Examples of AttributeValue

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Failed to instantiate custom marshaller for class " + marshallerClass,
        String stringValue = marshaller.marshall(getterReturnResult);

        return new AttributeValue().withS(stringValue);

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    List<String> timestamps = new LinkedList<String>();
                                    for ( Object o : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                        timestamps.add(new DateUtils().formatIso8601Date((Date) o));
                                    return new AttributeValue().withSS(timestamps);
                        } else if ( Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    List<String> timestamps = new LinkedList<String>();
                                    for ( Object o : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                        timestamps.add(new DateUtils().formatIso8601Date(((Calendar) o).getTime()));
                                    return new AttributeValue().withSS(timestamps);
                        } else if ( boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)
                                || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    List<String> booleanAttributes = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    for ( Object b : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                        if ( b == null || !(Boolean) b ) {
                                        } else {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withNS(booleanAttributes);
                        } else if ( returnType.isPrimitive() || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    for ( Object o : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withNS(attributes);
                        } else if (ByteBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) {
                           marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                 public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                     List<ByteBuffer> attributes = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
                                     for ( Object o : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                         attributes.add((ByteBuffer) o);
                                     return new AttributeValue().withBS(attributes);
                        } else if (byte[].class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)) {
                           marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                 public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                     List<ByteBuffer> attributes = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>();
                                     for ( Object o : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                     return new AttributeValue().withBS(attributes);
                        } else {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    for ( Object o : (Set<?>) obj ) {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withSS(attributes);
                    } else if ( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                        throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Non-set collections aren't supported: "
                                + (getter.getDeclaringClass() + "." + getter.getName()));
                    } else {
                        if ( Date.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withS(new DateUtils().formatIso8601Date((Date) obj));
                        } else if ( Calendar.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withS(new DateUtils()
                                            .formatIso8601Date(((Calendar) obj).getTime()));
                        } else if ( boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType)
                                || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    if ( obj == null || !(Boolean) obj ) {
                                        return new AttributeValue().withN("0");
                                    } else {
                                        return new AttributeValue().withN("1");
                        } else if ( returnType.isPrimitive() || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withN(String.valueOf(obj));
                        } else if ( returnType == String.class ) {
                            marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    if ( ((String) obj).length() == 0 )
                                        return null;
                                    return new AttributeValue().withS(String.valueOf(obj));
                        } else if ( returnType == ByteBuffer.class ) {
                          marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                    return new AttributeValue().withB((ByteBuffer)obj);
                        } else if ( returnType == byte[].class) {
                           marshaller = new ArgumentMarshaller() {

                                 public AttributeValue marshall(Object obj) {
                                     return new AttributeValue().withB(ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[])obj));
                        } else {
                            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Unsupported type: " + returnType + " for " + getter);

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

        String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

        // Fill in the hash key element in the service request
        Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(hashKey, hashKeyGetter);

        // Determine the range key, if provided
        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        if ( rangeKey != null ) {
            Method rangeKeyMethod = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
            if ( rangeKeyMethod == null ) {
                throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Zero-parameter range key property must be annotated with "
                        + DynamoDBRangeKey.class);

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

        Class<? extends T> clazz = (Class<? extends T>) object.getClass();
        String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

        Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(safeInvoke(hashKeyGetter, object), hashKeyGetter);

        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        Method rangeKeyGetter = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
        if ( rangeKeyGetter != null ) {
            rangeKeyElement = getRangeKeyElement(safeInvoke(rangeKeyGetter, object), rangeKeyGetter);

        Key objectKey = new Key().withHashKeyElement(hashKeyElement).withRangeKeyElement(rangeKeyElement);

        Map<String, AttributeValueUpdate> updateValues = new HashMap<String, AttributeValueUpdate>();
        Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedValues = new HashMap<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>();

        boolean forcePut = config.getSaveBehavior() == SaveBehavior.CLOBBER;
        boolean nonKeyAttributePresent = false;
        List<ValueUpdate> inMemoryUpdates = new LinkedList<ValueUpdate>();

         * First look at the keys and construct updates for them independently
        List<Method> keyGetterMethods = new LinkedList<Method>();
        if ( rangeKeyGetter != null ) {

         * Determine if there are any auto-assigned keys to assign. If so, force
         * a put and assign the keys
        if ( !forcePut ) {
            for ( Method method : keyGetterMethods ) {
                Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
                if ( getterResult == null && reflector.isAssignableKey(method) ) {
                    forcePut = true;

         * If we're doing a put, that means that we need update values for the
         * key attributes.
        if ( forcePut ) {
            for ( Method method : keyGetterMethods ) {
                Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
                String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

                if ( getterResult == null && reflector.isAssignableKey(method) ) {
                    AttributeValue newVersionValue = getAutoGeneratedKeyAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                            new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("PUT").withValue(newVersionValue));
                    inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, newVersionValue, object));

                    if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
                        // Add an expect clause to make sure that the item
                        // doesn't already exist, since it's supposed to be new
                        ExpectedAttributeValue expected = new ExpectedAttributeValue();
                        expectedValues.put(attributeName, expected);
                } else {
                    AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    if ( currentValue != null ) {
                                new AttributeValueUpdate().withValue(currentValue).withAction("PUT"));
                    } else {
                        throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Null value for non-generated key for method " + method);
        } else {
             * If we don't have the required keys by this point, it's an error
            if ( hashKeyElement == null ) {
                throw new DynamoDBMappingException("No value provided for hash key for object " + object);
            if ( rangeKeyGetter != null && rangeKeyElement == null ) {
                throw new DynamoDBMappingException("No value provided for range key for object " + object);

        // Look at every getter and construct an update object for it
        for ( Method method : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {

            // Skip any key methods, since they are handled separately
            if ( method.equals(hashKeyGetter) || method.equals(rangeKeyGetter) )
            nonKeyAttributePresent = true;

            Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
            String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

             * If this is a versioned field, update it
            if ( reflector.isVersionAttributeGetter(method) ) {
                if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
                    // First establish the expected (current) value for the
                    // update call
                    ExpectedAttributeValue expected = new ExpectedAttributeValue();

                    // For new objects, insist that the value doesn't exist.
                    // For existing ones, insist it has the old value.
                    AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    expected.setExists(currentValue != null);
                    if ( currentValue != null ) {
                    expectedValues.put(attributeName, expected);

                AttributeValue newVersionValue = getVersionAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                        .put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("PUT").withValue(newVersionValue));
                inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, newVersionValue, object));

             * Otherwise apply the update value for this attribute.
            else  {
                AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                if ( currentValue != null ) {
                    updateValues.put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withValue(currentValue)
                } else if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
                    updateValues.put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("DELETE"));

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

        Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();

        String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

        Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(safeInvoke(hashKeyGetter, object), hashKeyGetter);

        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        Method rangeKeyGetter = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
        if ( rangeKeyGetter != null ) {
            rangeKeyElement = getRangeKeyElement(safeInvoke(rangeKeyGetter, object), rangeKeyGetter);

        Key objectKey = new Key().withHashKeyElement(hashKeyElement).withRangeKeyElement(rangeKeyElement);
         * If there is a version field, make sure we assert its value. If the
         * version field is null (only should happen in unusual circumstances),
         * pretend it doesn't have a version field after all.
        Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expectedValues = new HashMap<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>();              
        if ( config.getSaveBehavior() != SaveBehavior.CLOBBER ) {
            for ( Method method : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {

                if ( reflector.isVersionAttributeGetter(method) ) {
                    Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
                    String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

                    ExpectedAttributeValue expected = new ExpectedAttributeValue();
                    AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    expected.setExists(currentValue != null);
                    if ( currentValue != null )
                    expectedValues.put(attributeName, expected);

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

            // Look at every getter and construct a value object for it
            for ( Method method : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {
                Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, toWrite);
                String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

                AttributeValue currentValue = null;
                if ( getterResult == null && reflector.isAssignableKey(method) ) {
                    currentValue = getAutoGeneratedKeyAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, currentValue, toWrite));
                } else {
                    currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);                   
                if ( currentValue != null ) {
                    attributeValues.put(attributeName, currentValue);

            if ( !requestItems.containsKey(tableName) ) {
                requestItems.put(tableName, new LinkedList<WriteRequest>());

                    new WriteRequest().withPutRequest(new PutRequest().withItem(attributeValues)));

        for ( Object toDelete : objectsToDelete ) {
            Class<?> clazz = toDelete.getClass();

            String tableName = getTableName(clazz, config);

            Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
            AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(safeInvoke(hashKeyGetter, toDelete), hashKeyGetter);

            AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
            Method rangeKeyGetter = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
            if ( rangeKeyGetter != null ) {
                rangeKeyElement = getRangeKeyElement(safeInvoke(rangeKeyGetter, toDelete), rangeKeyGetter);

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodb.model.AttributeValue

      Method hashKeyGetter = reflector.getHashKeyGetter(clazz);
      if (keyPairs == null) {
      for (KeyPair keyPair : keyPairs) {
        AttributeValue hashKeyElement = getHashKeyElement(keyPair.getHashKey(), hashKeyGetter);

        // Determine the range key, if provided
        AttributeValue rangeKeyElement = null;
        if (keyPair.getRangeKey() != null) {
          Method rangeKeyMethod = reflector.getRangeKeyGetter(clazz);
          if (rangeKeyMethod == null) {
            throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Zero-parameter range key property must be annotated with "
                + DynamoDBRangeKey.class);

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.AttributeValue

                if ( getterResult == null && reflector.isAssignableKey(method) ) {
                    onAutoGenerateAssignableKey(method, attributeName);
                else {
                    AttributeValue newAttributeValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    if ( newAttributeValue == null ) {
                        throw new DynamoDBMappingException("Null or empty value for key: " + method);

                    onKeyAttributeValue(attributeName, newAttributeValue);

             * Next construct an update for every non-key property
            for ( Method method : reflector.getRelevantGetters(clazz) ) {

                // Skip any key methods, since they are handled separately
                if ( keyGetters.contains(method) )

                Object getterResult = safeInvoke(method, object);
                String attributeName = reflector.getAttributeName(method);

                 * If this is a versioned field, update it
                if ( reflector.isVersionAttributeGetter(method) ) {
                    onVersionAttribute(method, getterResult, attributeName);
                    nonKeyAttributePresent = true;

                 * Otherwise apply the update value for this attribute.
                else  {
                    AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    if ( currentValue != null ) {
                        onNonKeyAttribute(attributeName, currentValue);
                        nonKeyAttributePresent = true;
                    } else {

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.AttributeValue

        protected List<ValueUpdate> getInMemoryUpdates() {
            return inMemoryUpdates;
        private void onAutoGenerateAssignableKey(Method method, String attributeName) {
            AttributeValue newVersionValue = getAutoGeneratedKeyAttributeValue(method, null);
                    new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("PUT").withValue(newVersionValue));
            inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, newVersionValue, object));

Examples of com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.model.AttributeValue

                // update call
                ExpectedAttributeValue expected = new ExpectedAttributeValue();

                // For new objects, insist that the value doesn't exist.
                // For existing ones, insist it has the old value.
                AttributeValue currentValue = getSimpleAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                expected.setExists(currentValue != null);
                if ( currentValue != null ) {
                expectedValues.put(attributeName, expected);

            AttributeValue newVersionValue = getVersionAttributeValue(method, getterResult);
                    .put(attributeName, new AttributeValueUpdate().withAction("PUT").withValue(newVersionValue));
            inMemoryUpdates.add(new ValueUpdate(method, newVersionValue, object));
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