JConfig.queryConfiguration("my.jbidwatcher." + type, "false").equals("true");
private void doGixen(String identifier, boolean cancel) {
if(canSendSnipeToGixen() && mGixenQueueURL != null) {
AuctionEntry ae = EntryCorral.getInstance().takeForRead(identifier);
// If we're being asked to set a snipe, and one isn't assigned to the entry, punt.
if(!cancel && !ae.isSniped()) {
JConfig.log().logMessage("Submitted auction " + identifier + " to snipe on Gixen, but doesn't have any snipe information set!");
// If we've already submitted a snipe for this listing, don't send it again.
My status = My.findByIdentifier(identifier);
if (status != null && ae.getSnipeAmount().equals(status.getMonetary("snipe_amount"))) return;
if (status == null) status = new My(identifier);
XMLElement gixen = generateGixenXML(identifier, cancel, ae);
if (gixen == null) return;
postXML(mGixenQueueURL, gixen);
if (cancel) {
status.setDate("snipe_submitted_at", null);
status.setMonetary("snipe_amount", null);
} else {
status.setDate("snipe_submitted_at", new Date());
status.setMonetary("snipe_amount", ae.getSnipeAmount());