System.err.println("getAllNewAlerts(" + id + ")");
//TypesFactory factory = TypesFactory.INSTANCE;
//AlertsType returnAlerts = factory.createAlertsType();
AlertsType returnAlerts = new AlertsTypeNonSDOImpl();
List returnAlertList = returnAlerts.getAlert();
// get the date/time now so that we can update the
// alert source record so that next time we
// only get the latest alerts
Date now = new Date();
String nowString = dateFormatter.format(now);
try {
ConfigType alertSourceConfig = alertsSources.getAlertSources(id);
for (Object source : alertSourceConfig.getSource()){
SourceType sourceType = (SourceType)source;
AlertsType alerts = null;
if ( sourceType.getFeedType().equals("rss")){
alerts = rssChecker.getNewAlerts(sourceType.getFeedAddress(),
} else {
// extend return list with any alerts we found
for( Object alert : alerts.getAlert() ){
// set the id on the alert so we know which source it
// came from