Examples of Assembly

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

    // mockManager.verifyAll();
    // }

    public void testMergeComponentWithAssembly_ShouldAddOneFileSetToExistingListOfTwo()
        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        FileSet fs = new FileSet();
        fs.setDirectory( "/dir" );

        assembly.addFileSet( fs );

        fs = new FileSet();
        fs.setDirectory( "/other-dir" );
        assembly.addFileSet( fs );

        fs = new FileSet();
        fs.setDirectory( "/third-dir" );

        final Component component = new Component();

        component.addFileSet( fs );

        new DefaultAssemblyReader().mergeComponentWithAssembly( component, assembly );

        final List<FileSet> fileSets = assembly.getFileSets();

        assertNotNull( fileSets );
        assertEquals( 3, fileSets.size() );

        final FileSet rfs1 = fileSets.get( 0 );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        csControl.setReturnValue( false, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        csControl.setReturnValue( true, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
        assembly.setId( "id" );

        final AssemblyContext context = new DefaultAssemblyContext();

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        model.setArtifactId( "artifact-id" );
        model.setGroupId( "group.id" );
        model.setVersion( "1" );
        model.setPackaging( "jar" );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        final String outputDirectory = "${artifactId}.${packaging}";

        final DependencySet set = new DependencySet();
        set.setOutputDirectory( outputDirectory );

        assembly.addDependencySet( set );

        final Assembly outputAssembly =
            interpolator.interpolate( assembly, new MavenProject( model ), configSourceStub );

        final List<DependencySet> outputDependencySets = outputAssembly.getDependencySets();
        assertEquals( 1, outputDependencySets.size() );

        final DependencySet outputSet = outputDependencySets.get( 0 );

        assertEquals( "${artifactId}.${packaging}", outputSet.getOutputDirectory() );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        model.setArtifactId( "artifact-id" );
        model.setGroupId( "group.id" );
        model.setVersion( "1" );
        model.setPackaging( "jar" );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        assembly.setId( "assembly.${groupId}" );

        final Assembly result = interpolator.interpolate( assembly, new MavenProject( model ), configSourceStub );

        assertEquals( "assembly.group.id", result.getId() );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly


    public void testMergeComponentWithAssembly_ShouldAddOneFileItemToExistingListOfTwo()
        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        FileItem fi = new FileItem();
        fi.setSource( "file" );

        assembly.addFile( fi );

        fi = new FileItem();
        fi.setSource( "file2" );

        assembly.addFile( fi );

        fi = new FileItem();
        fi.setSource( "file3" );

        final Component component = new Component();

        component.addFile( fi );

        new DefaultAssemblyReader().mergeComponentWithAssembly( component, assembly );

        final List<FileItem> fileItems = assembly.getFiles();

        assertNotNull( fileItems );
        assertEquals( 3, fileItems.size() );

        final FileItem rf1 = fileItems.get( 0 );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        final Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty( "groupId", "other.id" );

        model.setProperties( props );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        assembly.setId( "assembly.${groupId}" );

        final Assembly result = interpolator.interpolate( assembly, new MavenProject( model ), configSourceStub );

        assertEquals( "assembly.other.id", result.getId() );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        final Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty( "groupId", "other.id" );

        model.setProperties( props );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        assembly.setId( "assembly.${groupId}" );

        final MockManager mm = new MockManager();

        final MockControl sessionControl = MockClassControl.createControl( MavenSession.class );
        final MavenSession session = (MavenSession) sessionControl.getMock();

        mm.add( sessionControl );

        final Properties execProps = new Properties();
        execProps.setProperty( "groupId", "still.another.id" );

        sessionControl.setReturnValue( execProps, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        sessionControl.setReturnValue( new Properties(), MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        final MockControl csControl = MockControl.createControl( AssemblerConfigurationSource.class );
        final AssemblerConfigurationSource cs = (AssemblerConfigurationSource) csControl.getMock();

        mm.add( csControl );

        final MockControl lrCtl = MockControl.createControl( ArtifactRepository.class );
        final ArtifactRepository lr = (ArtifactRepository) lrCtl.getMock();
        mm.add( lrCtl );

        lrCtl.setReturnValue( "/path/to/local/repo", MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        csControl.setReturnValue( lr, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );

        csControl.setReturnValue( session, MockControl.ZERO_OR_MORE );


        final Assembly result = interpolator.interpolate( assembly, new MavenProject( model ), cs );

        assertEquals( "assembly.still.another.id", result.getId() );

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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly


    public void testMergeComponentWithAssembly_ShouldAddOneDependencySetToExistingListOfTwo()
        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        DependencySet ds = new DependencySet();
        ds.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME );

        assembly.addDependencySet( ds );

        ds = new DependencySet();
        ds.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );

        assembly.addDependencySet( ds );

        final Component component = new Component();

        ds = new DependencySet();
        ds.setScope( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM );

        component.addDependencySet( ds );

        new DefaultAssemblyReader().mergeComponentWithAssembly( component, assembly );

        final List<DependencySet> depSets = assembly.getDependencySets();

        assertNotNull( depSets );
        assertEquals( 3, depSets.size() );

        assertEquals( Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, depSets.get( 0 )
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        model.setArtifactId( "artifact-id" );
        model.setGroupId( "group.id" );
        model.setVersion( "1" );
        model.setPackaging( "jar" );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        assembly.setId( "assembly.${unresolved}" );

        final Assembly result = interpolator.interpolate( assembly, new MavenProject( model ), configSourceStub );

        assertEquals( "assembly.${unresolved}", result.getId() );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.model.Assembly

        build.setFinalName( "final-name" );

        final Model model = new Model();
        model.setBuild( build );

        final Assembly assembly = new Assembly();

        assembly.setId( "assembly.${project.build.finalName}" );

        final Assembly result = interpolator.interpolate( assembly, new MavenProject( model ), configSourceStub );

        assertEquals( "assembly.final-name", result.getId() );
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