Examples of ArrayRealVector

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;
        final int np = n + 1;
        final int nptm = npt - np;
        final int nh = n * np / 2;

        final ArrayRealVector work1 = new ArrayRealVector(n);
        final ArrayRealVector work2 = new ArrayRealVector(npt);
        final ArrayRealVector work3 = new ArrayRealVector(npt);

        double cauchy = Double.NaN;
        double alpha = Double.NaN;
        double dsq = Double.NaN;
        double crvmin = Double.NaN;

        // Set some constants.
        // Parameter adjustments

        // Function Body

        // The call of PRELIM sets the elements of XBASE, XPT, FVAL, GOPT, HQ, PQ,
        // BMAT and ZMAT for the first iteration, with the corresponding values of
        // of NF and KOPT, which are the number of calls of CALFUN so far and the
        // index of the interpolation point at the trust region centre. Then the
        // initial XOPT is set too. The branch to label 720 occurs if MAXFUN is
        // less than NPT. GOPT will be updated if KOPT is different from KBASE.

        trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex = 0;

        prelim(lowerBound, upperBound);
        double xoptsq = ZERO;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            trustRegionCenterOffset.setEntry(i, interpolationPoints.getEntry(trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex, i));
            // Computing 2nd power
            final double deltaOne = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
            xoptsq += deltaOne * deltaOne;
        double fsave = fAtInterpolationPoints.getEntry(0);
        final int kbase = 0;

        // Complete the settings that are required for the iterative procedure.

        int ntrits = 0;
        int itest = 0;
        int knew = 0;
        int nfsav = getEvaluations();
        double rho = initialTrustRegionRadius;
        double delta = rho;
        double diffa = ZERO;
        double diffb = ZERO;
        double diffc = ZERO;
        double f = ZERO;
        double beta = ZERO;
        double adelt = ZERO;
        double denom = ZERO;
        double ratio = ZERO;
        double dnorm = ZERO;
        double scaden = ZERO;
        double biglsq = ZERO;
        double distsq = ZERO;

        // Update GOPT if necessary before the first iteration and after each
        // call of RESCUE that makes a call of CALFUN.

        int state = 20;
        for(;;) switch (state) {
        case 20: {
            printState(20); // XXX
            if (trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex != kbase) {
                int ih = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
                        if (i < j) {
                            gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(j, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(j) + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                        gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(i, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i) + modelSecondDerivativesValues.getEntry(ih) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j));
                if (getEvaluations() > npt) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                        double temp = ZERO;
                        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                            temp += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
                        temp *= modelSecondDerivativesParameters.getEntry(k);
                        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.setEntry(i, gradientAtTrustRegionCenter.getEntry(i) + temp * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i));
                    // throw new PathIsExploredException(); // XXX

            // Generate the next point in the trust region that provides a small value
            // of the quadratic model subject to the constraints on the variables.
            // The int NTRITS is set to the number "trust region" iterations that
            // have occurred since the last "alternative" iteration. If the length
            // of XNEW-XOPT is less than HALF*RHO, however, then there is a branch to
            // label 650 or 680 with NTRITS=-1, instead of calculating F at XNEW.

        case 60: {
            printState(60); // XXX
            final ArrayRealVector gnew = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector xbdi = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector s = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector hs = new ArrayRealVector(n);
            final ArrayRealVector hred = new ArrayRealVector(n);

            final double[] dsqCrvmin = trsbox(delta, gnew, xbdi, s,
                                              hs, hred);
            dsq = dsqCrvmin[0];
            crvmin = dsqCrvmin[1];
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        printMethod(); // XXX

        final int n = currentBest.getDimension();
        final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;

        final ArrayRealVector glag = new ArrayRealVector(n);
        final ArrayRealVector hcol = new ArrayRealVector(npt);

        final ArrayRealVector work1 = new ArrayRealVector(n);
        final ArrayRealVector work2 = new ArrayRealVector(n);

        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
            hcol.setEntry(k, ZERO);
        for (int j = 0, max = npt - n - 1; j < max; j++) {
            final double tmp = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j);
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                hcol.setEntry(k, hcol.getEntry(k) + tmp * zMatrix.getEntry(k, j));
        final double alpha = hcol.getEntry(knew);
        final double ha = HALF * alpha;

        // Calculate the gradient of the KNEW-th Lagrange function at XOPT.

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            glag.setEntry(i, bMatrix.getEntry(knew, i));
        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
            double tmp = ZERO;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                tmp += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(j);
            tmp *= hcol.getEntry(k);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                glag.setEntry(i, glag.getEntry(i) + tmp * interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i));

        // Search for a large denominator along the straight lines through XOPT
        // and another interpolation point. SLBD and SUBD will be lower and upper
        // bounds on the step along each of these lines in turn. PREDSQ will be
        // set to the square of the predicted denominator for each line. PRESAV
        // will be set to the largest admissible value of PREDSQ that occurs.

        double presav = ZERO;
        double step = Double.NaN;
        int ksav = 0;
        int ibdsav = 0;
        double stpsav = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
            if (k == trustRegionCenterInterpolationPointIndex) {
            double dderiv = ZERO;
            double distsq = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final double tmp = interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
                dderiv += glag.getEntry(i) * tmp;
                distsq += tmp * tmp;
            double subd = adelt / FastMath.sqrt(distsq);
            double slbd = -subd;
            int ilbd = 0;
            int iubd = 0;
            final double sumin = FastMath.min(ONE, subd);

            // Revise SLBD and SUBD if necessary because of the bounds in SL and SU.

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final double tmp = interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i);
                if (tmp > ZERO) {
                    if (slbd * tmp < lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) {
                        slbd = (lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) / tmp;
                        ilbd = -i - 1;
                    if (subd * tmp > upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) {
                        // Computing MAX
                        subd = FastMath.max(sumin,
                                            (upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) / tmp);
                        iubd = i + 1;
                } else if (tmp < ZERO) {
                    if (slbd * tmp > upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) {
                        slbd = (upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) / tmp;
                        ilbd = i + 1;
                    if (subd * tmp < lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) {
                        // Computing MAX
                        subd = FastMath.max(sumin,
                                            (lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i)) / tmp);
                        iubd = -i - 1;

            // Seek a large modulus of the KNEW-th Lagrange function when the index
            // of the other interpolation point on the line through XOPT is KNEW.

            step = slbd;
            int isbd = ilbd;
            double vlag = Double.NaN;
            if (k == knew) {
                final double diff = dderiv - ONE;
                vlag = slbd * (dderiv - slbd * diff);
                final double d1 = subd * (dderiv - subd * diff);
                if (FastMath.abs(d1) > FastMath.abs(vlag)) {
                    step = subd;
                    vlag = d1;
                    isbd = iubd;
                final double d2 = HALF * dderiv;
                final double d3 = d2 - diff * slbd;
                final double d4 = d2 - diff * subd;
                if (d3 * d4 < ZERO) {
                    final double d5 = d2 * d2 / diff;
                    if (FastMath.abs(d5) > FastMath.abs(vlag)) {
                        step = d2 / diff;
                        vlag = d5;
                        isbd = 0;

                // Search along each of the other lines through XOPT and another point.

            } else {
                vlag = slbd * (ONE - slbd);
                final double tmp = subd * (ONE - subd);
                if (FastMath.abs(tmp) > FastMath.abs(vlag)) {
                    step = subd;
                    vlag = tmp;
                    isbd = iubd;
                if (subd > HALF && FastMath.abs(vlag) < ONE_OVER_FOUR) {
                    step = HALF;
                    vlag = ONE_OVER_FOUR;
                    isbd = 0;
                vlag *= dderiv;

            // Calculate PREDSQ for the current line search and maintain PRESAV.

            final double tmp = step * (ONE - step) * distsq;
            final double predsq = vlag * vlag * (vlag * vlag + ha * tmp * tmp);
            if (predsq > presav) {
                presav = predsq;
                ksav = k;
                stpsav = step;
                ibdsav = isbd;

        // Construct XNEW in a way that satisfies the bound constraints exactly.

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            final double tmp = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) + stpsav * (interpolationPoints.getEntry(ksav, i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
            newPoint.setEntry(i, FastMath.max(lowerDifference.getEntry(i),
                                              FastMath.min(upperDifference.getEntry(i), tmp)));
        if (ibdsav < 0) {
            newPoint.setEntry(-ibdsav - 1, lowerDifference.getEntry(-ibdsav - 1));
        if (ibdsav > 0) {
            newPoint.setEntry(ibdsav - 1, upperDifference.getEntry(ibdsav - 1));

        // Prepare for the iterative method that assembles the constrained Cauchy
        // step in W. The sum of squares of the fixed components of W is formed in
        // WFIXSQ, and the free components of W are set to BIGSTP.

        final double bigstp = adelt + adelt;
        int iflag = 0;
        double cauchy = Double.NaN;
        double csave = ZERO;
        while (true) {
            double wfixsq = ZERO;
            double ggfree = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final double glagValue = glag.getEntry(i);
                work1.setEntry(i, ZERO);
                if (FastMath.min(trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) - lowerDifference.getEntry(i), glagValue) > ZERO ||
                    FastMath.max(trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) - upperDifference.getEntry(i), glagValue) < ZERO) {
                    work1.setEntry(i, bigstp);
                    // Computing 2nd power
                    ggfree += glagValue * glagValue;
            if (ggfree == ZERO) {
                return new double[] { alpha, ZERO };

            // Investigate whether more components of W can be fixed.
            final double tmp1 = adelt * adelt - wfixsq;
            if (tmp1 > ZERO) {
                step = FastMath.sqrt(tmp1 / ggfree);
                ggfree = ZERO;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    if (work1.getEntry(i) == bigstp) {
                        final double tmp2 = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) - step * glag.getEntry(i);
                        if (tmp2 <= lowerDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                            work1.setEntry(i, lowerDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                            // Computing 2nd power
                            final double d1 = work1.getEntry(i);
                            wfixsq += d1 * d1;
                        } else if (tmp2 >= upperDifference.getEntry(i)) {
                            work1.setEntry(i, upperDifference.getEntry(i) - trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                            // Computing 2nd power
                            final double d1 = work1.getEntry(i);
                            wfixsq += d1 * d1;
                        } else {
                            // Computing 2nd power
                            final double d1 = glag.getEntry(i);
                            ggfree += d1 * d1;

            // Set the remaining free components of W and all components of XALT,
            // except that W may be scaled later.

            double gw = ZERO;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final double glagValue = glag.getEntry(i);
                if (work1.getEntry(i) == bigstp) {
                    work1.setEntry(i, -step * glagValue);
                    final double min = FastMath.min(upperDifference.getEntry(i),
                                                    trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) + work1.getEntry(i));
                    alternativeNewPoint.setEntry(i, FastMath.max(lowerDifference.getEntry(i), min));
                } else if (work1.getEntry(i) == ZERO) {
                    alternativeNewPoint.setEntry(i, trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i));
                } else if (glagValue > ZERO) {
                    alternativeNewPoint.setEntry(i, lowerDifference.getEntry(i));
                } else {
                    alternativeNewPoint.setEntry(i, upperDifference.getEntry(i));
                gw += glagValue * work1.getEntry(i);

            // Set CURV to the curvature of the KNEW-th Lagrange function along W.
            // Scale W by a factor less than one if that can reduce the modulus of
            // the Lagrange function at XOPT+W. Set CAUCHY to the final value of
            // the square of this function.

            double curv = ZERO;
            for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
                double tmp = ZERO;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                    tmp += interpolationPoints.getEntry(k, j) * work1.getEntry(j);
                curv += hcol.getEntry(k) * tmp * tmp;
            if (iflag == 1) {
                curv = -curv;
            if (curv > -gw &&
                curv < -gw * (ONE + FastMath.sqrt(TWO))) {
                final double scale = -gw / curv;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    final double tmp = trustRegionCenterOffset.getEntry(i) + scale * work1.getEntry(i);
                    alternativeNewPoint.setEntry(i, FastMath.max(lowerDifference.getEntry(i),
                                                    FastMath.min(upperDifference.getEntry(i), tmp)));
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = HALF * gw * scale;
                cauchy = d1 * d1;
            } else {
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d1 = gw + HALF * curv;
                cauchy = d1 * d1;

            // If IFLAG is zero, then XALT is calculated as before after reversing
            // the sign of GLAG. Thus two XALT vectors become available. The one that
            // is chosen is the one that gives the larger value of CAUCHY.

            if (iflag == 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                    glag.setEntry(i, -glag.getEntry(i));
                    work2.setEntry(i, alternativeNewPoint.getEntry(i));
                csave = cauchy;
                iflag = 1;
            } else {
        if (csave > cauchy) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                alternativeNewPoint.setEntry(i, work2.getEntry(i));
            cauchy = csave;

        return new double[] { alpha, cauchy };
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        final int n = currentBest.getDimension();
        final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;
        final int nptm = npt - n - 1;

        // XXX Should probably be split into two arrays.
        final ArrayRealVector work = new ArrayRealVector(npt + n);

        double ztest = ZERO;
        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
                // Computing MAX
                ztest = FastMath.max(ztest, FastMath.abs(zMatrix.getEntry(k, j)));
        ztest *= 1e-20;

        // Apply the rotations that put zeros in the KNEW-th row of ZMAT.

        for (int j = 1; j < nptm; j++) {
            final double d1 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j);
            if (FastMath.abs(d1) > ztest) {
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d2 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0);
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d3 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j);
                final double d4 = FastMath.sqrt(d2 * d2 + d3 * d3);
                final double d5 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0) / d4;
                final double d6 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j) / d4;
                for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
                    final double d7 = d5 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0) + d6 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, j);
                    zMatrix.setEntry(i, j, d5 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, j) - d6 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0));
                    zMatrix.setEntry(i, 0, d7);
            zMatrix.setEntry(knew, j, ZERO);

        // Put the first NPT components of the KNEW-th column of HLAG into W,
        // and calculate the parameters of the updating formula.

        for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
            work.setEntry(i, zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0) * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0));
        final double alpha = work.getEntry(knew);
        final double tau = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(knew);
        lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(knew, lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(knew) - ONE);

        // Complete the updating of ZMAT.

        final double sqrtDenom = FastMath.sqrt(denom);
        final double d1 = tau / sqrtDenom;
        final double d2 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0) / sqrtDenom;
        for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
            zMatrix.setEntry(i, 0,
                          d1 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0) - d2 * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(i));

        // Finally, update the matrix BMAT.

        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            final int jp = npt + j;
            work.setEntry(jp, bMatrix.getEntry(knew, j));
            final double d3 = (alpha * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(jp) - tau * work.getEntry(jp)) / denom;
            final double d4 = (-beta * work.getEntry(jp) - tau * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(jp)) / denom;
            for (int i = 0; i <= jp; i++) {
                bMatrix.setEntry(i, j,
                              bMatrix.getEntry(i, j) + d3 * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(i) + d4 * work.getEntry(i));
                if (i >= npt) {
                    bMatrix.setEntry(jp, (i - npt), bMatrix.getEntry(i, j));
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        zMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfInterpolationPoints,
                                           numberOfInterpolationPoints - dimension - 1);
        interpolationPoints = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfInterpolationPoints,
        originShift = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        fAtInterpolationPoints = new ArrayRealVector(numberOfInterpolationPoints);
        trustRegionCenterOffset = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        gradientAtTrustRegionCenter = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        lowerDifference = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        upperDifference = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        modelSecondDerivativesParameters = new ArrayRealVector(numberOfInterpolationPoints);
        newPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        alternativeNewPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        trialStepPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension + numberOfInterpolationPoints);
        modelSecondDerivativesValues = new ArrayRealVector(dimension * (dimension + 1) / 2);
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
            paramsFoundByDirectSolution[i] = new SummaryStatistics();
            sigmaEstimate[i] = new SummaryStatistics();

        final RealVector init = new ArrayRealVector(new double[]{ slope, offset }, false);

        // Monte-Carlo (generates many sets of observations).
        final int mcRepeat = MONTE_CARLO_RUNS;
        int mcCount = 0;
        while (mcCount < mcRepeat) {
            // Observations.
            final Point2D.Double[] obs = lineGenerator.generate(numObs);

            final StraightLineProblem problem = new StraightLineProblem(yError);
            for (int i = 0; i < numObs; i++) {
                final Point2D.Double p = obs[i];
                problem.addPoint(p.x, p.y);

            // Direct solution (using simple regression).
            final double[] regress = problem.solve();

            // Estimation of the standard deviation (diagonal elements of the
            // covariance matrix).
            final LeastSquaresProblem lsp = builder(problem).build();

            final RealVector sigma = lsp.evaluate(init).getSigma(1e-14);

            // Accumulate statistics.
            for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {

            // Next Monte-Carlo.

        // Print statistics.
        final String line = "--------------------------------------------------------------";
        System.out.println("                 True value       Mean        Std deviation");
        for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
            System.out.println("Parameter #" + i);

            StatisticalSummary s = paramsFoundByDirectSolution[i].getSummary();
            System.out.printf("              %+.6e   %+.6e   %+.6e\n",

            s = sigmaEstimate[i].getSummary();
            System.out.printf("sigma: %+.6e (%+.6e)\n",
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

            final Point2D.Double p = obs[i];
            problem.addPoint(p.x, p.y);

        // Direct solution (using simple regression).
        final RealVector regress = new ArrayRealVector(problem.solve(), false);

        // Dummy optimizer (to compute the chi-square).
        final LeastSquaresProblem lsp = builder(problem).build();

        // Get chi-square of the best parameters set for the given set of
        // observations.
        final double bestChi2N = getChi2N(lsp, regress);
        final RealVector sigma = lsp.evaluate(regress).getSigma(1e-14);

        // Monte-Carlo (generates a grid of parameters).
        final int mcRepeat = MONTE_CARLO_RUNS;
        final int gridSize = (int) FastMath.sqrt(mcRepeat);

        // Parameters found for each of Monte-Carlo run.
        // Index 0 = slope
        // Index 1 = offset
        // Index 2 = normalized chi2
        final List<double[]> paramsAndChi2 = new ArrayList<double[]>(gridSize * gridSize);

        final double slopeRange = 10 * sigma.getEntry(0);
        final double offsetRange = 10 * sigma.getEntry(1);
        final double minSlope = slope - 0.5 * slopeRange;
        final double minOffset = offset - 0.5 * offsetRange;
        final double deltaSlope =  slopeRange/ gridSize;
        final double deltaOffset = offsetRange / gridSize;
        for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
            final double s = minSlope + i * deltaSlope;
            for (int j = 0; j < gridSize; j++) {
                final double o = minOffset + j * deltaOffset;
                final double chi2N = getChi2N(lsp,
                        new ArrayRealVector(new double[] {s, o}, false));

                paramsAndChi2.add(new double[] {s, o, chi2N});

        // Output (for use with "gnuplot").

        // Some info.

        // For plotting separately sets of parameters that have a large chi2.
        final double chi2NPlusOne = bestChi2N + 1;
        int numLarger = 0;

        final String lineFmt = "%+.10e %+.10e   %.8e\n";

        // Point with smallest chi-square.
        System.out.printf(lineFmt, regress.getEntry(0), regress.getEntry(1), bestChi2N);
        System.out.println(); // Empty line.

        // Points within the confidence interval.
        for (double[] d : paramsAndChi2) {
            if (d[2] <= chi2NPlusOne) {
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        // R = [ 0 ]
        RealMatrix R = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[] { 0 });

        ProcessModel pm
            = new DefaultProcessModel(A, B, Q,
                                      new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0 }), null);
        MeasurementModel mm = new DefaultMeasurementModel(H, R);
        new KalmanFilter(pm, mm);
        Assert.fail("transition and measurement matrix should not be compatible");
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        // R = [ 0 ]
        RealMatrix R = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[] { 0 });

        ProcessModel pm
            = new DefaultProcessModel(A, B, Q,
                                      new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0 }), null);
        MeasurementModel mm = new DefaultMeasurementModel(H, R);
        new KalmanFilter(pm, mm);
        Assert.fail("transition and control matrix should not be compatible");
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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        // no control input
        RealMatrix B = null;
        // H = [ 1 ]
        RealMatrix H = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[] { 1d });
        // x = [ 10 ]
        RealVector x = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { constantValue });
        // Q = [ 1e-5 ]
        RealMatrix Q = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[] { processNoise });
        // R = [ 0.1 ]
        RealMatrix R = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[] { measurementNoise });

        ProcessModel pm
            = new DefaultProcessModel(A, B, Q,
                                      new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { constantValue }), null);
        MeasurementModel mm = new DefaultMeasurementModel(H, R);
        KalmanFilter filter = new KalmanFilter(pm, mm);

        Assert.assertEquals(1, filter.getMeasurementDimension());
        Assert.assertEquals(1, filter.getStateDimension());

        assertMatrixEquals(Q.getData(), filter.getErrorCovariance());

        // check the initial state
        double[] expectedInitialState = new double[] { constantValue };
        assertVectorEquals(expectedInitialState, filter.getStateEstimation());

        RealVector pNoise = new ArrayRealVector(1);
        RealVector mNoise = new ArrayRealVector(1);

        RandomGenerator rand = new JDKRandomGenerator();
        // iterate 60 steps
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {

            // Simulate the process
            pNoise.setEntry(0, processNoise * rand.nextGaussian());

            // x = A * x + p_noise
            x = A.operate(x).add(pNoise);

            // Simulate the measurement
            mNoise.setEntry(0, measurementNoise * rand.nextGaussian());

            // z = H * x + m_noise
            RealVector z = H.operate(x).add(mNoise);

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Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        // H = [ 1 0 ]
        RealMatrix H = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] { { 1d, 0d } });

        // x = [ 0 0 ]
        RealVector x = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0, 0 });

        RealMatrix tmp = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
                new double[][] { { FastMath.pow(dt, 4d) / 4d, FastMath.pow(dt, 3d) / 2d },
                                 { FastMath.pow(dt, 3d) / 2d, FastMath.pow(dt, 2d) } });

        // Q = [ dt^4/4 dt^3/2 ]
        //     [ dt^3/2 dt^2   ]
        RealMatrix Q = tmp.scalarMultiply(FastMath.pow(accelNoise, 2));

        // P0 = [ 1 1 ]
        //      [ 1 1 ]
        RealMatrix P0 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(new double[][] { { 1, 1 }, { 1, 1 } });

        // R = [ measurementNoise^2 ]
        RealMatrix R = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
                new double[] { FastMath.pow(measurementNoise, 2) });

        // constant control input, increase velocity by 0.1 m/s per cycle
        RealVector u = new ArrayRealVector(new double[] { 0.1d });

        ProcessModel pm = new DefaultProcessModel(A, B, Q, x, P0);
        MeasurementModel mm = new DefaultMeasurementModel(H, R);
        KalmanFilter filter = new KalmanFilter(pm, mm);

        Assert.assertEquals(1, filter.getMeasurementDimension());
        Assert.assertEquals(2, filter.getStateDimension());

        assertMatrixEquals(P0.getData(), filter.getErrorCovariance());

        // check the initial state
        double[] expectedInitialState = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 };
        assertVectorEquals(expectedInitialState, filter.getStateEstimation());

        RandomGenerator rand = new JDKRandomGenerator();

        RealVector tmpPNoise = new ArrayRealVector(
                new double[] { FastMath.pow(dt, 2d) / 2d, dt });

        // iterate 60 steps
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {

            // Simulate the process
            RealVector pNoise = tmpPNoise.mapMultiply(accelNoise * rand.nextGaussian());

            // x = A * x + B * u + pNoise
            x = A.operate(x).add(B.operate(u)).add(pNoise);

            // Simulate the measurement
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