public void testIt() {
* Wrap the whole test procedure within a testkit constructor
* if you want to receive actor replies or use Within(), etc.
new JavaTestKit(system) {{
final Props props = Props.create(SomeActor.class);
final ActorRef subject = system.actorOf(props);
// can also use JavaTestKit “from the outside”
final JavaTestKit probe = new JavaTestKit(system);
// “inject” the probe by passing it to the test subject
// like a real resource would be passed in production
subject.tell(probe.getRef(), getRef());
// await the correct response
expectMsgEquals(duration("1 second"), "done");
// the run() method needs to finish within 3 seconds
new Within(duration("3 seconds")) {
protected void run() {
subject.tell("hello", getRef());
// This is a demo: would normally use expectMsgEquals().
// Wait time is bounded by 3-second deadline above.
new AwaitCond() {
protected boolean cond() {
return probe.msgAvailable();
// response must have been enqueued to us before probe
expectMsgEquals(Duration.Zero(), "world");
// check that the probe we injected earlier got the msg
probe.expectMsgEquals(Duration.Zero(), "hello");
Assert.assertEquals(getRef(), probe.getLastSender());
// Will wait for the rest of the 3 seconds