// Step 3 : Make the operation expression.
// For each property function, insert the implementation
// For each block of non-property function triples, make a BGP.
Op op = null;
BasicPattern pattern = null ;
for ( Triple t : triples )
if ( pfInvocations.containsKey(t) )
op = flush(pattern, op) ;
pattern = null ;
PropertyFunctionInstance pfi = pfInvocations.get(t) ;
OpPropFunc opPF = new OpPropFunc(t.getPredicate(), pfi.getSubjectArgList(), pfi.getObjectArgList(), op) ;
op = opPF ;
continue ;
// Regular triples - make sure there is a basic pattern in progress.
if ( pattern == null )
pattern = new BasicPattern() ;
pattern.add(t) ;
op = flush(pattern, op) ;
return op ;