Examples of AESCipherCBCnoPad

Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

                System.arraycopy(uvs, 0, userKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(uks, 0, userKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.8.2
                md.update(userPassword, 0, Math.min(userPassword.length, 127));
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                ueKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.9.1
                byte[] ovs = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                byte[] oks = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ownerKey = new byte[48];
                md.digest(ownerKey, 0, 32);
                System.arraycopy(ovs, 0, ownerKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(oks, 0, ownerKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.9.2
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                oeKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.10
                byte[] permsp = IVGenerator.getIV(16);
                permsp[0] = (byte)permissions;
                permsp[1] = (byte)(permissions >> 8);
                permsp[2] = (byte)(permissions >> 16);
                permsp[3] = (byte)(permissions >> 24);
                permsp[4] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[5] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[6] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[7] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[8] = encryptMetadata ? (byte)'T' : (byte)'F';
                permsp[9] = (byte)'a';
                permsp[10] = (byte)'d';
                permsp[11] = (byte)'b';
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, key);
                perms = ac.processBlock(permsp, 0, permsp.length);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(ex);
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

            if (isOwnerPass) {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(oValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                md.update(uValue, 0, OU_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(oeValue, 0, oeValue.length);
            else {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                isUserPass = compareArray(hash, uValue, 32);
                if (!isUserPass)
                    throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(ueValue, 0, ueValue.length);
            AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, key);
            byte[] decPerms = ac.processBlock(perms, 0, perms.length);
            if (decPerms[9] != (byte)'a' || decPerms[10] != (byte)'d' || decPerms[11] != (byte)'b')
                throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
            permissions = (decPerms[0] & 0xff) | ((decPerms[1] & 0xff) << 8)
                    | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 24);
            encryptMetadata = decPerms[8] == (byte)'T';
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

                System.arraycopy(uvs, 0, userKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(uks, 0, userKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.8.2
                md.update(userPassword, 0, Math.min(userPassword.length, 127));
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                ueKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.9.1
                byte[] ovs = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                byte[] oks = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ownerKey = new byte[48];
                md.digest(ownerKey, 0, 32);
                System.arraycopy(ovs, 0, ownerKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(oks, 0, ownerKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.9.2
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                oeKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.10
                byte[] permsp = IVGenerator.getIV(16);
                permsp[0] = (byte)permissions;
                permsp[1] = (byte)(permissions >> 8);
                permsp[2] = (byte)(permissions >> 16);
                permsp[3] = (byte)(permissions >> 24);
                permsp[4] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[5] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[6] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[7] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[8] = encryptMetadata ? (byte)'T' : (byte)'F';
                permsp[9] = (byte)'a';
                permsp[10] = (byte)'d';
                permsp[11] = (byte)'b';
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, key);
                perms = ac.processBlock(permsp, 0, permsp.length);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(ex);
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

            if (isOwnerPass) {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(oValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                md.update(uValue, 0, OU_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(oeValue, 0, oeValue.length);
            else {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                isUserPass = compareArray(hash, uValue, 32);
                if (!isUserPass)
                    throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(ueValue, 0, ueValue.length);
            AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, key);
            byte[] decPerms = ac.processBlock(perms, 0, perms.length);
            if (decPerms[9] != (byte)'a' || decPerms[10] != (byte)'d' || decPerms[11] != (byte)'b')
                throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
            permissions = (decPerms[0] & 0xff) | ((decPerms[1] & 0xff) << 8)
                    | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 24);
            encryptMetadata = decPerms[8] == (byte)'T';
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

                System.arraycopy(uvs, 0, userKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(uks, 0, userKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.8.2
                md.update(userPassword, 0, Math.min(userPassword.length, 127));
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                ueKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.9.1
                byte[] ovs = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                byte[] oks = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ownerKey = new byte[48];
                md.digest(ownerKey, 0, 32);
                System.arraycopy(ovs, 0, ownerKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(oks, 0, ownerKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.9.2
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                oeKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.10
                byte[] permsp = IVGenerator.getIV(16);
                permsp[0] = (byte)permissions;
                permsp[1] = (byte)(permissions >> 8);
                permsp[2] = (byte)(permissions >> 16);
                permsp[3] = (byte)(permissions >> 24);
                permsp[4] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[5] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[6] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[7] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[8] = encryptMetadata ? (byte)'T' : (byte)'F';
                permsp[9] = (byte)'a';
                permsp[10] = (byte)'d';
                permsp[11] = (byte)'b';
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, key);
                perms = ac.processBlock(permsp, 0, permsp.length);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(ex);
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

            if (isOwnerPass) {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(oValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                md.update(uValue, 0, OU_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(oeValue, 0, oeValue.length);
            else {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                isUserPass = compareArray(hash, uValue, 32);
                if (!isUserPass)
                    throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(ueValue, 0, ueValue.length);
            AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, key);
            byte[] decPerms = ac.processBlock(perms, 0, perms.length);
            if (decPerms[9] != (byte)'a' || decPerms[10] != (byte)'d' || decPerms[11] != (byte)'b')
                throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
            permissions = (decPerms[0] & 0xff) | ((decPerms[1] & 0xff) << 8)
                    | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 24);
            encryptMetadata = decPerms[8] == (byte)'T';
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

                System.arraycopy(uvs, 0, userKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(uks, 0, userKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.8.2
                md.update(userPassword, 0, Math.min(userPassword.length, 127));
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                ueKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.9.1
                byte[] ovs = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                byte[] oks = IVGenerator.getIV(8);
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ownerKey = new byte[48];
                md.digest(ownerKey, 0, 32);
                System.arraycopy(ovs, 0, ownerKey, 32, 8);
                System.arraycopy(oks, 0, ownerKey, 40, 8);
                // Algorithm 3.9.2
                md.update(ownerPassword, 0, Math.min(ownerPassword.length, 127));
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, md.digest());
                oeKey = ac.processBlock(key, 0, key.length);
                // Algorithm 3.10
                byte[] permsp = IVGenerator.getIV(16);
                permsp[0] = (byte)permissions;
                permsp[1] = (byte)(permissions >> 8);
                permsp[2] = (byte)(permissions >> 16);
                permsp[3] = (byte)(permissions >> 24);
                permsp[4] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[5] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[6] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[7] = (byte)(255);
                permsp[8] = encryptMetadata ? (byte)'T' : (byte)'F';
                permsp[9] = (byte)'a';
                permsp[10] = (byte)'d';
                permsp[11] = (byte)'b';
                ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(true, key);
                perms = ac.processBlock(permsp, 0, permsp.length);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new ExceptionConverter(ex);
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Examples of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.crypto.AESCipherCBCnoPad

            if (isOwnerPass) {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(oValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                md.update(uValue, 0, OU_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(oeValue, 0, oeValue.length);
            else {
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, VALIDATION_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                isUserPass = compareArray(hash, uValue, 32);
                if (!isUserPass)
                    throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
                md.update(password, 0, Math.min(password.length, 127));
                md.update(uValue, KEY_SALT_OFFSET, SALT_LENGHT);
                hash = md.digest();
                AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, hash);
                key = ac.processBlock(ueValue, 0, ueValue.length);
            AESCipherCBCnoPad ac = new AESCipherCBCnoPad(false, key);
            byte[] decPerms = ac.processBlock(perms, 0, perms.length);
            if (decPerms[9] != (byte)'a' || decPerms[10] != (byte)'d' || decPerms[11] != (byte)'b')
                throw new BadPasswordException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("bad.user.password"));
            permissions = (decPerms[0] & 0xff) | ((decPerms[1] & 0xff) << 8)
                    | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((decPerms[2] & 0xff) << 24);
            encryptMetadata = decPerms[8] == (byte)'T';
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