It is capable of parsing the Atom XML for an {@code The BaseEntry class implements the {@link Kind.Adaptable} interface, meaningit is possible to create new {@link Kind.Adaptor} subtypes that definesa custom extension model (and associated convenience APIs) for a BaseEntry subtypes that use Atom/RSS extensions to extend the content model for a particular type of data. An {@link Kind.Adaptor} subclass of BaseEntry should do the following:
Here is the Relax-NG schema that represents an Atom 1.0 entry: atomEntry = element atom:entry { atomCommonAttributes, (atomAuthor & atomCategory & atomContent? & atomContributor & atomId & atomLink & atomPublished? & atomRights? & atomSource? & atomSummary? & atomTitle & atomUpdated & extensionElement*)
@param < E> the entry type associated with the bound subtype.
@see Kind.Adaptor
@see Kind.Adaptable