Examples of AmbariException

Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

          commandTimeout = String.valueOf(script.getTimeout());
      } else {
        String message = String.format("Component %s of service %s has no " +
          "command script defined", componentName, serviceName);
        throw new AmbariException(message);
    commandParams.put(COMMAND_TIMEOUT, commandTimeout);
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

    } else {

    ActionDefinition actionDef = ambariMetaInfo.getActionDefinition(actionRequest.getActionName());

    if (actionDef == null) {
      throw new AmbariException("Action " + actionRequest.getActionName() + " does not exist");

    return new ActionExecutionContext(actionRequest.getClusterName(),
      actionRequest.getActionName(), actionRequest.getResourceFilters(),
      actionRequest.getParameters(), actionDef.getTargetType(),
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UPGRADE;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostUpgradeEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                      nowTimestamp, scHost.getDesiredStackVersion().getStackId());
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case STARTED:
                StackId stackId = scHost.getDesiredStackVersion();
                ComponentInfo compInfo = ambariMetaInfo.getComponentCategory(
                    stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), scHost.getServiceName(),

                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED ||
                    oldSchState == State.STARTING ||
                        scHost.getServiceComponentName()) == State.INSTALLED) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.START;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else {
                  String error = "Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState;
                  if (compInfo.isMaster()) {
                    throw new AmbariException(error);
                  } else {
                    LOG.info("Ignoring: " + error);
              case UNINSTALLED:
                if (oldSchState == State.INSTALLED
                    || oldSchState == State.UNINSTALLING) {
                  roleCommand = RoleCommand.UNINSTALL;
                  event = new ServiceComponentHostStartEvent(
                      scHost.getServiceComponentName(), scHost.getHostName(),
                } else {
                  throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
                      + " servicecomponenthost"
                      + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                      + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                      + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                      + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                      + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                      + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                      + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
              case INIT:
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported transition to INIT for"
                    + " servicecomponenthost"
                    + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
                    + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
                    + ", serviceName=" + scHost.getServiceName()
                    + ", componentName=" + scHost.getServiceComponentName()
                    + ", hostname=" + scHost.getHostName()
                    + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
                    + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
                throw new AmbariException("Unsupported state change operation"
                    + ", newState=" + newState.toString());

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("Create a new host action"
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException


      if (!State.isValidStateTransition(oldSchState, newState)) {
        throw new AmbariException("Invalid transition for"
            + " servicecomponenthost"
            + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
            + ", clusterId=" + cluster.getClusterId()
            + ", serviceName=" + sch.getServiceName()
            + ", componentName=" + sch.getServiceComponentName()
            + ", hostname=" + sch.getHostName()
            + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
            + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);

      if (isDirectTransition(oldSchState, newState)) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Handling direct transition update to ServiceComponentHost"
              + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
              + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
              + ", componentName=" + sc.getName()
              + ", hostname=" + sch.getHostName()
              + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
              + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);
        directTransitionScHosts.put(sch, newState);
      } else {
        if (!changedScHosts.containsKey(sc.getName())) {
              new HashMap<State, List<ServiceComponentHost>>());
        if (!changedScHosts.get(sc.getName()).containsKey(newState)) {
              new ArrayList<ServiceComponentHost>());
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("Handling update to ServiceComponentHost"
              + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
              + ", serviceName=" + s.getName()
              + ", componentName=" + sc.getName()
              + ", hostname=" + sch.getHostName()
              + ", currentState=" + oldSchState
              + ", newDesiredState=" + newState);

    if (seenNewStates.size() > 1) {
      // FIXME should we handle this scenario
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle different desired"
          + " state changes for a set of service components at the same time");

    // Perform direct transitions (without task generation)
    for (Entry<ServiceComponentHost, State> entry : directTransitionScHosts.entrySet()) {
      ServiceComponentHost componentHost = entry.getKey();
      State newState = entry.getValue();
      long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
      ServiceComponentHostEvent event;
      switch (newState) {
        case DISABLED:
          event = new ServiceComponentHostDisableEvent(
        case INSTALLED:
          event = new ServiceComponentHostRestoreEvent(
          throw new AmbariException("Direct transition from " + componentHost.getState() + " to " + newState + " not supported");
      try {
      } catch (InvalidStateTransitionException e) {
        //Should not occur, must be covered by previous checks
        throw new AmbariException("Internal error - not supported transition", e);
    if (maintenanceClusters.size() > 0) {
      try {
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

          + ", serviceName=" + serviceName);

    if (serviceName == null
        || serviceName.isEmpty()) {
      throw new AmbariException("Could not find service for component"
          + ", componentName=" + componentName
          + ", clusterName=" + cluster.getClusterName()
          + ", stackInfo=" + stackId.getStackId());
    return serviceName;
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

      throws AmbariException {

    if (request.getClusterName() == null
        || request.getClusterName().isEmpty()) {
      // FIXME throw correct error
      throw new AmbariException("Invalid arguments");
    LOG.info("Received a delete cluster request"
        + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName());
    if (request.getHostNames() != null) {
      // FIXME treat this as removing a host from a cluster?
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

      Service service = cluster.getService(request.getServiceName());
      ServiceComponent component = service.getServiceComponent(request.getComponentName());
      ServiceComponentHost componentHost = component.getServiceComponentHost(request.getHostname());

      if (!componentHost.canBeRemoved()) {
        throw new AmbariException("Host Component cannot be removed"
            + ", clusterName=" + request.getClusterName()
            + ", serviceName=" + request.getServiceName()
            + ", componentName=" + request.getComponentName()
            + ", hostname=" + request.getHostname()
            + ", request=" + request);

      // Only allow removing master/slave components in DISABLED/UNKNOWN/INSTALL_FAILED/INIT state without stages
      // generation.
      // Clients may be removed without a state check.
      if (!component.isClientComponent() &&
          !componentHost.getState().isRemovableState()) {
        throw new AmbariException("To remove master or slave components they must be in " +
            "DISABLED/INIT/INSTALLED/INSTALL_FAILED/UNKNOWN state. Current=" + componentHost.getState() + ".");

      if (!safeToRemoveSCHs.containsKey(component)) {
        safeToRemoveSCHs.put(component, new HashSet<ServiceComponentHost>());
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException


    if (actionRequest.getClusterName() == null
        || actionRequest.getClusterName().isEmpty()) {
      throw new AmbariException("Invalid request, cluster name must be specified");
    clusterName = actionRequest.getClusterName();

    Cluster cluster = clusters.getCluster(clusterName);

    LOG.info("Received action execution request"
      + ", clusterName=" + actionRequest.getClusterName()
      + ", request=" + actionRequest.toString());

    ActionExecutionContext actionExecContext = getActionExecutionContext(actionRequest);
    if (actionRequest.isCommand()) {
    } else {

    Map<String, Set<String>> clusterHostInfo = StageUtils.getClusterHostInfo(
        clusters.getHostsForCluster(cluster.getClusterName()), cluster);

    String clusterHostInfoJson = StageUtils.getGson().toJson(clusterHostInfo);
    Stage stage = createNewStage(0, cluster, actionManager.getNextRequestId(), requestContext, clusterHostInfoJson);

    Map<String, String> params = createDefaultHostParams(cluster);

    if (actionRequest.isCommand()) {
      customCommandExecutionHelper.addExecutionCommandsToStage(actionExecContext, stage, params);
    } else {
      actionExecutionHelper.addExecutionCommandsToStage(actionExecContext, stage, params);

    RoleCommandOrder rco = this.getRoleCommandOrder(cluster);
    RoleGraph rg = new RoleGraph(rco);
    List<Stage> stages = rg.getStages();
    if (stages != null && !stages.isEmpty()) {
      actionManager.sendActions(stages, actionRequest);
      return getRequestStatusResponse(stage.getRequestId());
    } else {
      throw new AmbariException("Stage was not created");
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

  public synchronized RequestStatusResponse updateStacks() throws AmbariException {

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new AmbariException(
        "Ambari metainormation can't be read from the stack root directory");

    return null;
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Examples of org.apache.ambari.server.AmbariException

  public void updateRespositories(Set<RepositoryRequest> requests) throws AmbariException {
    for (RepositoryRequest rr : requests) {
      if (null == rr.getStackName() || rr.getStackName().isEmpty())
        throw new AmbariException("Stack name must be specified.");
      if (null == rr.getStackVersion() || rr.getStackVersion().isEmpty())
        throw new AmbariException("Stack version must be specified.");
      if (null == rr.getOsType() || rr.getOsType().isEmpty())
        throw new AmbariException("OS type must be specified.");
      if (null == rr.getRepoId() || rr.getRepoId().isEmpty())
        throw new AmbariException("Repo ID must be specified.");
      if (null != rr.getBaseUrl()) {
        if (!rr.isVerifyBaseUrl()) {
              rr.getStackVersion(), rr.getOsType(), rr.getRepoId(),
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