String myInstanceId = ((AmazonInfo) myInfo.getDataCenterInfo()).get(MetaDataKey.instanceId);
String myZone = ((AmazonInfo) myInfo.getDataCenterInfo()).get(MetaDataKey.availabilityZone);
Collection<String> candidateEIPs = getCandidateEIPs(myInstanceId, myZone);
AmazonEC2 ec2Service = getEC2Service();
boolean isMyinstanceAssociatedWithEIP = false;
Address selectedEIP = null;
for (String eipEntry : candidateEIPs) {
try {
String associatedInstanceId;
// Check with AWS, if this EIP is already been used by another instance
DescribeAddressesRequest describeAddressRequest = new DescribeAddressesRequest().withPublicIps(eipEntry);
DescribeAddressesResult result = ec2Service.describeAddresses(describeAddressRequest);
if ((result.getAddresses() != null) && (!result.getAddresses().isEmpty())) {
Address eipAddress = result.getAddresses().get(0);
associatedInstanceId = eipAddress.getInstanceId();
// This EIP is not used by any other instance, hence mark it for selection if it is not
// already marked.
if (((associatedInstanceId == null) || (associatedInstanceId.isEmpty()))) {
if (selectedEIP == null) {
selectedEIP = eipAddress;
} else if (isMyinstanceAssociatedWithEIP = (associatedInstanceId.equals(myInstanceId))) {
// This EIP is associated with an instance, check if this is the same as the current instance.
// If it is the same, stop searching for an EIP as this instance is already associated with an
// EIP
selectedEIP = eipAddress;
} else {
// The EIP is used by some other instance, hence skip it
"The selected EIP {} is associated with another instance {} according to AWS, hence "
+ "skipping this", eipEntry, associatedInstanceId);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Failed to bind elastic IP: " + eipEntry + " to "
+ myInstanceId, t);
if (null != selectedEIP) {
String publicIp = selectedEIP.getPublicIp();
// Only bind if the EIP is not already associated
if (!isMyinstanceAssociatedWithEIP) {
AssociateAddressRequest associateAddressRequest = new AssociateAddressRequest().withInstanceId(
String domain = selectedEIP.getDomain();
if ("vpc".equals(domain)) {
} else {
ec2Service.associateAddress(associateAddressRequest);"\n\n\nAssociated " + myInstanceId + " running in zone: " + myZone + " to elastic IP: "
+ publicIp);
}"My instance {} seems to be already associated with the EIP {}", myInstanceId, publicIp);
} else {