Examples of Availability

Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

            for (int i = 0; i < MULTI; i++) {

                AvailabilityReport report = new AvailabilityReport(agent.getName());
                for (Resource r : resources) {
                    AvailabilityType at = (i % 2 == 0) ? AvailabilityType.UP : AvailabilityType.DOWN;
                    Availability a = new Availability(r, (t1 + i * MILLIS_APART), at);
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

        return resourceAvailabilityManager.getLatestAvailabilityType(subject, resourceId);

    public Availability getCurrentAvailabilityForResource(Subject subject, int resourceId) {
        Availability retAvailability;
        if (authorizationManager.canViewResource(subject, resourceId) == false) {
            throw new PermissionException("User [" + subject
                + "] does not have permission to view current availability for resource[id=" + resourceId + "]");

        try {
            Query q = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Availability.FIND_CURRENT_BY_RESOURCE);
            q.setParameter("resourceId", resourceId);
            retAvailability = (Availability) q.getSingleResult();
        } catch (NoResultException nre) {
            // Fall back to searching for the one with the latest start date, but most likely it doesn't exist
            Resource resource = resourceManager.getResourceById(subject, resourceId);
            List<Availability> availList = resource.getAvailability();
            if ((availList != null) && (availList.size() > 0)) {
                log.warn("Could not query for latest avail but found one - missing null end time (this should never happen)");
                retAvailability = availList.get(availList.size() - 1);
            } else {
                retAvailability = new Availability(resource, AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN);

        return retAvailability;
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

        // Result = { AV-1 [0..100], AV-2 [100..200], AV-3 [200..300] }. We really only want AV-2 [100..200] because
        // the other two end up having 0 length, |100..100| and |200..200|.
        // Remove any unwanted entries.
        for (Iterator<Availability> i = result.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Availability av = i.next();
            if ((null != av.getEndTime() && av.getEndTime().equals(startTime) || av.getStartTime().equals(endTime))) {

        // Check if the availabilities obtained cover the startTime of the range.
        // If not, we need to provide a "surrogate" for the beginning interval. The availabilities
        // obtained from the DB are sorted in ascending order of time. So we can insert one
        // pseudo-availability in front of the list if needed. Note that due to avail purging
        // we can end up with periods without avail data. The surrogate will be for type UNKNOWN.
        if (result.size() > 0) {
            Availability firstAvailability = result.get(0);
            if (firstAvailability.getStartTime() > startDate.getTime()) {
                Availability surrogateAvailability = new Availability(firstAvailability.getResource(),
                    startDate.getTime(), AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN);
                result.add(0, surrogateAvailability); // add at the head of the list
        } else {
            Resource surrogateResource = entityManager.find(Resource.class, resourceId);
            Availability surrogateAvailability = new Availability(surrogateResource, startDate.getTime(),
            result.add(surrogateAvailability); // add as the only element, covering the entire interval

        // Now, limit the Availability ranges to the desired range. Detach the entities prior to to the update so
        // the value changes are not propagated to the DB.
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

        // If not, we need to provide a "surrogate" for the beginning interval. The availabilities
        // obtained from the db are sorted in ascending order of time. So we can insert one
        // pseudo-availability in front of the list if needed. Note that due to avail purging
        // we can end up with periods without avail data.
        if (availabilities.size() > 0) {
            Availability earliestAvailability = availabilities.get(0);
            if (earliestAvailability.getStartTime() > fullRangeBeginDate.getTime()) {
                Availability surrogateAvailability = new SurrogateAvailability(earliestAvailability.getResource(),
                availabilities.add(0, surrogateAvailability); // add at the head of the list
        } else {
            Resource surrogateResource = context.type == EntityContext.Type.Resource ? entityManager.find(
                Resource.class, context.resourceId) : new Resource(-1);
            Availability surrogateAvailability = new SurrogateAvailability(surrogateResource,
            availabilities.add(surrogateAvailability); // add as the only element

        // Now check if the date range passed in by the user extends into the future. If so, finish the last
        // availability at now and add a surrogate after it, as we know nothing about the future.
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (fullRangeEndDate.getTime() > now) {
            Availability latestAvailability = availabilities.get(availabilities.size() - 1);
            Availability unknownFuture = new SurrogateAvailability(latestAvailability.getResource(), now);

        // Now calculate the individual data points.  We start at the end time of the range
        // and move a current time pointer backwards in time, stopping at each barrier along the way, where a barrier
        // is either the start of a data point or the start of an availability record.  We move backwards
        // in time because the full range may not be neatly divisible by the number of points so we want
        // any "leftover" data that we can't account for in the returned list to be the oldest data possible.
        long totalMillis = fullRangeEndTime - fullRangeBeginTime;
        long perPointMillis = totalMillis / numberOfPoints;
        List<AvailabilityPoint> availabilityPoints = new ArrayList<AvailabilityPoint>(numberOfPoints);

        long currentTime = fullRangeEndTime;
        int currentAvailabilityIndex = availabilities.size() - 1;
        long timeUpInDataPoint = 0;
        long timeDisabledInDataPoint = 0;
        boolean hasDownPeriods = false;
        boolean hasDisabledPeriods = false;
        boolean hasUnknownPeriods = false;
        long dataPointStartBarrier = fullRangeEndTime - perPointMillis;

        while (currentTime > fullRangeBeginTime) {
            if (currentAvailabilityIndex <= -1) {
                // no more availability data, the rest of the data points are unknown
                availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN, currentTime));
                currentTime -= perPointMillis;

            Availability currentAvailability = availabilities.get(currentAvailabilityIndex);
            long availabilityStartBarrier = currentAvailability.getStartTime();

            // the start of the data point comes first or at same time as availability record (remember, we are going
            // backwards in time)
            if (dataPointStartBarrier >= availabilityStartBarrier) {

                // end the data point
                if (currentAvailability instanceof SurrogateAvailability) {
                    // we are on the edge of the range with a surrogate for this data point.  Be pessimistic,
                    // if we have had any down time, set to down, then disabled, then up, and finally unknown.
                    if (hasDownPeriods) {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.DOWN, currentTime));

                    } else if (hasDisabledPeriods) {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.DISABLED, currentTime));

                    } else if (timeUpInDataPoint > 0) {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.UP, currentTime));

                    } else {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN, currentTime));
                } else {
                    // bump up the proper counter or set the proper flag for the current time frame
                    switch (currentAvailability.getAvailabilityType()) {
                    case UP:
                        timeUpInDataPoint += currentTime - dataPointStartBarrier;
                    case DOWN:
                        hasDownPeriods = true;
                    case DISABLED:
                        hasDisabledPeriods = true;
                    case UNKNOWN:
                        hasUnknownPeriods = true;
                        // Only stored avail types are relevant, MISSING, for example, is never stored

                    // if the period has been all green,  then set it to UP, otherwise, be pessimistic if there is any
                    // mix of avail types
                    if (timeUpInDataPoint == perPointMillis) {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.UP, currentTime));

                    } else if (hasDownPeriods) {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.DOWN, currentTime));

                    } else if (hasDisabledPeriods) {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.DISABLED, currentTime));

                    } else {
                        availabilityPoints.add(new AvailabilityPoint(AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN, currentTime));

                timeUpInDataPoint = 0;
                hasDownPeriods = false;
                hasDisabledPeriods = false;
                hasUnknownPeriods = false;

                // if we reached the start of the current availability record, move to the previous one (going back in time, remember)
                if (dataPointStartBarrier == availabilityStartBarrier) {

                // move the current time pointer to the next data point and move back to the next data point start time
                currentTime = dataPointStartBarrier;
                dataPointStartBarrier -= perPointMillis;

                // the division determing perPointMillis drops the remainder, which may leave us slightly short.
                // if we go negative, we're done.
                if (dataPointStartBarrier < 0) {

            } else { // the end of the availability record comes first, in the middle of a data point

                switch (currentAvailability.getAvailabilityType()) {
                case UP:
                    // if the resource has been up in the current time frame, bump up the counter
                    timeUpInDataPoint += currentTime - availabilityStartBarrier;
                case DOWN:
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability


        // translate data into Availability objects for downstream processing
        List<Availability> availabilities = new ArrayList<Availability>(report.getResourceAvailability().size());
        for (AvailabilityReport.Datum datum : report.getResourceAvailability()) {
            availabilities.add(new Availability(new Resource(datum.getResourceId()), datum.getStartTime(), datum

        Integer agentToUpdate = agentManager.getAgentIdByName(agentName);
        MergeInfo mergeInfo = new MergeInfo(report);
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

            // get the latest avail for the reported resource
            //q.setParameter("resourceId", reported.getResource().getId());
            Integer resourceId = reported.getResource().getId();
            Object latestObject = latestAvailabilities.get(resourceId);
            Availability latest = null;

            if (null == latestObject) { // this is like NoResultException
                // This should not happen unless the Resource in the report is stale, which can happen in certain
                // sync scenarios. A Resource is given its initial Availability/ResourceAvailability when it is
                // persisted so it is guaranteed to have Availability, so, the Resource must not exist. At least
                // it must not exist in my utopian view of the world. Let's just make sure...
                Resource attachedResource = entityManager.find(Resource.class, reported.getResource().getId());

                if ((null == attachedResource) || (InventoryStatus.COMMITTED != attachedResource.getInventoryStatus())) {
                    // expected case
                    log.info("Skipping mergeAvailabilityReport() for stale resource [" + reported.getResource()
                        + "]. These messages should go away after the next agent synchronization with the server.");


                } else {
                    // this should not really happen but is possible in rare failure situations, it means the resource
                    // exists but has no latest Availability record (i.e. sendTime == null).  Correct the situation and
                    // then process the reported avail.
                    log.warn("Resource [" + reported.getResource()
                        + "] has no latest availability record (i.e. no endtime) - will attempt to repair.\n"
                        + mergeInfo.toString(false));

                    try {
                        List<Availability> attachedAvails = attachedResource.getAvailability();
                        Availability attachedLastAvail = null;

                        if (attachedAvails.isEmpty()) {
                            latest = new Availability(attachedResource, 0L, AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN);

                        } else {
                            latest = attachedAvails.get(attachedAvails.size() - 1);
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

        int newAvailsSize = platformResourcesWithStatus.size() + resourcesWithStatus.size();
        List<Availability> newAvailabilities = new ArrayList<Availability>(newAvailsSize);

        // if the platform is being set to a new status handle it now
        if (!platformResourcesWithStatus.isEmpty()) {
            Availability newAvailabilityInterval = getNewInterval(platformResourcesWithStatus.get(0), now,
            if (newAvailabilityInterval != null) {

            resourceAvailabilityManager.updateAgentResourcesLatestAvailability(agentId, platformAvailType, true);

        // for those resources that have a current availability status that is different, change them
        for (ResourceIdWithAvailabilityComposite record : resourcesWithStatus) {
            Availability newAvailabilityInterval = getNewInterval(record, now, childAvailType);
            if (newAvailabilityInterval != null) {
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

     * @return the new availability interval for a given resource, or null if there is already an existing availability
    private Availability getNewInterval(ResourceIdWithAvailabilityComposite record, Date startDate,
        AvailabilityType aType) {
        // if there is already an existing availability, update it
        Availability old = record.getAvailability();

        if (old != null) {
            if (old.getAvailabilityType() == aType) {
                // existing availability is the same type, just extend it without creating a new entity
                old.setEndTime(null); // don't really need to do this; just enforces the fact that we extend the last interval
                return null;


        Resource resource = new Resource();

        Availability newAvail = new Availability(resource, startDate.getTime(), aType);

        return newAvail;
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

        // get the existing availability interval where the new availability will be shoe-horned in
        Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Availability.FIND_BY_RESOURCE_AND_DATE);
        query.setParameter("resourceId", toInsert.getResource().getId());
        query.setParameter("aTime", toInsert.getStartTime());

        Availability existing;

        try {
            existing = (Availability) query.getSingleResult();

        } catch (NoResultException nre) {
            // this should never happen since we create an initial Availability when the resource is persisted.
            log.warn("Resource [" + toInsert.getResource()
                + "] has no Availabilities, this should not happen.  Correcting situation by adding an Availability.");

            // we are inserting this as the very first interval
            query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Availability.FIND_BY_RESOURCE);
            query.setParameter("resourceId", toInsert.getResource().getId());
            query.setMaxResults(1); // we only need the very first one
            Availability firstAvail = ((List<Availability>) query.getResultList()).get(0);

            // only add a new row if its a different status; otherwise, just move the first interval back further
            if (firstAvail.getAvailabilityType() != toInsert.getAvailabilityType()) {
            } else {


        } catch (NonUniqueResultException nure) {
            // This should not happen but can happen if the startTime exactly matches an existing start time. In
            // this case assume we have somehow been passed a duplicate report, and ignore the entry.
            log.warn("Resource [" + toInsert.getResource()
                + "] received a duplicate Availability. It is being ignored: " + toInsert);


        // If we are inserting the same availability type, the first one can just continue
        // and there is nothing to do!
        if (existing.getAvailabilityType() != toInsert.getAvailabilityType()) {

            // get the afterExisting availability. note: we are assured this query will return something;
            // semantics of this method is that it is never called if we are inserting in the last interval
            query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Availability.FIND_BY_RESOURCE_AND_DATE);
            query.setParameter("resourceId", toInsert.getResource().getId());
            query.setParameter("aTime", existing.getEndTime() + 1);
            Availability afterExisting = (Availability) query.getSingleResult();

            if (toInsert.getAvailabilityType() == afterExisting.getAvailabilityType()) {
                // the inserted avail type is the same as the following avail type, we don't need to
                // insert a new avail record, just adjust the start/end times of the existing records.

                if (existing.getStartTime() == toInsert.getStartTime()) {
                    // Edge Case: If the insertTo start time equals the existing start time
                    // just remove the existing record and let afterExisting cover the interval.
                } else {

                // stretch next interval to cover the inserted interval

            } else {
                // the inserted avail type is NOT the same as the following avail type, we likely need to
                // insert a new avail record.

                if (existing.getStartTime() == toInsert.getStartTime()) {
                    // Edge Case: If the insertTo start time equals the existing end time
                    // just update the existing avail type to be the new avail type and keep the same boundary.

                } else {
                    // insert the new avail type interval, witch is different than existing and afterExisting.
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.Availability

        // At this point we should be able to just checkConditions because if there is only one avail record for the
        // duration period it means nothing has changed.  But, we'll perform a sanity check just to ensure the avail
        // type is what we think it should be...

        Availability avail = avails.get(0);
        AvailabilityType availType = avail.getAvailabilityType();

        boolean checkConditions = false;
        switch (operator) {
            checkConditions = (AvailabilityType.DOWN == availType);
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