@author Generated from Forte @since 19-Nov-2008
A generic postal address object for being associated to any other objects that may require address information. @author Sergio Montoro Ten @version 3.0A Class for storing opaque Addresses. Any type of address can be stored at any length.
Typically this class is subclassed and more specific implementations such as IpAddress and MacAddress add additional functionality but use the underlying mechanics of Address for storage and manipulation of address.
A several @author Mark Bednarczyk @author Sly Technologies, Inc.
Interface for defining Address types.
Warning: This is a facade provided for use by user code, not for implementation. User implementations of this interface are highly likely to be incompatible with future releases of the product at both binary and source levels.
@volantis-api-include-in InternalAPI
@author Generated from Forte @since 19-Nov-2008
To: Bob sip:duke@jcp.org
would have a display name attribute of Bob
and an address of sip:duke@jcp.org
@see SipURI
@see TelURL
@author BEA Systems, NIST
@version 1.2
This class extends {@link java.lang.Number} and implements all {@code Number} methods forconverting to primitive integer types.
An {@code Address} instance is lighter weight than most {@link Pointer}instances, and may be used when a native address needs to be stored in java, but no other operations (such as reading/writing values) need be performed on the native memory. For most cases, a {@link Pointer} offers more flexibilityand should be preferred instead.
Title: Address
Description: Domain Object describing a Address entity
Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2002-2006
$Revision: 1.1 $
License: see License.txt
Fields map to definition in TPC-C for the CUSTOMER, WAREHOUSE and DISTRICT tables. The Java names of fields do not include the C_,W_ or D_ prefixes and are in lower case.
All fields have Java bean setters and getters.
Value object representing an address.
@author Allard BuijzeBelow is the annotation that signifies this class is "prepared" under JBossAop. This is used in conjunction with a special jboss-aop.xml (supplied by JBossCache). In addition, this is JDK1.4 style, so a annoc Ant build target is needed to pre-compile it.
To use this approach, just apply this line to your pojo and run annoc (and possibly aopc).
element behaves.
Basic address class that will be associated with each class that stores an address
This will normalize the path part of the uniform resource identifier. A normalized path is one that contains no back references like "./" and "../". The normalized path will not contain the path parameters. @author Niall Gallagher
interface serves as a base class for all SNMP transport addresses. Note: This class should be moved to package org.snmp4j
in SNMP4J 2.0.
(exchange)/(routingKey)Here we also the exchange name to default to empty (so just a routing key will work if you know the queue name). @author Mark Pollack @author Mark Fisher @author Dave Syer @author Artem Bilan
This is the bottom-most interface which abstracts address access for both debugging and introspection. In the situation of debugging a target VM, these routines can throw the specified RuntimeExceptions to indicate failure and allow recovery of the debugging system. If these are used for introspecting the current VM and implementing functionality in it, however, it is expected that these kinds of failures will not occur and, in fact, a crash will occur if the situation arises where they would have been thrown.
Addresses are immutable. Further, it was decided not to expose the representation of the Address (and provide a corresponding factory method from, for example, long to Address). Unfortunately, because of the existence of C and "reuse" of low bits of pointers, it is occasionally necessary to perform logical operations like masking off the low bits of an "address". While these operations could be used to generate arbitrary Address objects, allowing this is not the intent of providing these operations.
This interface is able to fetch all Java primitive types, addresses, oops, and C integers of arbitrary size (see @see sun.jvm.hotspot.types.CIntegerType for further discussion). Note that the result of the latter is restricted to fitting into a 64-bit value and the high-order bytes will be silently discarded if too many bytes are requested.
Implementations may have restrictions, for example that the Java-related routines may not be called until a certain point in the bootstrapping process once the sizes of the Java primitive types are known. (The current implementation has that property.)
A note of warning: in C addresses, when represented as integers, are usually represented with unsigned types. Unfortunately, there are no unsigned primitive types in Java, so care will have to be taken in the implementation of this interface if using longs as the representation for 64-bit correctness. This is not so simple for the comparison operators.