Examples of AddOperationContext

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        Entry entry = createEntry( "ou=test, ou=system" );

        entry.put( "objectClass", "top", "organizationalUnit" );
        entry.put( "cn", "test" );

        AddOperationContext addContext = new AddOperationContext( null, entry );
        partition.add( addContext );

        LOG.debug( "Created new LDIF partition" );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entryMvrdn = createEntry( "dc=mvrdn+objectClass=domain,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entryMvrdn.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entryMvrdn.put( "dc", "mvrdn" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entryMvrdn );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system" ).exists() );
        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system.ldif" ).exists() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry3 = createEntry( "dc=test,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry3.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry3.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry3 );

            partition.add( addCtx );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test1,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test1" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry3 = createEntry( "dc=test2,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry3.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry3.put( "dc", "test2" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry3 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entryMvrdn = createEntry( "dc=mvrdn+objectClass=domain,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entryMvrdn.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entryMvrdn.put( "dc", "mvrdn" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entryMvrdn );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        DeleteOperationContext delCtx = new DeleteOperationContext( session );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

            // Checking the context entry
            if ( suffixDn.equals( contextEntry.getDn() ) )
                addMandatoryOpAt( contextEntry );

                super.add( new AddOperationContext( null, contextEntry ) );

                throw new LdapException( "The given LDIF file doesn't contain the context entry" );

            // Iterating on all entries
            while ( itr.hasNext() )
                Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, itr.next().getEntry() );
                addMandatoryOpAt( entry );

                super.add( new AddOperationContext( null, entry ) );

            // Closing the reader
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test1,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test1" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry3 = createEntry( "dc=test2,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry3.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry3.put( "dc", "test2" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry3 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        SearchOperationContext searchCtx = new SearchOperationContext( session );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        String rdnWithForbiddenChars = "dc=- -\\\"-%-&-(-)-*-\\+-/-:-\\;-\\<-\\>-?-[-\\5C-]-|-";
        String rdnWithEscapedChars = "dc=-%20-%22-%25-%26-%28-%29-%2a-%2b-%2f-%3a-%3b-%3c-%3e-%3f-%5b-%5c-%5d-%7c-";

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( rdnWithForbiddenChars + ",ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "objectClass", "top", "domain" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system" ).exists() );
        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system.ldif" ).exists() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        String rdnWithControlChars = "userPassword=-\u0000-\u0001-\u0002-\u0003-\u0004-\u0005-\u0006-\u0007" +
            "-\u0008-\u0009-\n-\u000B-\u000C-\r-\u000E-\u000F" +
            "-\u0010-\u0011-\u0012-\u0013-\u0014-\u0015-\u0016-\u0017" +
            "-\u0018-\u0019-\u001A-\u001B-\u001C-\u001D-\u001E-\u001F" +

        String rdnWithEscapedChars = "userpassword=-%00-%01-%02-%03-%04-%05-%06-%07-%08-%09-%0a-%0b-%0c-%0d-%0e-%0f" +

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( rdnWithControlChars + ",ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "objectClass", "top", "person" );
        entry1.put( "cn", "test" );
        entry1.put( "sn", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system" ).exists() );
        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system.ldif" ).exists() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService( 1 );
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        CoreSession session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal( schemaManager, adminDn,
            AuthenticationLevel.STRONG ),
            directoryService );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( session );

        Entry childEntry1 = createEntry( "dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );
        childEntry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        childEntry1.put( "dc", "child1" );
        addCtx.setEntry( childEntry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry childEntry2 = createEntry( "dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" );
        childEntry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        childEntry2.put( "dc", "child2" );
        addCtx.setEntry( childEntry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry grandChild11 = createEntry( "dc=grandChild11,dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );
        grandChild11.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        grandChild11.put( "dc", "grandChild11" );
        addCtx.setEntry( grandChild11 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry grandChild12 = createEntry( "dc=grandChild12,dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );
        grandChild12.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        grandChild12.put( "dc", "grandChild12" );
        addCtx.setEntry( grandChild12 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry greatGrandChild111 = createEntry( "dc=greatGrandChild111,dc=grandChild11,dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );
        greatGrandChild111.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        greatGrandChild111.put( "dc", "greatGrandChild111" );
        addCtx.setEntry( greatGrandChild111 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system" ).exists() );
        assertTrue( new File( wkdir, "ou=test,ou=system.ldif" ).exists() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.context.AddOperationContext

     * @param target
    protected void doAddOperation( Dn target, Entry entry ) throws Exception
        // setup the op context and populate with request controls
        AddOperationContext opCtx = new AddOperationContext( session, entry );

        opCtx.addRequestControls( convertControls( true, requestControls ) );

        // Inject the referral handling into the operation context
        injectReferralControl( opCtx );

        // execute add operation
        OperationManager operationManager = service.getOperationManager();
        operationManager.add( opCtx );

        // clear the request controls and set the response controls
        requestControls = EMPTY_CONTROLS;
        responseControls = JndiUtils.toJndiControls( getDirectoryService().getLdapCodecService(),
            opCtx.getResponseControls() );
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