// publication)
// 4. Lenya
// get the values from lenya.properties.xml, these are the default lenya values
String lenyaPropsUri = LENYA_HOME + "/" + PROPERTY_FILE_NAME;
AntProperties lenyaProperties = loadXMLPropertiesFromURI(lenyaPropsUri);
merge(this.globalProperties, lenyaProperties);
// get the values from all modules
String[] module2src = moduleManager.getModuleIds();
for (int i = 0; i < module2src.length; i++) {
String moduleName = module2src[i];
String moduleBaseUri = moduleManager.getBaseURI(moduleName);
if (moduleBaseUri != null) {
String modulePropsUri = moduleBaseUri + "/" + PROPERTY_FILE_NAME;
AntProperties moduleProperties = loadXMLPropertiesFromURI(modulePropsUri);
merge(this.globalProperties, moduleProperties);
// get the values from local.lenya.properties.xml
String lenyaLocalPropsUri = LENYA_HOME + "/" + PROPERTY_FILE_NAME_LOCAL;
AntProperties localLenyaProperties = loadXMLPropertiesFromURI(lenyaLocalPropsUri);
merge(this.globalProperties, localLenyaProperties);
if (debugging())
debug("Loaded project lenya.properties.xml:" + globalProperties);