d.Tuple3dState

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