public void visit(ASTNode[] nodes, SourceUnit source) {
init(nodes, source);
AnnotatedNode parent = (AnnotatedNode) nodes[1];
AnnotationNode anno = (AnnotationNode) nodes[0];
if (!MY_TYPE.equals(anno.getClassNode())) return;
if (parent instanceof ClassNode) {
ClassNode cNode = (ClassNode) parent;
checkNotInterface(cNode, MY_TYPE_NAME);
boolean includeFields = memberHasValue(anno, "includeFields", true);
boolean includeProperties = !memberHasValue(anno, "includeProperties", false);
boolean includeSuperFields = memberHasValue(anno, "includeSuperFields", true);
boolean includeSuperProperties = memberHasValue(anno, "includeSuperProperties", true);
boolean callSuper = memberHasValue(anno, "callSuper", true);
boolean force = memberHasValue(anno, "force", true);
List<String> excludes = tokenize((String) getMemberValue(anno, "excludes"));
List<String> includes = tokenize((String) getMemberValue(anno, "includes"));
if (hasAnnotation(cNode, CanonicalASTTransformation.MY_TYPE)) {
AnnotationNode canonical = cNode.getAnnotations(CanonicalASTTransformation.MY_TYPE).get(0);
if (excludes == null || excludes.isEmpty()) excludes = tokenize((String) getMemberValue(canonical, "excludes"));
if (includes == null || includes.isEmpty()) includes = tokenize((String) getMemberValue(canonical, "includes"));
if (includes != null && !includes.isEmpty() && excludes != null && !excludes.isEmpty()) {
addError("Error during " + MY_TYPE_NAME + " processing: Only one of 'includes' and 'excludes' should be supplied not both.", anno);