Examples of Avg

Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

        public SenderMetrics(Metrics metrics) {
            this.metrics = metrics;

            this.batchSizeSensor = metrics.sensor("batch-size");
            this.batchSizeSensor.add("batch-size-avg", "The average number of bytes sent per partition per-request.", new Avg());
            this.batchSizeSensor.add("batch-size-max", "The max number of bytes sent per partition per-request.", new Max());

            this.compressionRateSensor = metrics.sensor("compression-rate");
            this.compressionRateSensor.add("compression-rate-avg", "The average compression rate of record batches.", new Avg());

            this.queueTimeSensor = metrics.sensor("queue-time");
                                     "The average time in ms record batches spent in the record accumulator.",
                                     new Avg());
                                     "The maximum time in ms record batches spent in the record accumulator.",
                                     new Max());

            this.requestTimeSensor = metrics.sensor("request-time");
            this.requestTimeSensor.add("request-latency-avg", "The average request latency in ms", new Avg());
            this.requestTimeSensor.add("request-latency-max", "The maximum request latency in ms", new Max());

            this.recordsPerRequestSensor = metrics.sensor("records-per-request");
            this.recordsPerRequestSensor.add("record-send-rate", "The average number of records sent per second.", new Rate());
            this.recordsPerRequestSensor.add("records-per-request-avg", "The average number of records per request.", new Avg());

            this.retrySensor = metrics.sensor("record-retries");
            this.retrySensor.add("record-retry-rate", "The average per-second number of retried record sends", new Rate());

            this.errorSensor = metrics.sensor("errors");
            this.errorSensor.add("record-error-rate", "The average per-second number of record sends that resulted in errors", new Rate());

            this.maxRecordSizeSensor = metrics.sensor("record-size-max");
            this.maxRecordSizeSensor.add("record-size-max", "The maximum record size", new Max());
            this.maxRecordSizeSensor.add("record-size-avg", "The average record size", new Avg());

            this.metrics.addMetric("requests-in-flight", "The current number of in-flight requests awaiting a response.", new Measurable() {
                public double measure(MetricConfig config, long now) {
                    return client.inFlightRequestCount();
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

                Sensor topicByteRate = this.metrics.sensor(topicByteRateName);
                topicByteRate.add("topic." + topic + ".byte-rate", new Rate());

                String topicCompressionRateName = "topic." + topic + ".compression-rate";
                Sensor topicCompressionRate = this.metrics.sensor(topicCompressionRateName);
                topicCompressionRate.add("topic." + topic + ".compression-rate", new Avg());

                String topicRetryName = "topic." + topic + ".record-retries";
                Sensor topicRetrySensor = this.metrics.sensor(topicRetryName);
                topicRetrySensor.add("topic." + topic + ".record-retry-rate", new Rate());
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

        long iters = Long.parseLong(args[0]);
        Metrics metrics = new Metrics();
        Sensor parent = metrics.sensor("parent");
        Sensor child = metrics.sensor("child", parent);
        for (Sensor sensor : Arrays.asList(parent, child)) {
            sensor.add(sensor.name() + ".avg", new Avg());
            sensor.add(sensor.name() + ".count", new Count());
            sensor.add(sensor.name() + ".max", new Max());
            sensor.add(new Percentiles(1024,
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

                                 new Rate(new Count()));

            this.bytesSent = this.metrics.sensor("bytes-sent", bytesTransferred);
            this.bytesSent.add("outgoing-byte-rate", "The average number of outgoing bytes sent per second to all servers.", new Rate());
            this.bytesSent.add("request-rate", "The average number of requests sent per second.", new Rate(new Count()));
            this.bytesSent.add("request-size-avg", "The average size of all requests in the window..", new Avg());
            this.bytesSent.add("request-size-max", "The maximum size of any request sent in the window.", new Max());

            this.bytesReceived = this.metrics.sensor("bytes-received", bytesTransferred);
            this.bytesReceived.add("incoming-byte-rate", "Bytes/second read off all sockets", new Rate());
            this.bytesReceived.add("response-rate", "Responses received sent per second.", new Rate(new Count()));

            this.selectTime = this.metrics.sensor("select-time");
                                "Number of times the I/O layer checked for new I/O to perform per second",
                                new Rate(new Count()));
                                "The average length of time the I/O thread spent waiting for a socket ready for reads or writes in nanoseconds.",
                                new Avg());
            this.selectTime.add("io-wait-ratio", "The fraction of time the I/O thread spent waiting.", new Rate(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS));

            this.ioTime = this.metrics.sensor("io-time");
            this.ioTime.add("io-time-ns-avg", "The average length of time for I/O per select call in nanoseconds.", new Avg());
            this.ioTime.add("io-ratio", "The fraction of time the I/O thread spent doing I/O", new Rate(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS));

            this.metrics.addMetric("connection-count", "The current number of active connections.", new Measurable() {
                public double measure(MetricConfig config, long now) {
                    return keys.size();
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

                    nodeRequest = this.metrics.sensor(nodeRequestName);
                    nodeRequest.add("node-" + node + ".outgoing-byte-rate", new Rate());
                    nodeRequest.add("node-" + node + ".request-rate",
                                    "The average number of requests sent per second.",
                                    new Rate(new Count()));
                    nodeRequest.add("node-" + node + ".request-size-avg", "The average size of all requests in the window..", new Avg());
                    nodeRequest.add("node-" + node + ".request-size-max", "The maximum size of any request sent in the window.", new Max());

                    String nodeResponseName = "node-" + node + ".bytes-received";
                    Sensor nodeResponse = this.metrics.sensor(nodeResponseName);
                    nodeResponse.add("node-" + node + ".incoming-byte-rate", new Rate());
                    nodeResponse.add("node-" + node + ".response-rate",
                                     "The average number of responses received per second.",
                                     new Rate(new Count()));

                    String nodeTimeName = "node-" + node + ".latency";
                    Sensor nodeRequestTime = this.metrics.sensor(nodeTimeName);
                    nodeRequestTime.add("node-" + node + ".request-latency-avg", new Avg());
                    nodeRequestTime.add("node-" + node + ".request-latency-max", new Max());
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

    public void testSimpleStats() throws Exception {
        ConstantMeasurable measurable = new ConstantMeasurable();
        metrics.addMetric("direct.measurable", measurable);
        Sensor s = metrics.sensor("test.sensor");
        s.add("test.avg", new Avg());
        s.add("test.max", new Max());
        s.add("test.min", new Min());
        s.add("test.rate", new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        s.add("test.occurences", new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS, new Count()));
        s.add("test.count", new Count());
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

        assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, max.measure(config, time.milliseconds()), EPS);

    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testDuplicateMetricName() {
        metrics.sensor("test").add("test", new Avg());
        metrics.sensor("test2").add("test", new Total());
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Examples of org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg

    public void testJmxRegistration() throws Exception {
        Metrics metrics = new Metrics();
        metrics.addReporter(new JmxReporter());
        Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor("kafka.requests");
        sensor.add("pack.bean1.avg", new Avg());
        sensor.add("pack.bean2.total", new Total());
        Sensor sensor2 = metrics.sensor("kafka.blah");
        sensor2.add("pack.bean1.some", new Total());
        sensor2.add("pack.bean2.some", new Total());
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Examples of org.apache.pig.builtin.AVG

        } else if ("avg(long)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new LongAvg();
        } else if ("avg(int)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new IntAvg();
        } else if ("avg(bytearray)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new AVG();
        } else if ("min(double)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new DoubleMin();
        } else if ("min(float)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new FloatMin();
        } else if ("min(long)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
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Examples of org.apache.pig.builtin.AVG

        } else if ("avg(long)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new LongAvg();
        } else if ("avg(int)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new IntAvg();
        } else if ("avg(bytearray)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new AVG();
        } else if ("min(double)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new DoubleMin();
        } else if ("min(float)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
            func = new FloatMin();
        } else if ("min(long)".equalsIgnoreCase(agg)) {
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