Examples of BasicValue

Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

    private void emitRestoreState(MethodVisitor mv, int idx, FrameInfo fi, int numArgsPreserved) {
        Frame f = frames[fi.endInstruction];

        // restore local vars
        for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
            if (!isNullType(v)) {
                int slotIdx = fi.localSlotIndices[i];
                assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
                mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), i);
            } else if (v != BasicValue.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
                mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, i);

        // restore operand stack
        for (int i = 0; i < f.getStackSize() - numArgsPreserved; i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

            int idxPrim = 0;

            if (f != null) {
                stackSlotIndices = new int[f.getStackSize()];
                for (int i = 0; i < f.getStackSize(); i++) {
                    BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
                    if (v instanceof NewValue) {
                        NewValue newValue = (NewValue) v;
                        if (db.isDebug()) {
                            db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Omit value from stack idx %d at instruction %d with type %s generated by %s",
                                    i, endInstruction, v, newValue.formatInsn());
                        if (!newValue.omitted) {
                            newValue.omitted = true;
                            if (db.isDebug()) {
                                // need to log index before replacing instruction
                                db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Omitting instruction %d: %s", insnList.indexOf(newValue.insn), newValue.formatInsn());
                            insnList.set(newValue.insn, new OmittedInstruction(newValue.insn));
                        stackSlotIndices[i] = -666; // an invalid index ;)
                    } else if (!isNullType(v)) {
                        if (v.isReference()) {
                            stackSlotIndices[i] = idxObj++;
                        } else {
                            stackSlotIndices[i] = idxPrim++;
                    } else {
                        stackSlotIndices[i] = -666; // an invalid index ;)

                localSlotIndices = new int[f.getLocals()];
                for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
                    BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
                    if (!isNullType(v)) {
                        if (v.isReference()) {
                            localSlotIndices[i] = idxObj++;
                        } else {
                            localSlotIndices[i] = idxPrim++;
                    } else {
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

    private void emitNewAndDup(MethodVisitor mv, Frame frame, int stackIndex, MethodInsnNode min) {
        int arguments = frame.getStackSize() - stackIndex - 1;
        int neededLocals = 0;
        for (int i = arguments; i >= 1; i--) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex + i);
            mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), lvarStack + NUM_LOCALS + neededLocals);
            neededLocals += v.getSize();
        db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Inserting NEW & DUP for constructor call %s%s with %d arguments (%d locals)", min.owner, min.desc, arguments, neededLocals);
        if (additionalLocals < neededLocals) {
            additionalLocals = neededLocals;
        ((NewValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex - 1)).insn.accept(mv);
        ((NewValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex)).insn.accept(mv);
        for (int i = 1; i <= arguments; i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex + i);
            neededLocals -= v.getSize();
            mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), lvarStack + NUM_LOCALS + neededLocals);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

        emitConst(mv, fi.numSlots);
        mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, STACK_NAME, "pushMethod", "(II)V");

        // store operand stack
        for (int i = f.getStackSize(); i-- > 0;) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitStoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
                } else {
                    db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "NULL stack entry: type=%s size=%d", v.getType(), v.getSize());

        // store local vars
        for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
            if (!isNullType(v)) {
                mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), i);
                int slotIdx = fi.localSlotIndices[i];
                assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                emitStoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);

        // restore last numArgsToPreserve operands
        for (int i = f.getStackSize() - numArgsToPreserve; i < f.getStackSize(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

    private void emitRestoreState(MethodVisitor mv, int idx, FrameInfo fi, int numArgsPreserved) {
        Frame f = frames[fi.endInstruction];

        // restore local vars
        for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
            if (!isNullType(v)) {
                int slotIdx = fi.localSlotIndices[i];
                assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
                mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), i);
            } else if (v != BasicValue.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
                mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, i);

        // restore operand stack
        for (int i = 0; i < f.getStackSize() - numArgsPreserved; i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

            int idxPrim = 0;

            if (f != null) {
                stackSlotIndices = new int[f.getStackSize()];
                for (int i = 0; i < f.getStackSize(); i++) {
                    BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
                    if (v instanceof NewValue) {
                        NewValue newValue = (NewValue) v;
                        if (db.isDebug()) {
                            db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Omit value from stack idx %d at instruction %d with type %s generated by %s",
                                    i, endInstruction, v, newValue.formatInsn());
                        if (!newValue.omitted) {
                            newValue.omitted = true;
                            if (db.isDebug()) {
                                // need to log index before replacing instruction
                                db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Omitting instruction %d: %s", insnList.indexOf(newValue.insn), newValue.formatInsn());
                            insnList.set(newValue.insn, new OmittedInstruction(newValue.insn));
                        stackSlotIndices[i] = -666; // an invalid index ;)
                    } else if (!isNullType(v)) {
                        if (v.isReference()) {
                            stackSlotIndices[i] = idxObj++;
                        } else {
                            stackSlotIndices[i] = idxPrim++;
                    } else {
                        stackSlotIndices[i] = -666; // an invalid index ;)

                localSlotIndices = new int[f.getLocals()];
                for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
                    BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
                    if (!isNullType(v)) {
                        if (v.isReference()) {
                            localSlotIndices[i] = idxObj++;
                        } else {
                            localSlotIndices[i] = idxPrim++;
                    } else {
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

    private void emitNewAndDup(MethodVisitor mv, Frame frame, int stackIndex, MethodInsnNode min) {
        int arguments = frame.getStackSize() - stackIndex - 1;
        int neededLocals = 0;
        for (int i = arguments; i >= 1; i--) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex + i);
            mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), lvarStack + 1 + neededLocals);
            neededLocals += v.getSize();
        db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Inserting NEW & DUP for constructor call %s%s with %d arguments (%d locals)", min.owner, min.desc, arguments, neededLocals);
        if (additionalLocals < neededLocals) {
            additionalLocals = neededLocals;
        ((NewValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex - 1)).insn.accept(mv);
        ((NewValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex)).insn.accept(mv);
        for (int i = 1; i <= arguments; i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) frame.getStack(stackIndex + i);
            neededLocals -= v.getSize();
            mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), lvarStack + 1 + neededLocals);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

        emitConst(mv, fi.numSlots);
        mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, STACK_NAME, "pushMethodAndReserveSpace", "(II)V");

        // store operand stack
        for (int i = f.getStackSize(); i-- > 0;) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitStoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
                } else {
                    db.log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "NULL stack entry: type=%s size=%d", v.getType(), v.getSize());

        // store local vars
        for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
            if (!isNullType(v)) {
                mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ILOAD), i);
                int slotIdx = fi.localSlotIndices[i];
                assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                emitStoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

    private void emitRestoreState(MethodVisitor mv, int idx, FrameInfo fi) {
        Frame f = frames[fi.endInstruction];

        // restore local vars
        for (int i = firstLocal; i < f.getLocals(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getLocal(i);
            if (!isNullType(v)) {
                int slotIdx = fi.localSlotIndices[i];
                assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
                mv.visitVarInsn(v.getType().getOpcode(Opcodes.ISTORE), i);
            } else if (v != BasicValue.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
                mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, i);

        // restore operand stack
        for (int i = 0; i < f.getStackSize(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
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Examples of org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.BasicValue

    private void emitRestoreOperandStack(MethodVisitor mv, FrameInfo fi) {
        Frame f = frames[fi.endInstruction];

        for (int i = 0; i < f.getStackSize(); i++) {
            BasicValue v = (BasicValue) f.getStack(i);
            if (!isOmitted(v)) {
                if (!isNullType(v)) {
                    int slotIdx = fi.stackSlotIndices[i];
                    assert slotIdx >= 0 && slotIdx < fi.numSlots;
                    emitRestoreValue(mv, v, lvarStack, slotIdx);
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