QueueEntry message = entry.getValue();
long deliveryTag = entry.getKey();
AMQMessage msg = message.getMessage();
AMQQueue queue = message.getQueue();
// Our Java Client will always suspend the channel when resending!
// If the client has requested the messages be resent then it is
// their responsibility to ensure that thay are capable of receiving them
// i.e. The channel hasn't been server side suspended.
// if (isSuspended())
// {
// _log.info("Channel is suspended so requeuing");
// //move this message to requeue
// msgToRequeue.add(message);
// }
// else
// {
// release to allow it to be delivered
// Without any details from the client about what has been processed we have to mark
// all messages in the unacked map as redelivered.
Subscription sub = message.getDeliveredSubscription();
if (sub != null)