Examples of AggregationStrategy

Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

            exchange.setProperty(Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT, producer.getEndpoint().getEndpointUri());

    protected AggregationStrategy getAggregationStrategy(Exchange exchange) {
        AggregationStrategy answer = null;

        // prefer to use per Exchange aggregation strategy over a global strategy
        if (exchange != null) {
            Map<?, ?> property = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.AGGREGATION_STRATEGY, Map.class);
            Map<Object, AggregationStrategy> map = CastUtils.cast(property);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

                if (future == null && timedOut) {
                    // we are timed out and no more tasks complete so break out
                } else if (future == null) {
                    // timeout occurred
                    AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy(null);
                    if (strategy instanceof TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy) {
                        // notify the strategy we timed out
                        Exchange oldExchange = result.get();
                        if (oldExchange == null) {
                            // if they all timed out the result may not have been set yet, so use the original exchange
                            oldExchange = original;
                        ((TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy) strategy).timeout(oldExchange, aggregated, total.intValue(), timeout);
                    } else {
                        // log a WARN we timed out since it will not be aggregated and the Exchange will be lost
                        LOG.warn("Parallel processing timed out after {} millis for number {}. This task will be cancelled and will not be aggregated.", timeout, aggregated);
                    LOG.debug("Timeout occurred after {} millis for number {} task.", timeout, aggregated);
                    timedOut = true;

                    // mark that index as timed out, which allows us to try to retrieve
                    // any already completed tasks in the next loop
                    if (completion instanceof SubmitOrderedCompletionService) {
                        ((SubmitOrderedCompletionService<?>) completion).timeoutTask();
                } else {
                    // there is a result to aggregate
                    Exchange subExchange = future.get();

                    // Decide whether to continue with the multicast or not; similar logic to the Pipeline
                    Integer number = getExchangeIndex(subExchange);
                    boolean continueProcessing = PipelineHelper.continueProcessing(subExchange, "Parallel processing failed for number " + number, LOG);
                    if (stopOnException && !continueProcessing) {
                        // we want to stop on exception and an exception or failure occurred
                        // this is similar to what the pipeline does, so we should do the same to not surprise end users
                        // so we should set the failed exchange as the result and break out
                        stoppedOnException = true;

                    // we got a result so aggregate it
                    AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy(subExchange);
                    doAggregate(strategy, result, subExchange);

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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

                ExecutorService executor = camelContext.getExecutorServiceManager().newDefaultThreadPool(this, "@RecipientList");

            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(recipientListAnnotation.strategyRef())) {
                AggregationStrategy strategy = CamelContextHelper.mandatoryLookup(camelContext, recipientListAnnotation.strategyRef(), AggregationStrategy.class);

            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(recipientListAnnotation.onPrepareRef())) {
                Processor onPrepare = CamelContextHelper.mandatoryLookup(camelContext, recipientListAnnotation.onPrepareRef(), Processor.class);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

                ExecutorService executor = camelContext.getExecutorServiceManager().newDefaultThreadPool(this, "@RecipientList");

            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(recipientListAnnotation.strategyRef())) {
                AggregationStrategy strategy = CamelContextHelper.mandatoryLookup(camelContext, recipientListAnnotation.strategyRef(), AggregationStrategy.class);

            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(recipientListAnnotation.onPrepareRef())) {
                Processor onPrepare = CamelContextHelper.mandatoryLookup(camelContext, recipientListAnnotation.onPrepareRef(), Processor.class);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy


    private AggregationStrategy createAggregationStrategy(RouteContext routeContext) {
        AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy();
        if (strategy == null && strategyRef != null) {
            Object aggStrategy = routeContext.lookup(strategyRef, Object.class);
            if (aggStrategy instanceof AggregationStrategy) {
                strategy = (AggregationStrategy) aggStrategy;
            } else if (aggStrategy != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

        return this;

    protected Processor createCompositeProcessor(RouteContext routeContext, List<Processor> list) throws Exception {
        AggregationStrategy strategy = createAggregationStrategy(routeContext);
        if (strategy == null) {
            // default to use latest aggregation strategy
            strategy = new UseLatestAggregationStrategy();
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

        return answer;

    private AggregationStrategy createAggregationStrategy(RouteContext routeContext) {
        AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy();
        if (strategy == null && strategyRef != null) {
            Object aggStrategy = routeContext.lookup(strategyRef, Object.class);
            if (aggStrategy instanceof AggregationStrategy) {
                strategy = (AggregationStrategy) aggStrategy;
            } else if (aggStrategy != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

        // we are done so close the pairs iterator
        if (pairs != null && pairs instanceof Closeable) {
            IOHelper.close((Closeable) pairs, "pairs", LOG);

        AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy(subExchange);
        // invoke the on completion callback
        if (strategy instanceof CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy) {
            ((CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy) strategy).onCompletion(subExchange);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

            exchange.setProperty(Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT, producer.getEndpoint().getEndpointUri());

    protected AggregationStrategy getAggregationStrategy(Exchange exchange) {
        AggregationStrategy answer = null;

        // prefer to use per Exchange aggregation strategy over a global strategy
        if (exchange != null) {
            Map<?, ?> property = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.AGGREGATION_STRATEGY, Map.class);
            Map<Object, AggregationStrategy> map = CastUtils.cast(property);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy

                if (future == null && timedOut) {
                    // we are timed out and no more tasks complete so break out
                } else if (future == null) {
                    // timeout occurred
                    AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy(null);
                    if (strategy instanceof TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy) {
                        // notify the strategy we timed out
                        Exchange oldExchange = result.get();
                        if (oldExchange == null) {
                            // if they all timed out the result may not have been set yet, so use the original exchange
                            oldExchange = original;
                        ((TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy) strategy).timeout(oldExchange, aggregated, total.intValue(), timeout);
                    } else {
                        // log a WARN we timed out since it will not be aggregated and the Exchange will be lost
                        LOG.warn("Parallel processing timed out after {} millis for number {}. This task will be cancelled and will not be aggregated.", timeout, aggregated);
                    LOG.debug("Timeout occurred after {} millis for number {} task.", timeout, aggregated);
                    timedOut = true;

                    // mark that index as timed out, which allows us to try to retrieve
                    // any already completed tasks in the next loop
                    if (completion instanceof SubmitOrderedCompletionService) {
                        ((SubmitOrderedCompletionService<?>) completion).timeoutTask();
                } else {
                    // there is a result to aggregate
                    Exchange subExchange = future.get();

                    // Decide whether to continue with the multicast or not; similar logic to the Pipeline
                    Integer number = getExchangeIndex(subExchange);
                    boolean continueProcessing = PipelineHelper.continueProcessing(subExchange, "Parallel processing failed for number " + number, LOG);
                    if (stopOnException && !continueProcessing) {
                        // we want to stop on exception and an exception or failure occurred
                        // this is similar to what the pipeline does, so we should do the same to not surprise end users
                        // so we should set the failed exchange as the result and break out
                        stoppedOnException = true;

                    // we got a result so aggregate it
                    AggregationStrategy strategy = getAggregationStrategy(subExchange);
                    doAggregate(strategy, result, subExchange);

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