Representation of an asset.
Contrary to a {@link AssetStorageUnit}, an {@link Asset} contains more fieldsbecause it has been resolved by the {@link AssetMapper}. @author Romain Lespinasse @author Thibault Duchateau
Representation of an asset at runtime, an asset can be a reference or a value.
Asset references are a mere reference to an asset that will be managed by the server, for instance the jquery
asset reference an asset for which the developer does not have to provide details.
Asset values provide an explicit asset with a location and an URI that will be used to resolve fully the asset.
@author Julien VietEach asset has a type: typically, either file, image, or model and given by the AssetType enumeration.
The url gives the full URL from which the asset was downloaded
@author paulby
@author Jordan Slott