if ( cmdLine.contains(argSyntax) ) {
String syntax = cmdLine.getValue(argSyntax) ;
Lang lang$ = RDFLanguages.nameToLang(syntax) ;
if ( lang$ == null )
throw new CmdException("Can not detemine the synatx from '" + syntax + "'") ;
this.lang = lang$ ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argCheck) )
explicitCheck = true ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argNoCheck) )
explicitNoCheck = true ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argStrict) )
strict = true ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argSkip) )
skipOnBadTerm = true ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argNoSkip) )
skipOnBadTerm = false ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argBase) ) {
baseIRI = cmdLine.getValue(argBase) ;
IRI iri = IRIResolver.resolveIRI(baseIRI) ;
if ( iri.hasViolation(false) )
throw new CmdException("Bad base IRI: " + baseIRI) ;
if ( !iri.isAbsolute() )
throw new CmdException("Base IRI must be an absolute IRI: " + baseIRI) ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argStop) )
stopOnBadTerm = true ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argSink) )
bitbucket = true ;
if ( cmdLine.contains(argRDFS) ) {
try {
rdfsVocabFilename = cmdLine.getArg(argRDFS).getValue() ;
rdfsVocab = FileManager.get().loadModel(rdfsVocabFilename) ;
} catch (RiotException ex) {
throw new CmdException("Error in RDFS vocabulary: " + rdfsVocabFilename) ;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CmdException("Error: " + ex.getMessage()) ;