Examples of AppModule

Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

            properties = new Properties();

        try {
            File file = new File(location);
            AppModule appModule = deploymentLoader.load(file);

            // Add any alternate deployment descriptors to the modules
            Map<String, DeploymentModule> modules = new TreeMap<String, DeploymentModule>();
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getEjbModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getClientModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getWebModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getResourceModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);

            for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
                String name = (String) entry.getKey();
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

        public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
            final Class<?> javaClass = testClass.getJavaClass();
            final ClassLoader loader = javaClass.getClassLoader();
            AppModule appModule = new AppModule(loader, javaClass.getSimpleName());

            // Add the test case as an @ManagedBean
                final EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar();
                final OpenejbJar openejbJar = new OpenejbJar();
                final ManagedBean bean = ejbJar.addEnterpriseBean(new ManagedBean(javaClass));
                final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = openejbJar.addEjbDeployment(bean);

                appModule.getEjbModules().add(new EjbModule(ejbJar, openejbJar));

            Application application = null;

            // Invoke the @Module producer methods to build out the AppModule
            for (FrameworkMethod method : testClass.getAnnotatedMethods(Module.class)) {

                final Object obj = method.invokeExplosively(testInstance);

                if (obj instanceof EjbJar) {

                    final EjbJar ejbJar = (EjbJar) obj;
                    setId(ejbJar, method);
                    appModule.getEjbModules().add(new EjbModule(ejbJar));

                } else if (obj instanceof EnterpriseBean) {

                    final EnterpriseBean bean = (EnterpriseBean) obj;
                    final EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar(method.getName());
                    EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(ejbJar);
                    Class<?> clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(bean.getEjbClass());
                    ejbModule.setFinder(new AnnotationFinder(new ClassesArchive(clazz)).link());

                } else if (obj instanceof Application) {

                    application = (Application) obj;
                    setId(application, method);

                } else if (obj instanceof Connector) {

                    final Connector connector = (Connector) obj;
                    setId(connector, method);
                    appModule.getConnectorModules().add(new ConnectorModule(connector));

                } else if (obj instanceof Persistence) {

                    final Persistence persistence = (Persistence) obj;
                    appModule.getPersistenceModules().add(new PersistenceModule("", persistence));

                } else if (obj instanceof PersistenceUnit) {

                    final PersistenceUnit unit = (PersistenceUnit) obj;
                    appModule.getPersistenceModules().add(new PersistenceModule("", new Persistence(unit)));

                } else if (obj instanceof Beans) {

                    final Beans beans = (Beans) obj;
                    final EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(new EjbJar(method.getName()));

                } else if (obj instanceof Class[]) {

                    final Class[] beans = (Class[]) obj;
                    final EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(new EjbJar(method.getName()));
                    ejbModule.setFinder(new AnnotationFinder(new ClassesArchive(beans)).link());
                    ejbModule.setBeans(new Beans());
                } else if (obj instanceof Class) {

                    final Class bean = (Class) obj;
                    final EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(new EjbJar(method.getName()));
                    ejbModule.setFinder(new AnnotationFinder(new ClassesArchive(bean)).link());
                    ejbModule.setBeans(new Beans());

            // Application is final in AppModule, which is fine, so we'll create a new one and move everything
            if (application != null) {
                final AppModule newModule = new AppModule(appModule.getClassLoader(), appModule.getModuleId(), application, false);
                appModule = newModule;

            // For the moment we just take the first @Configuration method
            // maybe later we can add something fancy to allow multiple configurations using a qualifier
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

        EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar("ejb");
        ejbJar.addEnterpriseBean(new StatelessBean(SimpleEJB.class));

        ConfigurationFactory factory = new ConfigurationFactory(false);

        AppModule appModule = new AppModule(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), "foo");
        appModule.getEjbModules().add(new EjbModule(ejbJar));

        AppInfo appInfo = factory.configureApplication(appModule);
        final AppContext application = assembler.createApplication(appInfo);
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

        AppContext appContext = null;
        //Look for context info, maybe context is already scanned
        ContextInfo contextInfo = getContextInfo(standardContext);
        final ClassLoader classLoader = standardContext.getLoader().getClassLoader();
        if (contextInfo == null) {
            AppModule appModule = loadApplication(standardContext);
            if (appModule != null) {
                try {
                    contextInfo = addContextInfo(standardContext.getHostname(), standardContext);
                    AppInfo appInfo = configurationFactory.configureApplication(appModule);
                    contextInfo.appInfo = appInfo;
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

                AppInfo appInfo = null;
                try {
                    file = file.getCanonicalFile().getAbsoluteFile();

                    AppModule appModule = deploymentLoader.load(file);

                    // Ignore any standalone web modules - this happens when the app is unpaked and doesn't have a WEB-INF dir
                    if (appModule.getDeploymentModule().size() == 1 && appModule.getWebModules().size() == 1) {
                        WebModule webModule = appModule.getWebModules().iterator().next();
                        if (file.getAbsolutePath().equals(webModule.getJarLocation())) {

                    // if this is an unpacked dir, tomcat will pick it up as a webapp so undeploy it first
                    if (file.isDirectory()) {
                        ContainerBase context = (ContainerBase) standardHost.findChild("/" + name);
                        if (context != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                logger.warning("Error undeploying wep application from Tomcat  " + name, t);
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                logger.warning("Error destroying Tomcat web context " + name, t);

                    // tell web modules to deploy using this host
                    for (WebModule webModule : appModule.getWebModules()) {

                    appInfo = configurationFactory.configureApplication(appModule);
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

    private AppModule loadApplication(StandardContext standardContext) {
        ServletContext servletContext = standardContext.getServletContext();

        TomcatDeploymentLoader tomcatDeploymentLoader = new TomcatDeploymentLoader(standardContext, getId(standardContext));
        AppModule appModule = null;
        try {
            appModule = tomcatDeploymentLoader.load(new File(servletContext.getRealPath(".")).getParentFile());
        } catch (OpenEJBException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule


        EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar();
        EjbModule ejbModule = new EjbModule(ejbJar);

        appModule = new AppModule(ejbModule.getClassLoader(), "mbeans");
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

        if (properties == null) {
            properties = new Properties();

        AppModule appModule = null;
        try {
            File file = new File(location);
            appModule = deploymentLoader.load(file);

            // Add any alternate deployment descriptors to the modules
            Map<String, DeploymentModule> modules = new TreeMap<String, DeploymentModule>();
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getEjbModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getClientModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getWebModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);
            for (DeploymentModule module : appModule.getConnectorModules()) {
                modules.put(module.getModuleId(), module);

            for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
                String name = (String) entry.getKey();
                if (name.startsWith(ALT_DD + "/")) {
                    name = name.substring(ALT_DD.length() + 1);

                    DeploymentModule module;
                    int slash = name.indexOf('/');
                    if (slash > 0) {
                        String moduleId = name.substring(0, slash);
                        name = name.substring(slash + 1);
                        module = modules.get(moduleId);
                    } else {
                        module = appModule;

                    if (module != null) {
                        String value = (String) entry.getValue();
                        File dd = new File(value);
                        if (dd.canRead()) {
                            module.getAltDDs().put(name, dd.toURI().toURL());
                        } else {
                            module.getAltDDs().put(name, value);

            AppInfo appInfo = configurationFactory.configureApplication(appModule);

            return appInfo;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // destroy the class loader for the failed application
            if (appModule != null) {


            if (e instanceof javax.validation.ValidationException) {
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

        EjbJar ejbJar = ejbjar(beans);

    private void ear(EjbJar... ejbJars) throws OpenEJBException, NamingException, IOException {
        AppModule app = new AppModule(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "classpath-"+ejbJars.hashCode());
        for (EjbJar ejbJar : ejbJars) {
            app.getEjbModules().add(new EjbModule(ejbJar));
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Examples of org.apache.openejb.config.AppModule

                final ConfigurationFactory configurationFactory = new ConfigurationFactory();

                final AppModule appModule = load(map, configurationFactory);

                final Set<String> callers = NewLoaderLogic.callers();
                final EjbJar ejbJar = new EjbJar();
                final OpenejbJar openejbJar = new OpenejbJar();

                for (String caller : callers) {

                    if (!isValid(caller)) continue;

                    final ManagedBean bean = ejbJar.addEnterpriseBean(new ManagedBean(caller, caller));

                    // set it to bean so it can get UserTransaction injection

                    final EjbDeployment ejbDeployment = openejbJar.addEjbDeployment(bean);

                    // important in case any other deploment id formats are specified

                appModule.getEjbModules().add(new EjbModule(ejbJar, openejbJar));

                final AppInfo appInfo;
                try {

                    appInfo = configurationFactory.configureApplication(appModule);

                } catch (ValidationFailedException e) {

                    logger.warning("configureApplication.loadFailed", appModule.getModuleId(), e.getMessage()); // DO not include the stacktrace in the message

                    throw new InvalidApplicationException(e);

                } catch (OpenEJBException e) {
                    // removing this message causes NO messages to be printed when embedded
                    logger.warning("configureApplication.loadFailed", e, appModule.getModuleId(), e.getMessage());

                    throw new ConfigureApplicationException(e);

                final Assembler assembler = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(Assembler.class);

                final AppContext appContext;

                try {
                    appContext = assembler.createApplication(appInfo, appModule.getClassLoader());
                } catch (ValidationException ve) {
                    throw ve;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new AssembleApplicationException(e);
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