throws Exception
// Get all session home interfaces first
log.debug( "testEnvironment(), start" );
BankSessionHome lBankHome = (BankSessionHome) mContext.lookup( BankSessionHome.JNDI_NAME );
CustomerSessionHome lCustomerHome = (CustomerSessionHome) mContext.lookup( CustomerSessionHome.JNDI_NAME );
AccountSessionHome lAccountHome = (AccountSessionHome) mContext.lookup( AccountSessionHome.JNDI_NAME );
TellerSessionHome lTellerHome = (TellerSessionHome) mContext.lookup( TellerSessionHome.JNDI_NAME );
// Create a session bean by default
BankSession lBank = lBankHome.create();
CustomerSession lCustomer = lCustomerHome.create();
AccountSession lAccount = lAccountHome.create();
TellerSession lTeller = lTellerHome.create();
// Create a bank the root of everything