Package at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.css.cssext.cssExtDsl

Examples of at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.css.cssext.cssExtDsl.CSSRule

   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetFunc(CSSRule newFunc, NotificationChain msgs)
    CSSRule oldFunc = func;
    func = newFunc;
    if (eNotificationRequired())
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, CssExtDslPackage.CSS_RULE_DEFINITION__FUNC, oldFunc, newFunc);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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  public CSSRule resolveReference(final CSSRuleRef ref) {
    final Definition definition = ref.getRef();
    CSSRule result =  definition.getRule();
    if (result == null) {
      if (definition instanceof CSSRuleDefinition) {
        result = ((CSSRuleDefinition) definition).getFunc();
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          CSSRule _rule = r.getRule();
          boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_rule, null));
          if (_notEquals) {
            CSSRule _rule_1 = r.getRule();
            String _translateRule = this.translateRule(_rule_1);
            _builder.append(_translateRule, "    ");
          } else {
            CSSRule _func = ((CSSRuleDefinition) r).getFunc();
            String _name_2 = ((CSSRuleFunc) _func).getName();
            _builder.append(_name_2, "    ");
            CSSRule _func_1 = ((CSSRuleDefinition) r).getFunc();
            CSSRule _params = ((CSSRuleFunc) _func_1).getParams();
            String _translateRule_1 = this.translateRule(_params);
            _builder.append(_translateRule_1, "    ");
          Doku _doku = r.getDoku();
          boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(_doku, null));
          if (_notEquals_1) {
            _builder.append("<div class=\"bs-docs-description\">");
            Doku _doku_1 = r==null?(Doku)null:r.getDoku();
            String _content = _doku_1==null?(String)null:_doku_1.getContent();
            String _fixJDoc = _content==null?(String)null:this.fixJDoc(_content);
            _builder.append(_fixJDoc, "    ");
      EList<ElementDefinition> _elements = p.getElements();
      for(final ElementDefinition e : _elements) {
        _builder.append("<a name=\"el_");
        String _calcPackagename_3 = this.calcPackagename(p);
        String _plus_2 = (_calcPackagename_3 + ".");
        String _name_3 = e.getName();
        String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + _name_3);
        _builder.append(_plus_3, "  ");
        String _name_4 = e.getName();
        _builder.append(_name_4, "  ");
          EList<ElementDefinition> _super = e.getSuper();
          boolean _isEmpty = _super.isEmpty();
          boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
          if (_not) {
            _builder.append("  <small>extends ");
            EList<ElementDefinition> _super_1 = e.getSuper();
            final Function1<ElementDefinition,String> _function = new Function1<ElementDefinition,String>() {
                public String apply(final ElementDefinition el) {
                  EObject _eContainer = el.eContainer();
                  String _calcPackagename = HTMLDocGenerator.this.calcPackagename(((PackageDefinition) _eContainer));
                  String _plus = ("<a class=\'bs-href\' href=\'#el_" + _calcPackagename);
                  String _plus_1 = (_plus + ".");
                  String _name = el.getName();
                  String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + _name);
                  String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "\'>");
                  String _name_1 = el.getName();
                  String _plus_4 = (_plus_3 + _name_1);
                  String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + "</a>");
                  return _plus_5;
            List<String> _map = ListExtensions.<ElementDefinition, String>map(_super_1, _function);
            String _join = IterableExtensions.join(_map, ",");
            _builder.append(_join, "  ");
        _builder.append("<div style=\"padding-left: 40px;\">");
        _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion\" id=\"ac_");
        String _calcPackagename_4 = this.calcPackagename(p);
        String _replace = _calcPackagename_4.replace(".", "_");
        String _plus_4 = (_replace + "_");
        String _name_5 = e.getName();
        String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + _name_5);
        _builder.append(_plus_5, "    ");
        _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-group\">");
        _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-heading\">");
        _builder.append("<a class=\"accordion-toggle\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-parent=\"#ac_");
        String _calcPackagename_5 = this.calcPackagename(p);
        String _replace_1 = _calcPackagename_5.replace(".", "_");
        String _plus_6 = (_replace_1 + "_");
        String _name_6 = e.getName();
        String _plus_7 = (_plus_6 + _name_6);
        _builder.append(_plus_7, "          ");
        _builder.append("\" href=\"#desc_");
        String _calcPackagename_6 = this.calcPackagename(p);
        String _replace_2 = _calcPackagename_6.replace(".", "_");
        String _plus_8 = (_replace_2 + "_");
        String _name_7 = e.getName();
        String _plus_9 = (_plus_8 + _name_7);
        _builder.append(_plus_9, "          ");
        _builder.append("<div id=\"desc_");
        String _calcPackagename_7 = this.calcPackagename(p);
        String _replace_3 = _calcPackagename_7.replace(".", "_");
        String _plus_10 = (_replace_3 + "_");
        String _name_8 = e.getName();
        String _plus_11 = (_plus_10 + _name_8);
        _builder.append(_plus_11, "        ");
        _builder.append("\" class=\"accordion-body collapse\">");
        _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-inner\">");
        Doku _doku_2 = e==null?(Doku)null:e.getDoku();
        String _content_1 = _doku_2==null?(String)null:_doku_2.getContent();
        String _fixJDoc_1 = _content_1==null?(String)null:this.fixJDoc(_content_1);
        _builder.append(_fixJDoc_1, "            ");
          EList<Definition> _properties = e.getProperties();
          boolean _isEmpty_1 = _properties.isEmpty();
          boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty_1);
          if (_not_1) {
            _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-group\">");
            _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-heading\">");
            _builder.append("<a class=\"accordion-toggle\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-parent=\"#ac_");
            String _calcPackagename_8 = this.calcPackagename(p);
            String _replace_4 = _calcPackagename_8.replace(".", "_");
            String _plus_12 = (_replace_4 + "_");
            String _name_9 = e.getName();
            String _plus_13 = (_plus_12 + _name_9);
            _builder.append(_plus_13, "          ");
            _builder.append("\" href=\"#props_");
            String _calcPackagename_9 = this.calcPackagename(p);
            String _replace_5 = _calcPackagename_9.replace(".", "_");
            String _plus_14 = (_replace_5 + "_");
            String _name_10 = e.getName();
            String _plus_15 = (_plus_14 + _name_10);
            _builder.append(_plus_15, "          ");
            _builder.append("<div id=\"props_");
            String _calcPackagename_10 = this.calcPackagename(p);
            String _replace_6 = _calcPackagename_10.replace(".", "_");
            String _plus_16 = (_replace_6 + "_");
            String _name_11 = e.getName();
            String _plus_17 = (_plus_16 + _name_11);
            _builder.append(_plus_17, "        ");
            _builder.append("\" class=\"accordion-body collapse\">");
            _builder.append("<table class=\"table table-bordered table-striped\">");
              EList<Definition> _properties_1 = e.getProperties();
              for(final Definition prop : _properties_1) {
                String _name_12 = prop.getName();
                _builder.append(_name_12, "                ");
                CSSRule _rule_2 = prop.getRule();
                String _translateRule_2 = this.translateRule(_rule_2);
                _builder.append(_translateRule_2, "                ");
                CSSDefaultValue _default = ((PropertyDefinition) prop)==null?(CSSDefaultValue)null:((PropertyDefinition) prop).getDefault();
                String _calcDefault = _default==null?(String)null:this.calcDefault(_default);
                _builder.append(_calcDefault, "                ");
                Doku _doku_3 = prop==null?(Doku)null:prop.getDoku();
                String _content_2 = _doku_3==null?(String)null:_doku_3.getContent();
                String _fixJDoc_2 = _content_2==null?(String)null:this.fixJDoc(_content_2);
                _builder.append(_fixJDoc_2, "                ");
          HashSet<ElementDefinition> _allSuperElements = this.allSuperElements(e);
          boolean _isEmpty_2 = _allSuperElements.isEmpty();
          boolean _not_2 = (!_isEmpty_2);
          if (_not_2) {
            _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-group\">");
            _builder.append("<div class=\"accordion-heading\">");
            _builder.append("<a class=\"accordion-toggle\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-parent=\"#ac_");
            String _calcPackagename_11 = this.calcPackagename(p);
            String _replace_7 = _calcPackagename_11.replace(".", "_");
            String _plus_18 = (_replace_7 + "_");
            String _name_13 = e.getName();
            String _plus_19 = (_plus_18 + _name_13);
            _builder.append(_plus_19, "          ");
            _builder.append("\" href=\"#props_");
            String _calcPackagename_12 = this.calcPackagename(p);
            String _replace_8 = _calcPackagename_12.replace(".", "_");
            String _plus_20 = (_replace_8 + "_");
            String _name_14 = e.getName();
            String _plus_21 = (_plus_20 + _name_14);
            _builder.append(_plus_21, "          ");
            _builder.append("Inherited Properties");
            _builder.append("<div id=\"props_");
            String _calcPackagename_13 = this.calcPackagename(p);
            String _replace_9 = _calcPackagename_13.replace(".", "_");
            String _plus_22 = (_replace_9 + "_");
            String _name_15 = e.getName();
            String _plus_23 = (_plus_22 + _name_15);
            _builder.append(_plus_23, "        ");
            _builder.append("_inherited\" class=\"accordion-body collapse\">");
            _builder.append("<table class=\"table table-bordered table-striped\">");
              HashSet<ElementDefinition> _allSuperElements_1 = this.allSuperElements(e);
              for(final ElementDefinition su : _allSuperElements_1) {
                  EList<Definition> _properties_2 = ((ElementDefinition) su).getProperties();
                  for(final Definition prop_1 : _properties_2) {
                      EList<Definition> _properties_3 = ((ElementDefinition) su).getProperties();
                      Definition _get = _properties_3.get(0);
                      boolean _equals = Objects.equal(_get, prop_1);
                      if (_equals) {
                        String _name_16 = ((ElementDefinition) su).getName();
                        _builder.append(_name_16, "                ");
                    String _name_17 = prop_1.getName();
                    _builder.append(_name_17, "                ");
                    CSSRule _rule_3 = prop_1.getRule();
                    String _translateRule_3 = this.translateRule(_rule_3);
                    _builder.append(_translateRule_3, "                ");
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    return set;
  public String calcDefault(final CSSDefaultValue defaultValue) {
    CSSRule _val = defaultValue.getVal();
    boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_val, null));
    if (_notEquals) {
      CSSRule _val_1 = defaultValue.getVal();
      return this.translateRule(_val_1);
    } else {
      String _sval = defaultValue.getSval();
      boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(_sval, null));
      if (_notEquals_1) {
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      final Iterator<CSSRule> iterator = _ors.iterator();
      boolean _hasNext = iterator.hasNext();
      boolean _while = _hasNext;
      while (_while) {
          CSSRule _next =;
          String _translateRule = this.translateRule(_next);
          boolean _hasNext_1 = iterator.hasNext();
          if (_hasNext_1) {
            result.append(" | ");
        boolean _hasNext_1 = iterator.hasNext();
        _while = _hasNext_1;
    } else {
      if ((r instanceof CSSRuleConcat)) {
        EList<CSSRule> _conc = ((CSSRuleConcat) r).getConc();
        final Iterator<CSSRule> iterator_1 = _conc.iterator();
        boolean _hasNext_1 = iterator_1.hasNext();
        boolean _while_1 = _hasNext_1;
        while (_while_1) {
            CSSRule _next =;
            String _translateRule = this.translateRule(_next);
            boolean _hasNext_2 = iterator_1.hasNext();
            if (_hasNext_2) {
              result.append(" ");
          boolean _hasNext_2 = iterator_1.hasNext();
          _while_1 = _hasNext_2;
      } else {
        if ((r instanceof CSSRuleBracket)) {
          CSSRule _inner = ((CSSRuleBracket) r).getInner();
          String _translateRule = this.translateRule(_inner);
          String _plus = ("[ " + _translateRule);
          String _plus_1 = (_plus + " ]");
        } else {
          if ((r instanceof CSSRuleXor)) {
            EList<CSSRule> _xors = ((CSSRuleXor) r).getXors();
            final Iterator<CSSRule> iterator_2 = _xors.iterator();
            boolean _hasNext_2 = iterator_2.hasNext();
            boolean _while_2 = _hasNext_2;
            while (_while_2) {
                CSSRule _next =;
                String _translateRule_1 = this.translateRule(_next);
                boolean _hasNext_3 = iterator_2.hasNext();
                if (_hasNext_3) {
                  result.append(" || ");
              boolean _hasNext_3 = iterator_2.hasNext();
              _while_2 = _hasNext_3;
          } else {
            if ((r instanceof CSSRuleLiteral)) {
              String _value = ((CSSRuleLiteral) r).getValue();
            } else {
              if ((r instanceof CSSNumLiteral)) {
                int _value_1 = ((CSSNumLiteral) r).getValue();
              } else {
                if ((r instanceof CSSRuleRef)) {
                  final CSSRuleRef ref = ((CSSRuleRef) r);
                  Definition _ref = ref.getRef();
                  EObject _findpackage = this.findpackage(_ref);
                  String _calcPackagename = this.calcPackagename(((PackageDefinition) _findpackage));
                  String _plus_2 = ("&lt;<a class=\'bs-href\' href=\'#r_" + _calcPackagename);
                  String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + ".");
                  Definition _ref_1 = ref.getRef();
                  String _name = _ref_1.getName();
                  String _plus_4 = (_plus_3 + _name);
                  String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + "\'>");
                  Definition _ref_2 = ref.getRef();
                  String _name_1 = _ref_2.getName();
                  String _plus_6 = (_plus_5 + _name_1);
                  String _plus_7 = (_plus_6 + "</a>&gt;");
                } else {
                  if ((r instanceof CSSRulePostfix)) {
                    CSSRule _rule = ((CSSRulePostfix) r).getRule();
                    String _translateRule_1 = this.translateRule(_rule);
                    String _cardinality = ((CSSRulePostfix) r).getCardinality();
                    String _plus_8 = (_translateRule_1 + _cardinality);
                  } else {
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   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetVal(CSSRule newVal, NotificationChain msgs)
    CSSRule oldVal = val;
    val = newVal;
    if (eNotificationRequired())
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, CssExtDslPackage.CSS_DEFAULT_VALUE__VAL, oldVal, newVal);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetRule(CSSRule newRule, NotificationChain msgs)
    CSSRule oldRule = rule;
    rule = newRule;
    if (eNotificationRequired())
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, CssExtDslPackage.DEFINITION__RULE, oldRule, newRule);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetInner(CSSRule newInner, NotificationChain msgs)
    CSSRule oldInner = inner;
    inner = newInner;
    if (eNotificationRequired())
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, CssExtDslPackage.CSS_RULE_BRACKET__INNER, oldInner, newInner);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetRule(CSSRule newRule, NotificationChain msgs)
    CSSRule oldRule = rule;
    rule = newRule;
    if (eNotificationRequired())
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, CssExtDslPackage.CSS_RULE_POSTFIX__RULE, oldRule, newRule);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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   * <!-- end-user-doc -->
   * @generated
  public NotificationChain basicSetParams(CSSRule newParams, NotificationChain msgs)
    CSSRule oldParams = params;
    params = newParams;
    if (eNotificationRequired())
      ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, CssExtDslPackage.CSS_RULE_FUNC__PARAMS, oldParams, newParams);
      if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
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Related Classes of at.bestsolution.efxclipse.tooling.css.cssext.cssExtDsl.CSSRule

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