Implementation of the {@link RegulaFalsiSolver Regula Falsi} and{@link IllinoisSolver Illinois} methods is based on thefollowing article: M. Dowell and P. Jarratt, A modified regula falsi method for computing the root of an equation, BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 11, number 2, pages 168-174, Springer, 1971.
Implementation of the {@link PegasusSolver Pegasus} method isbased on the following article: M. Dowell and P. Jarratt, The "Pegasus" method for computing the root of an equation, BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 12, number 4, pages 503-508, Springer, 1972.
The {@link SecantSolver Secant} method is not abracketing method, so it is not implemented here. It has a separate implementation.
@since 3.0