setupHandlerForKeepAsElementPolicy(unmarshalRecord, xPathFragment, atts);
} else if (workingDescriptor != null) {
processChild(xPathFragment, unmarshalRecord, atts, workingDescriptor, xmlAnyCollectionMapping);
} else {
//need to give to special handler, let it find out what to do depending on if this is simple or complex content
AnyMappingContentHandler handler = new AnyMappingContentHandler(unmarshalRecord, xmlAnyCollectionMapping.usesXMLRoot());
String qnameString = xPathFragment.getLocalName();
if (xPathFragment.getPrefix() != null) {
qnameString = xPathFragment.getPrefix() + XMLConstants.COLON + qnameString;
handler.startElement(xPathFragment.getNamespaceURI(), xPathFragment.getLocalName(), qnameString, atts);
return true;
} catch (SAXException e) {
throw XMLMarshalException.unmarshalException(e);