// implementing classes
Factory f = new Factory();
// The factory returns IConcepts - in this case the actual type is
// INamedConcept<String>
Concept endocardium = f.createNamedConcept("Endocardium");
Concept tissue = f.createNamedConcept("Tissue");
Concept heartWall = f.createNamedConcept("HeartWall");
Concept heartValve = f.createNamedConcept("HeartValve");
Concept bodyWall = f.createNamedConcept("BodyWall");
Concept heart = f.createNamedConcept("Heart");
Concept bodyValve = f.createNamedConcept("BodyValve");
Concept endocarditis = f.createNamedConcept("Endocarditis");
Concept inflammation = f.createNamedConcept("Inflammation");
Concept disease = f.createNamedConcept("Disease");
Concept heartDisease = f.createNamedConcept("HeartDisease");
Concept criticalDisease = f.createNamedConcept("CriticalDisease");
// The factory can also be used to create roles
Role actsOn = f.createNamedRole("acts-on");
Role partOf = f.createNamedRole("part-of");
Role contIn = f.createNamedRole("cont-in");
Role hasLoc = f.createNamedRole("has-loc");
// Finally, the factory can be used to create axioms
Concept lhs = endocardium;
Concept rhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential((NamedRole) contIn, heartWall),
f.createExistential((NamedRole) contIn, heartValve)
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
lhs = heartWall;
rhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential((NamedRole) partOf, heart)
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
lhs = heartValve;
rhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential((NamedRole) partOf, heart)
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
lhs = endocarditis;
rhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential((NamedRole) hasLoc, endocardium)
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
lhs = inflammation;
rhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential(actsOn, tissue)
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
lhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential(hasLoc, heartValve)
rhs = criticalDisease;
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
// There is no direct support in the API to create an equivalence axiom
// so it has to be created using two concept inclusion axioms
lhs = heartDisease;
rhs = f.createConjunction(
f.createExistential(hasLoc, heart)
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));
baseAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(rhs, lhs));
Role[] rlhs = new Role[]{partOf, partOf};
Role rrhs = partOf;
baseAxioms.add(f.createRoleInclusion(rlhs, rrhs));
rlhs = new Role[]{partOf};
rrhs = contIn;
baseAxioms.add(f.createRoleInclusion(rlhs, rrhs));
rlhs = new Role[]{hasLoc, contIn};
rrhs = hasLoc;
baseAxioms.add(f.createRoleInclusion(rlhs, rrhs));
// The first time the classify method is called it runs a full
// classification
// If classification worked properly then Endocarditis should be
// classified not only as an Inflammation but also as a HeartDisease
// and a CriticalDisease
Ontology t = reasoner.getClassifiedOntology();
// We use the same id that was used to create the concept to look for
// the corresponding node in the taxonomy
Node endocarditisNode = t.getNode("Endocarditis");
System.out.println("Node for endocarditis:\n "+
// We can now print the equivalent concepts in the node and the parent
// nodes
Set<Node> parentNodes = endocarditisNode.getParents();
System.out.println("Parents of endocarditis:");
for(Node parentNode : parentNodes) {
System.out.println(" "+parentNode.getEquivalentConcepts());
// We can now add more axioms to the ontology and re-run the
// classification
Set<Axiom> additionalAxioms = new HashSet<Axiom>();
Concept heartInflammation = f.createNamedConcept("HeartInflammation");
lhs = heartInflammation;
rhs = inflammation;
additionalAxioms.add(f.createConceptInclusion(lhs, rhs));