* Parses and imports the player history data section from the given CSV file content. Generates {@link PlayerHistory} entities.
* @throws ImportException if an error occurs
private void importPlayerHistory() throws ImportException {
final CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(SEPARATOR);
boolean historySectionFound = false;
// use iterator because we are going to remove lines
for (final Iterator<String[]> iterator = fileContent.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
final String[] line = iterator.next();
// the array with player's history
String[] playerHistory;
try {
// parse player's history and fill it into an array
playerHistory = parser.parseLine(line[0]);
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
throw new ImportException(ResourceLoader.getMessage(MessageId.E002.getMessageKey()), ioe);
// if first part is numeric it is actually a player's history