Examples of AMException

Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

                OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class);

            if (diskSectionType.getDisk().size() != 1)
                // more than one disk in disk section
                throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID_MULTIPLE_DISKS);
                int references = 0;
                for (FileType fileType : envelope.getReferences().getFile())
                    fileIdToFileType.put(fileType.getId(), fileType);
                    if (diskSectionType.getDisk().get(0).getFileRef().equals(fileType.getId()))
                if (references != 1)
                    // file referenced in diskSection isn't found in file references or found more
                    // than one
                    throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID_MULTIPLE_FILES);
            // Create a hash
            for (VirtualDiskDescType virtualDiskDescType : diskSectionType.getDisk())
                diskIdToDiskFormat.put(virtualDiskDescType.getDiskId(), virtualDiskDescType);

            // /

            ContentType content = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getTopLevelVirtualSystemContent(envelope);

            if (content instanceof VirtualSystemCollectionType)
                throw new EmptyEnvelopeException("Current OVF description document includes a VirtualSystemCollection, "
                    + "abicloud only deal with single virtual system based OVFs");

            VirtualSystemType vsystem = (VirtualSystemType) content;

            VirtualHardwareSectionType hardwareSectionType;
            Integer cpu = null;
            Long hd = null;
            Long ram = null;

                hardwareSectionType =
                    OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(vsystem, VirtualHardwareSectionType.class);
            catch (InvalidSectionException e)
                throw new SectionNotPresentException("VirtualHardware on a virtualSystem", e);

            for (RASDType rasdType : hardwareSectionType.getItem())

                ResourceType resourceType = rasdType.getResourceType();
                if (resourceType == null) // empty rasd element
                int resTnumeric = Integer.parseInt(resourceType.getValue());

                // Get the information on the ram
                if (CIMResourceTypeEnum.Processor.getNumericResourceType() == resTnumeric)
                        String cpuVal = rasdType.getVirtualQuantity().getValue().toString();

                        cpu = Integer.parseInt(cpuVal);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID,
                            "Invalid CPU virtualQuantity");
                else if (CIMResourceTypeEnum.Memory.getNumericResourceType() == resTnumeric)
                        BigInteger ramVal = rasdType.getVirtualQuantity().getValue();

                        ram = ramVal.longValue();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID,
                            "Invalid RAM virtualQuantity");
                else if (CIMResourceTypeEnum.Disk_Drive.getNumericResourceType() == resTnumeric)
                    // HD requirements are extracted from the associated Disk on ''hostResource''
                    String diskId = getVirtualSystemDiskId(rasdType.getHostResource());

                    if (!diskIdToDiskFormat.containsKey(diskId))
                        throw new RequiredAttributeException("Virtual System makes reference to an undeclared disk "
                            + diskId);

                    VirtualDiskDescType diskDescType = diskIdToDiskFormat.get(diskId);

                    String capacity = diskDescType.getCapacity();

                    hd = Long.parseLong(capacity);
            }// rasd

            if (cpu == null)
                throw new RequiredAttributeException("Not CPU RASD element found on the envelope");
            if (ram == null)
                throw new RequiredAttributeException("Not RAM RASD element found on the envelope");
            if (hd == null)
                throw new RequiredAttributeException("Not HD RASD element found on the envelope");


        catch (AMException amException)
            throw amException;
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, e);

        return envelope;
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            diskSection = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class);
        catch (Exception e)// SectionNotPresentException InvalidSectionException
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, "missing DiskSection");

        List<VirtualDiskDescType> disks = diskSection.getDisk();

        if (disks == null || disks.isEmpty() || disks.size() != 1)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, "multiple Disk not supported");

        return disks.get(0).getFileRef();

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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            OVFEnvelopeUtils.addVirtualSystem(envelope, vsystem);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INSTALL,
                "Can not create the OVF from the DiskInfo",

        return envelope;
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            diskSection = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                "The bundle [%s] can not be created "
                    + "because the original envelope do not exist or do not have Disk Section",
                snapshot), e);

        List<VirtualDiskDescType> disks = diskSection.getDisk();

        if (disks.isEmpty())

            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                "The bundle [%s] can not be created  because the "
                    + "original envelope do not contains any Disk", snapshot));
            for (VirtualDiskDescType disk : disks)

        // all the disk files should be marked with "snapshot + OVF_BUNDLE_PATH_IDENTIFIER" + hRef
        // (packagePath relative)
        for (String diskFileId : diskFileIds)
            FileType file;
                file = OVFReferenceUtils.getReferencedFile(envelope, diskFileId);
            catch (IdNotFoundException e)
                throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                    "The bundle [%s] can not be created because the "
                        + "referenced file Id [%s] is not found on the Envelope", snapshot,
                    diskFileId), e);

            // TODO check hRef is 'packagePath' relative
            final String relativeBundleFileRef = snapshot + file.getHref();
            final String absoluteBundleFileRef = packagePath + relativeBundleFileRef;

            File bundleFile = new File(absoluteBundleFileRef);
            Long bundleFileSize;

            if (!bundleFile.exists() || bundleFile.isDirectory())

                throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                    "The bundle [%s] can not be created because the "
                        + "referenced file on [%s] is not found", snapshot, absoluteBundleFileRef));
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            diskSection = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.PROMOTE_MASTER_OVF, String.format(
                "The promote [%s] can not be created "
                    + "because the original envelope do not exist or do not have Disk Section",
                relativeDiskPath), e);

        List<VirtualDiskDescType> disks = diskSection.getDisk();

        if (disks.isEmpty())

            throw new AMException(AMError.PROMOTE_MASTER_OVF, String.format(
                "The promote [%s] can not be created  because the "
                    + "original envelope do not contains any Disk", relativeDiskPath));
            for (VirtualDiskDescType disk : disks)

        // all the disk files should be marked with "snapshot + OVF_BUNDLE_PATH_IDENTIFIER" + hRef
        // (packagePath relative)
        for (String diskFileId : diskFileIds)
            FileType file;
                file = OVFReferenceUtils.getReferencedFile(envelope, diskFileId);
            catch (IdNotFoundException e)
                throw new AMException(AMError.PROMOTE_MASTER_OVF, String.format(
                    "The promote [%s] can not be created because the "
                        + "referenced file Id [%s] is not found on the Envelope", relativeDiskPath,
                    diskFileId), e);
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            OVFEnvelopeUtils.addVirtualSystem(envelope, vsystem);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INSTALL,
                "Can not create the OVF from the DiskInfo",

        return envelope;
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            diskSection = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                "The bundle [%s] can not be created "
                    + "because the original envelope do not exist or do not have Disk Section",
                snapshot), e);

        List<VirtualDiskDescType> disks = diskSection.getDisk();

        if (disks.isEmpty())

            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                "The bundle [%s] can not be created  because the "
                    + "original envelope do not contains any Disk", snapshot));
            for (VirtualDiskDescType disk : disks)

        // all the disk files should be marked with "snapshot + OVF_BUNDLE_PATH_IDENTIFIER" + hRef
        // (packagePath relative)
        for (String diskFileId : diskFileIds)
            FileType file;
                file = OVFReferenceUtils.getReferencedFile(envelope, diskFileId);
            catch (IdNotFoundException e)
                throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                    "The bundle [%s] can not be created because the "
                        + "referenced file Id [%s] is not found on the Envelope", snapshot,
                    diskFileId), e);

            // TODO check hRef is 'packagePath' relative
            final String relativeBundleFileRef = snapshot + file.getHref();
            final String absoluteBundleFileRef = packagePath + relativeBundleFileRef;

            File bundleFile = new File(absoluteBundleFileRef);
            Long bundleFileSize;

            if (!bundleFile.exists() || bundleFile.isDirectory())

                throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_BOUNDLE, String.format(
                    "The bundle [%s] can not be created because the "
                        + "referenced file on [%s] is not found", snapshot, absoluteBundleFileRef));
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            diskSection = OVFEnvelopeUtils.getSection(envelope, DiskSectionType.class);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.PROMOTE_MASTER_OVF, String.format(
                "The promote [%s] can not be created "
                    + "because the original envelope do not exist or do not have Disk Section",
                relativeDiskPath), e);

        List<VirtualDiskDescType> disks = diskSection.getDisk();

        if (disks.isEmpty())

            throw new AMException(AMError.PROMOTE_MASTER_OVF, String.format(
                "The promote [%s] can not be created  because the "
                    + "original envelope do not contains any Disk", relativeDiskPath));
            for (VirtualDiskDescType disk : disks)

        // all the disk files should be marked with "snapshot + OVF_BUNDLE_PATH_IDENTIFIER" + hRef
        // (packagePath relative)
        for (String diskFileId : diskFileIds)
            FileType file;
                file = OVFReferenceUtils.getReferencedFile(envelope, diskFileId);
            catch (IdNotFoundException e)
                throw new AMException(AMError.PROMOTE_MASTER_OVF, String.format(
                    "The promote [%s] can not be created because the "
                        + "referenced file Id [%s] is not found on the Envelope", relativeDiskPath,
                    diskFileId), e);
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

                        + "]"); // XXX warning ??

                if (diskIdToVSs.size() != 1)
                    throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, String.format(
                        "There are more than one virtual system on the OVF Envelope [%s]", ovfId));

                for (String vssName : diskIdToVSs.get(diskId))
                    diskInfo = new TemplateDto();
                    diskInfo.setLoginUser(getProductPropertyValue(product, "user"));
                    diskInfo.setLoginPassword(getProductPropertyValue(product, "password"));

                    DiskFormatOVF diskFormat = DiskFormatOVF.fromValue(format);


                    // Note that getHRef() will now return the relative path
                    // of the file at the downloaded repository space

                    if (filePath.startsWith("http:"))

                    // XXX diskInfo.setSO(value);

                    if (!requiredByVSs.containsKey(vssName))
                        throw new IdNotFoundException("VirtualSystem id not found [" + vssName
                            + "]");

                    TemplateDto requirement = requiredByVSs.get(vssName);

                    // XXX disk format ::: diskInfo.setImageType(requirement.getImageType());



                    // TODO diskInfo.setEnterpriseId(enterpriseId);
                    // diskInfo.setUserId(userId); TODO user ID
                    // diskInfo.getCategories().add(category); TODO category

                }// all vss
            }// all disks
        catch (EmptyEnvelopeException e)
            String msg = "No VirtualSystem or VirtualSystemCollection exists for this OVF package";
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, msg, e);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, e);

        if (diskInfo == null)
            String msg = "No VirtualSystem or VirtualSystemCollection exists for this OVF package";
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, msg);

        return diskInfo;
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Examples of com.abiquo.am.model.error.AMException

            envelope = fixDiskFormtatUriAndFileSizes(envelope);
            envelope = fixMissingProductSection(envelope);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new AMException(AMError.TEMPLATE_INVALID, e);

        return envelope;
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